Structure of the Late Bronze Age Settlement Area
dr. L. Jiráň, CSc (co-operator, main director: P. Vařeka, Dr.- University of Pilsen, 404/01/1407), 2001-2002
This project focuses on the internal structure investigation of the Knovíz - Culture settlement in Praha (Prague) 10 - Hostivař, which has been chosen due to the exceptionally well preserved stratigraphy of a series of cultural layers preserved underneath natural accumulations. The representative sample of this site is a result of the excavation conducted in 1999. The analysis is concerning mainly stratigraphic, spatial, functional and other aspects of the archaeological data, results of which will be subsequently verified using the statistical methods and transformed into the GIS images. The settlement structure is going to be examined in three levels: the settlement area level, the habitation area level and level of "microareas". The model of settlement structures, based on results of the aforementioned analysis, will be compared with the data recovered from other contemporary sites in wider Central European context. The project will also focus on the analysis of both the production and consumption within the respective community, as reflected in the archaeological data, built environment analysis, and the waist disposing strategy reconstruction. A special importance will be paid for the exceptionally well preserved production features the analysis of which would contribute substantially to our knowledge of the Late Bronze Age pyrotechnologies. The reconstruction of the natural environment and the reconstruction of the contemporary settlement within the microregion will create the backround for the research of this site.