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2009 D. Špelda: Proměny historiografie vědy. [Changes of the Historiography of Science.] Praha: Filosofia. 346 pp. ISBN 978-80-7007-310-0. The central theme of this work is the changes in the methodology of the historiography of science. The book describes the history of the historiography of science as an autonomous discipline since its beginnings in the 17th century, focusing above all on changes in its approach to the history of science. The exposition of these changes is grounded in the assumption that there are four main methodological stances in the historiography of science: anachronic, diachronic, internalistic and externalistic. The main thesis of the study is that, from the methodological point of view, it is possible to understand the history of the historiography of science as a transition from anachronic internalism to diachronic externalism.
K. Berka, J. Chotaš, Z. Masopust, M. Barabas: [Překlad] [Translation] Leviathan aneb látka, forma a moc státu církevního a politického. [Leviathan, Or The Matter, Form, and Power of A Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil.] Praha: OIKOYMENH. 513 pp. ISBN 978-80-7298-106-9 J. Chotaš a M. Barabas in collaboration with Z. Masopust completely revised the translation of the late K. Berka and J. Chotas prepared it for publication. The translation is a completely new translation (after 70 years) of this foundational text of modern political theory, more generally of modern English philosophy. The translation includes for the first time the complete English text of 1651 as well as a comprehensive index. Tin view of the scope and importance of the work, which covers philosophy of mind, language, epistemology and theory of motivation and value, the nature of the individual and society, sovereignty, stability of political order and peace, as well as the relation between secular and religious power, the translators sought to render not only a faithful and philosophically informed translation but one which they hoped would lay foundations for future translations of British philosophical texts. 2008 J. Kuneš: Kant a otázka subjektu. [Kant and the Question of the Subject.] Praha: Karolinum. 103 pp. ISBN 978-80-246-1402-1. The book offers a systematic and historically informed interpretation of Kant’s conception of the subject. It discusses the issue within the context of today’s lively and highly complex scholarly discussion of Kant’s philosophy as well as in the light philosophical discussion of Kant by thinkers in both the analytic tradition (e.g. Sellars, McDowell and Brandom), and in the phenomenological, Heidegger-influenced tradition. The main issue of the book is the meaning of the subject in respect both to our world-view and to our self-consciousness in its relation to our self-knowledge as a person. Kuneš connects his thinking to the interpretation developed in J. Karásek: Das Andere seiner selbst. [The Other of Itself.] in: K. Vieweg (ed.), Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes: ein kooperativer Kommentar zu einem Schlüsselwerk der Moderne. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, pp. 253-269. ISBN 978-3-518-29476-5. The article which tries to identify the logical moments in Hegel's theory of recognition, is part of the cooperative commentary to Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, which consists of contributions from the leading Hegel scholars (among others Hans Friedrich Fulda, Axel Honneth, John McDowell, Terry Pinkard, Robert Pippin and Ludwig Siep) in the world. P. Glombíček, J. Hill, et al.: George Berkeley: Průvodce jeho filosofií. [George Berkeley: Guide to his Philosophy]. Praha: Filosofia. 360 pp. ISBN 978-80-7007-277-6 P. Glombíček a J. Hill edited the book and prepared it for publication. Other members of the Department contributed to it. The aim of this collection of essays by scholars from the Czech Republic, Britain, France and USA is to address the main issues of Berkeley’s philosophical work. In view of the fact that Irish philosopher is virtually unknown in this country—this is the first book dedicated to his work—the editors were seeking to not only contribute to the discussion of Berkeley’s work, but to also present it as fully as possible to the Czech public.
J. Kuneš, M. Vrabec, et al.: Filosofický pojem světa od novověku po dnešek [The Conception of the World in Modern Philosophy], Filosofia, Praha. 416 pp. ISBN 978-80-7007-296-7 J. Kuneš co-edited the book and prepared it for publication. Other members of the Department contributed to it. The individual chapters of the book consider the transformations of the conception of the world in modern philosophy. Particular attention is paid to Descartes, Kant, Kierkegaard and Heidegger, as well as to German Idealism, Romanticism and phenomenology.
J. Karásek: [Překlad.] [Translation.] Johann Gottlieb Fichte: O pojmu vědosloví: Druhý úvod do vědosloví, Pokus o nové podání vědosloví. [Johann Gottlieb Fichte: On a Concept of Wissenschaftslehre. Second Introduction to Wissenschaftslehre. An Attempt at a New Presentation of Wissenschaftslehre.] Praha : Filosofia. 134 pp. ISBN 978-80-7007-280-6. J. Karásek is the sole translator. The book is a translation of three texts by Fichte, which are essential for the understanding of his conception of the Wissenschaftslehre. 2007 T. Marvan, J. Hvorecký (eds.): Základní pojmy filosofie jazyka a mysli. [Philosophy of Language and Mind: Basic Concepts.] Nymburk: Nakladatelství O.P.S. 236 pp. ISBN 978-80-903773-3-2.
