Analytical transmission electron microscope

The FEI Tecnai X-Twin F20 is a highly advanced, state-of-the-art 200 kV scanning transmission electron microscope (S/TEM) equipped with a field emission system. The accessories fitted onto these systems includes STEM-HAADF, two CCD cameras, EDX and EFTEM/EELS. The advantages of a field emission system are its better coherence and higher brightness. As a benefit resolution in TEM (information limit) and STEM mode are expanded and a much higher current can be delivered into a fine probe giving access to microanalysis with sub-nanometer spatial resolution.

Accelerating voltage: 20 - 200 kV
Resolution: 0.102 nm (lattice), 0.25 nm (point to point), 0.18 nm (STEM-HAADF)
EDS solid angle: 0.3 srad
EFTEM/EELS: post-column energy filter GATAN Quantum
Electron gun: Schottky field emitter (FEG)
Maximum tilt angle with double-tilt holder: ±30°


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