08.1.2010 - Journal article: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA
Spatial decisions and cognitive strategies of monkeys and humans based on abstract spatial stimuli in rotation test.
We studied the ability of monkeys to decode abstract spatial information provided in one spatial frame (computer screen) and to perform spatial choices in another spatial frame (touch panel separated from the screen). We analyzed whether they perceived the stimuli as ‘‘spatial’’ or ‘‘nonspatial,’’ and which cues they used to decode them. We compared humans to monkeys in a similar test to find out which cognitive strategy they used and whether they perceive spatial stimuli in the same way.
Nekovářová T, Nedvídek J, Klement D, Bureš J,.: Spatial decisions and cognitive strategies of monkeys and humans based on abstract spatial stimuli in rotation test.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2009; 136:15478-15482. IF=9.380
Author: tnt@biomed.cas.cz