T. Marvan was one of the two editors, the author and co-author of a large number of entries. Other members of the Department contributed. The work is the first comprehensive dictionary of analytical philosophy of language and mind in the Czech language. It contains more than eighty entries written by the Czech philosophers working in the field. J. Kuneš, M. Vrabec (eds.): Místo fenomenologie ducha v současném myšlení. K dvoustému výročí Hegelovy Fenomenologie ducha. [The Place of the Phenomenology of Spirit in Contemporary Thought: Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit 200 Years on.] Praha: Argo. 318 pp. ISBN 978-80-257-0003-7. J. Kuneš co-edited the volume and prepared it for publication. Other members of other members of the Department contributed to it. The book focuses on central themes of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and on the current reception of the work. It contains contributions from the majority of contemporary Hegelian scholars in the J. Karásek, J. Chotaš (eds.): Fichtova teorie subjektivity. [Fichte’s Theory of Subjectivity.] Praha : OIKOYMENH. 147 pp. ISBN 978-80-7298-286-8. J. Chotaš and J. Karásek selected and together with other members of the Department translated the texts, and prepared the book for publication. The book contains a number of seminal articles by renowned Fichte scholars, tracing the development and transformations of Fichte’s theory of subjectivity. Among the authors are D. Henrich, J.-P. Mittmann, U. Pothast, J. Stolzenberg, H.-P. Falk a J. Chotaš, J. Karásek (eds.): Hegelova dialektika. [Hegel's Dialectics.] Praha: OIKOYMENH. 126 pp. ISBN 978-80-7298-264-6 J. Chotaš and J. Karásek selected and together with other members of the Department translated the texts, and prepared the book for publication. The book contains translations of key articles by renowned Hegel scholars (H. F. Fulda, D. Henrich, W. Wieland a H.-G. Gadamer), describing the essential features of Hegel’s dialectical method and its application to epistemology and to social theory. It is intended for scholars working on Hegel as well as university students. 2006 J. Hill: Locke's Account of Cohesion and its Philosophical Significance. [Lockův výklad koheze hmoty a jeho filosofický význam.] in: P. Anstey (ed.), John Locke: Critical Assessments, II.3. Oxford: Routledge, p. 145-165. The article is part of the prestigous collection of essays which seeks to offer an authoritative statement of contemporary Locke scholarship. J. Kuneš, J. Karásek, I. Landa (eds.): Hegels Einleitung in die Phänomenologie des Geistes. [Hegel’s Introduction to the Phenomenology of Spirit.] Würzburg: Königshausen&Neumann. 258 pp. ISBN 3-8260-3309-4. J. Kuneš, J. Karásek and I. Landa compiled the book and prepared it for publication. The book consists of contributions from Czech, German and Spanish scholars to the ‘Introduction’ of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. It is in the ‘Introduction’ that Hegel presents not only the overall theses and objectives of his work, but also its philosophical or methodological points of departure. What’s more, the ‘Introduction’ is one of the few texts in which Hegel defines his overall conception of philosophy. Despite this, there has been no full-length book devoted to this crucial text. The aim of the authors was to fill this gap in Hegelian scholarship, The book appeared on the eve of the 200th anniversary of the publication of the Phenomenology of Spirit. T. Marvan (ed.): What Determines Content? The Internalism/Externalism Dispute. [Co určuje obsah? Debata internalismus/externalismus.] T. Marvan compiled the book and prepared it for publication The book consists of 14 articles by distinguished philosophers, from the Czech Republic, Britain, Germany and Sweden. The individual contributions and the book as a whole address the current internalism / externalism debate in the philosophy of language and mind and seek to demonstrate its philosophical significance and fruitfulness on a wide range of issues. The objective of the book is to contribute to the ongoing debate, it also hopes to open it to those not yet acquainted with it. T. Marvan, L. Dostálová, L. (eds.): W. V. Quine: Vybrané články k ontologii a epistemologii. [W.W. Quine: Selected Papers in Ontology and Epistemology.] T. Marvan together with L. Dostálová put selected and translated the articles and prepared the book for publication. The collection comprises six pivotal essays by W. V. O. Quine, one of the key philosophers of the 20th century, and an introductory survey by T. Marvan. P. Glombíček, J. Kuneš, (eds.): Cogito, ergo sum. Praha: Filosofia. 177 pp. ISBN 80-7007-232-6. P. Glombíček a J. Kuneš selected and translated the texts and prepared the book for publication. The volume consists of translations of pivotal secondary texts devoted to the first principle of Descartes’ philosophy, i.e. cogito ergo sum. The articles [by e.g. W. Röd, J. Hintikka, P. J. Markie a J.