Česká verze English version

Journal for popularization of biology, founded in 1853 by J.E. Purkyně

Total–area Soil Treatment in Forests and Its Consequences for Biodiversity

Čížek L., Roleček J., Danihelka J.

p. 266-268
Technological development supports forest management intensification. One popular measure is special total–area forest soil management, when in a woodland clearing stumps and remnants left behind by logging are crushed by a rotary cultivator into small pieces, which are subsequently incorporated into the soil. The treatment fundamentally affects the species diversity of vegetation and invertebrates, particularly saprophytic insects. In addition, it causes the spread of invasive and nitrophilous ruderal plant species. For many animals, woodland clearings are the main or the only habitat where they can survive. Therefore this measure should be prohibited in any protected site or area. Surprisingly, however, it has been applied in the Lower Morava UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

p. 266

© M. Hrouzek

© M. Hrouzek