Publikace IAPWS

Kniha Hydrothermal Experimental Data

Eds: V.M.Vallyasko et al.
Vydavatel: 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Print ISBN: 9780470094655       Online ISBN: 9780470094679

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Kniha „ATLAS“, sponzorovaná asociací IAPWS

Aqueous Systems at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures:
Physical Chemistry in Water, Steam and Hydrothermal Solutions
vydal 5. července 2004 Elsevier.
Eds: D.A. Palmer, R. Fernández-Prini, A.H. Harvey
Elsevier, 2004;     Hardbound, 752 str.       ISBN: 0-12-544461-3
Cena: EUR 180, USD 180, GPB 119,95

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D. A. Palmer, R. Fernández-Prini and A. H. Harvey (Editors)
Foreword: E.U. Franck
Chapter 1: Physical Properties of Water (A.H. Harvey and D. G. Friend)
Chapter 2: Near-Critical Behavior of Aqueous Systems. (M. A. Anisimov, J. V. Sengers and J. M. H. Levelt Sengers).
Chapter 3: Aqueous Solubility of Volatile Nonelectrolytes. (R. Fernández-Prini, J. L. Alvarez and A. H. Harvey).
Chapter 4: Calculation of Standard Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Electrolytes and
Nonelectrolytes.(V. Majer, J. Sedlbauer, and R. H. Wood).
Chapter 5: Hydrothermal Solution Structure: Experiments and Computer Simulations. (T. M. Seward and T. Driesner)
Chapter 6: Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium Involving Aqueous, Binary Nonelectrolytes. (D. G. Friend, A. H. Harvey, S. L. Marshall and J. G. Blencoe).
Chapter 7: Binary Homogeneous Nucleation in Selected Aqueous Vapor Mixtures. F. Maršík, J. Hrubý, P. Demo, Z. Kozíšek, V. Petr, and M. Kolovratník).
Chapter 8: Solute Concentration Effects on Reaction Thermodynamics in Steam Cycle Fluids.
(J. M. Simonson and M. S. Gruszkiewicz).
Chapter 9: Stable Isotope Partitioning in Aqueous and Hydrothermal Systems to Elevated Temperatures. (J. Horita and D. R. Cole).
Chapter 10: Transport Properties in High Temperature and Pressure Ionic Solutions. (H. R. Corti, L. N. Trevani and A. Anderko).
Chapter 11: Electrochemical Processes in High-Temperature Aqueous Solutions. (S. N. Lvov and D. A. Palmer).
Chapter 12: Partitioning of Electrolytes to Steam and their Solubilities in Steam. (D. A. Palmer, J. M. Simonson and J. P. Jenzen).
Chapter 13: Ionization Equilibria of Acids and Bases under Hydrothermal Conditions.(P. R. Tremaine, K. Zhang, P. Bénézeth and C. Xiao).
Chapter 14: Solubility and Surface Adsorption Characteristics of Metal Oxides. (D. J. Wesolowski, S. E. Ziemniak, L. M. Anovitz, M. L. Machesky, P. Bénézeth, and D.A. Palmer).
Chapter 15: Phase Equilibria of Water-Salt Systems at High Temperatures and Pressures. (V. M. Valyashko).
Chapter 16: Kinetics and Mechanisms of Hydrothermal Organic Reactions. (T. B. Brill and P. E. Savage).
Chapter 17: Water Chemistry in Commercial Water-Steam Cycles. (R. B. Dooley, M. Ball, A. Bursik, M. Rziha and B. Svoboda).
Chapter 18: Hydrothermal Synthesis of Ceramic Materials. (W. L. Suchanek, M. M. Lencka and R. E. Riman).

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