-L. P. Glombíček, (ed.): Soukromý jazyk, pravidla a Wittgenstein. [Private Language, Rules and Wittgenstein.] Praha : Filosofia. 283 pp. ISBN 80-7007-248-2. P. Glombíček selected and together with other members of the Department translated the texts, and prepared the book for publication. The book is a collection of classical articles on private language, concentrating on the broader argument concerning rule-following. The chosen authors are Rush Rhees, Alfred Ayer, John McDowell, Crispin Wright and Cora Diamond. The editor wrote the introduction. The book is intended for philosophers working on Wittgenstein as well as for university students. 2005 P. Glombíček, J. Hill (eds.): Filosofický časopis. Vol. 53/1, 150 pp. P. Glombíček and J Hill compiled the issue and prepared it for publication. Other members of the Department contributed to the issue. The special issue of the journal Filosofický časopis seeks to introduce Locke’s philosophy to the Czech philosophical public as well as to help those already working on it. The articles place particular emphasis on Locke’s epistemology, political thought and theology. P. Glombíček: [Překlad.]. [Translation.] [Wittgenstein, L.: The Blue and Brown Books. Preliminary Studies for the "Philosophical Investigations". Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Malden, Oxford, Carlton 2005. / Das Blaue Buch. Eine Philosophische Betrachtung (Das Braune Buch). Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M.]. Modrá a Hnědá kniha. Praha : Filosofia. 265 pp. ISBN 80-7007-237-7. P. Glombíček was the sole translator of this work. A translation of two extensive texts by Ludwig Wittgenstein, based on his Cambridge lecture courses in 1933-34. The books were the only source for Wittgenstein’s contemporaries eager to learn more about author’s post-Tractatus work. Wittgenstein here presents for the first time his new approach to theory of meaning, his conception of rule-following, of language games etc. The texts are unique in their form too, in that they are not a series of short remarks, but a more continuous and accessible exposition. The translation from English is augmented by footnotes marking more significant discrepancies between English and German texts. J. Chotaš, J. Karásek (eds.): Kantův kategorický imperativ. [Kant’s Categorical Imperative.] Praha: OIKOYMENH. 149 pp. ISBN 80-7298-096-3 J. Chotaš a J. Karásek selected and translated the texts and prepared the volume for publication. The book contains translations of pivotal texts in contemporary interpretation of Kant’s principle of morality. The texts by leading Kantian scholars [e.g. O. Höffe, D. Henrich, A. Reath a J. Ebbinghaus, Ch. Korsgaard] is divided into three thematic groups: Kant’s principle of morality is elucidated as a criterion of moral action, as motive for its realization and as principle to be used for deriving specific duties. The book is intended for philosophers working on Kant's ethics as well as for university students. 2004 J. Karásek: KANTOVA ANALOGIE ESTETICKÉ ZKUŠENOSTI [KANT’S ANALOGY OF AESTHETICAL EXPERIENCE]. Monograph in Czech. Filosofia. M. Heidegger: FENOMENOLOGICKÁ INTERPRETACE KANTOVY KRITIKY ČISTÉHO ROZUMU [Phenomenological interpretation of Kant’s Critique of pure reason], Translated into Czech by J. Kuneš. OIKOYMENH.
W. Röd: DĚJINY NOVOVĚKÉ FILOSOFIE, SV. I A II [The History of modern philosophy, vols. I and II], Translated into Czech by J. Karásek. OIKOYMENH.
D. Davidson: SUBJEKTIVITA, INTERSUBJEKTIVITA, OBJEKTIVITA [Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective] Translated into Czech by J. Kolář a T. Marvan. Filosofia.
G. Patzig: JAK JSOU MOŽNÉ SYNTETICKÉ SOUDY A PRIORI? [How are the synthetic a priori judgements possible?], Translated into Czech by J. Kuneš. Filosofia.
R. Descartes (et alii) MEDITACE A NÁMITKY K MEDITACÍM [Meditations on the first philosophy and the objections] Translated into Czech by P. Glombíček, T. Marvan a P. Zavadil. OIKOYMENH.
DEDUKCE, KATEGORIE, SEBEVĚDOMÍ [DEDUCTION, CATEGORIES, SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS] Edited by J. Karásek a J. Chotaš. OIKOYMENH 2002 A collection of papers on the structure and aims of the controversial Deduction chapter of the first Critique. (H. Allison, M. Baum, K. Cramer, D. Henrich, B. Thöle and others).
Immanuel Kant: KRITIKA ČISTÉHO ROZUMU [Critique of pure reason], Translated into Czech by J. Loužil, in cooperation with J. Chotaš and I. Chvatík. OIKOYMENH.
W. Weischedel: SKEPTICKÁ ETIKA [Sceptical ethics], Translated into Czech by Jindřich Karásek. OIKOYMENH.
R. Descartes: PRINCIPY FILOSOFIE. VÝBOR [The Principles Of Philosophy. An Abridged Version]. Translated into Czech by P. Glombíček a T. Marvan. Filosofia . Konec formuláře |