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High resolution scanning electron microscope (FESEM)
combined with focus ion beam (FIB) FEI Quanta 3D
FEG and extensive accessories (EDS, EBSD, GIS, etc.) is fully
equipped workstation for 2D and 3D microscopy,
nanomachining and MEMS prototyping. Advanced materials characterisation
includes 3D crystallographic maps More >>
Conventional transmission electron microscope
Transmission electron microscope (TEM) Jeol 1200FX is used for
conventional electron microscopy techniques (i.e. studying of lattice
defects and diffraction patterns) and dynamic experiments. The
system operates at maximum accelerating voltage of 120 kV and is
equipped with CCD camera, software and two home-designed
holders for in-situ experiments (double tilt straining holder and single More >>
Analytical transmission electron microscope
The FEI Tecnai X-Twin F20 is a highly advanced, state-of-the-art
200 kV scanning transmission electron microscope (S/TEM)
equipped with a field emission system. The accessories fitted onto
these systems includes STEM-HAADF, two CCD cameras, EDX
and EFTEM/EELS. The advantages of a field emission system are its
better coherence and higher brightness. As a benefit resolution in
TEM (information limit) and STEM More >>
Inverted light microscope
Inverted light microscope Zeiss AxioObserver D1m is a
high-performance instrument for microstructural analysis, particle
measurement, grain sizing and other applications in materials
research. The microscope offers many relevant methods in reflected light at
magnifications from 50x to 1000x. System automatically reads which objective
More >>
Microhardness tester
Struers Duramin-2 is microprocessor-controlled device for
Vickers microhardness testing. The tester has a range of nine
loads, from 10 g to 2 kg, which can be selected by automatic
load-changing mechanism. Automatic switching between indenter
and objective lens and LCD touch panel allow to perform
microhardness tests reliably, efficiently and reproducibly on metallic
and non-metallic materials. More >>
Electromechanical testing system Instron 5882
Electromechanical testing system Instron 5882 is used for accurate
characterization of various mechanical properties. Advanced
electronic provides precise control via PC and fast data acquisition
(up to 5kHz) from all channels (crosshead, loading cell and
extensometer(s)). The system is equipped for tensile testing,
compression testing and bending, and More >>
Optical Floating Zone Furnace
Optical Floating Zone Furnace has a wide range of applications
comprising oriented single, bi and tri crystals growth, study of phase
diagrams, directional solidification, zone refining and “contactless”
melting. In this process the source of light is focused on the sample
resulting in local heating and melting. The furnace is equipped with
four 3 kW Xenon lamps and four ellipsoidal mirrors which enable to
achieve extremely stable and uniform temperature More >>