

John Rawls

The Law of Peoples
Právo národů

Publishing House Filosofia
Prague, 2009

Erazim Kohák

Heart and Horizon:
Cultural Identity and Global Humanity in Czech Philosophy

Publishing House Filosofia
Prague, 2008
245 pages, ISBN 978-80-7007-285-1
An assesment of two centuries of modern Czech national identity, with emphasis on philosophic thought and historic deed.

Marek Hrubec et al.

Social Criticism in the Era of Globalization
An Elimination of Social-Economic Inequalities and Conflicts

Publishing House Filosofia, series Philosophy and Social Science, Volume 30
Prague, 2008
482 pages, ISBN 978-80-7007-286-8

Marek Hrubec (ed.)
Intercultural Dialogue about Human Rights
Western, Islamic and Confucian Perspectives
Interkulturní dialog o lidských právech
Západní, islámské a konfuciánské perspektivy

Publishing House Filosofia, series Philosophy and Social Science, Volume 28
Prague, 2008

492 pages, ISBN 978-80-7007-282-00

Axel Honneth (ed.)


Paradoxes of the Contemporary Capitalism


Zbavovat se svéprávnosti. Paradoxy současného kapitalismu

Publishing House Filosofia, series Philosophy and Social Science, Volume 27

Prague, November 2007

334 pages, ISBN 978-80-7007-269-1

Philippe Van Parijs, Marek Hrubec, Martin Brabec et al.

Universal Basic Income


Všeobecný základní příjem

Publishing House Filosofia, series Philosophy and Social Science, Volume 26
Prague, October 2007
202 pages, ISBN 978-80-7007-259-2

Jiří Přibáň

A Legal Symbolism. On Law, Time and the European Identity


Právní symbolismus. O právu, času a evropské identitě.

Publishing House Filosofia, series Philosophy and Social Science, Volume 25

Prague, September 2007
274 pages, ISBN 978-80-7007-266-0

Alessandro Ferrara

A Need of Judgment? The European and Cosmopolitan Questions.

Nedostatek soudnosti? Evropská a kosmopolitní otázka.

Publishing House Filosofia, series Philosophy and Social Science, Volume 24

Prague, August 2007
138 pages, ISBN 978-80-7007-257-8

Pavel Barša

Power and Reason. A Dispute between Realism and Idealism in the Modern Political Thought

Síla a rozum. Spor realismu s idealismem v moderním politickém myšlení.

Publishing House Filosofia, series Philosophy and Social Science, Volume 23

Prague, July 2007
430 pages, ISBN 978-80-7007-256-1


Nancy Fraser

A Stretching of Radical Imagination. The Global Redistribution, Recognition and Representation


Rozvíjení radikální imaginace. Globální přerozdělování, uznání a reprezentace.

Publishing House Filosofia, series Philosophy and Social Science, Volume 22

Prague, May 2007
184 pages, ISBN 978-80-7007-251-6




Hans Herbert Kögler


Culture, Critique, Dialogue


Kultura, kritika, dialog


Publishing House Filosofia, Series Philosophy and Social Science

 Prague, December 2006

 190 pages.


H. H. Kögler, professor at the University of North Florida, offers an illuminating analysis of the contemporary issues (a crisis of identity, a cosmopolitan public sphere, an interpretative and intercultural dialogue, etc.) from the point of view of his theory which originally connects philosophical hermeneutics with the Critical theory.




Martin Beck Matuštík


An Anxiety of the Time


Neklid doby


Publishing House Filosofia, Series Philosophy and Social Science

 Prague, November 2006

 176 pages.


M. B. Matuštík, a visiting professor in the Institute of Philosophy at the Academy of Sciences in the Czech Republic (the academic year 2005-2006), professor of philosophy at Purdue University, USA.


M. B. Matuštík’s book, An Anxiety of the Time, contains philosophical essays about the harm and other contemporary anxieties. It focuses critically on the civilization crisis of our time, and analyses the problem of memory and history, the struggle of cultures, the radical harm, and the looking for a global hope.




G. A. Cohen


An Illusion of Liberal Justice


Iluze liberální spravedlnosti


Publishing House Filosofia, Series Philosophy and Social Science

 Prague, October 2006

 182 pages


Key words: liberalism, justice, discussion


G. A. Cohen, professor at the University Oxford, contributes to the criticism of John Rawls’s theory of justice, and offers his own socialist perspective of justice. He dares to open the sensitive and delicate issues which most of the authors leave aside.





Frank Michelman, Alessandro Ferrara


A Polemics on Constitution


Polemika o ústavě


Publishing House Filosofia, Series Philosophy and Social Science

 Prague, May 2006

 135 pages


Key words: constitution, legislation, human rights



The book enables a deeper understanding of disputes about the founding of constitution. It deals also with related issues: human rights, democracy, etc. The authors of the book are professor Frank Michelman (Harvard University) and professor Alessandro Ferrara (University of Roma – Tor Vergata, Rome).



 Marek Hrubec (ed.)

Globální spravedlnost a demokracie


Global Justice and Democracy


Publishing House Filosofia,

Series Philosophy and Social Science.

368 pages.


An international collection of papers throws new light on justice and democracy in the contemporary age of global interdependences and conflicts. Papers analyse various kinds of justification and possible development of global justice. They bring out the questionable implications of globalisation for democracy. The book provides also a critical examination of problems of techno-culture which is the context of contemporary global processes. It will be illuminating for academics and students of political philosophy, international relations, political science, and sociology.


Contributors from the Czech Republic, Germany, Luxemburg, Mexico, USA, and Canada:


Hubertus Buchstein, Ondřej Císař, Jodi Dean, Jason D. Hill,

Marek Hrubec, Erazim Kohák, Stanislav Komárek, María Pía Lara, Jiří Loudín,

Tatiana Machalová, Jari Niemi, Jaroslav Salač, Oleg Suša, Josef Velek.