Hlavička MÚA


Before the establishment of CSAS:

CASA Institute for the Czech Language [Ústav pro jazyk český ČAVU] (1911-1953) - study of Czech language and its history, 8 boxes, 8 books, 1906-1952, inventory list

Oriental Institute [Orientální ústav] (1922-1952) - Oriental studies, 19 boxes, 1920-1953, inventory

Club of Modern Philologists [Klub moderních filologů] (1910-1953) - philology of modern languages, 3 boxes, 3 books, 1908-1954, inventory

Prague Linguistic Circle [Pražský lingvistický kroužek] (1926-1956) - linguistics, 4 boxes, 7 books, 1928-1956, inventory list

Slavonic Institute [Slovanský ústav] (1922-1952) - Slavonic studies, 44 boxes, 31 books, 1919-1953, inventory

Society of Literary History [Literárně historická společnost] (1934-1955) - literary history, literary science, 3 boxes, 1936-1959, inventory.

After the establishment of CSAS:


CSAS Department of Foreign Languages [Katedra jazyků ČSAV] (1954-1971) - scientific research into the teaching of foreign languages, 2 boxes, 3 packages, 1954-1971, inventory (1954-1971), take-over list

CSAS Institute for the Czech Language [Ústav pro jazyk český ČSAV] (1953-1992) - study of the Czech language and its history, 15 boxes, 1948-1976, take-over list

CSAS Institute for Czech and World Literature [Ústav pro českou a světovou literaturu ČSAV] (1970-1992) - theory and history of literature, 16 boxes, 1 bundle, 1953-1967, unarranged

CSAS Institute of Foreign Languages [Kabinet cizích jazyků ČSAV] (1972-1982) - study of the lexical and grammatical aspects of languages, 27 boxes, 1972-1982, take-over list

CSAS Institute for Greek, Roman and Latin Studies [Kabinet pro studia řecká, římská a latinská ČSAV] (1952-1990) - medieval Latin studies and Byzantine studies, 36 boxes, 9 packages, 7 files, 3 containers, 1952-1980, inventory list (1952-1970), take-over list

CSAS Institute of Languages and Literature [Ústav jazyků a literatur ČSAV] (1964-1972) - comparative studies, grammar and lexicography, 25 boxes, 2 files, 1964-1971, take-over list

CSAS Institute for Modern Philology [Kabinet pro moderní filologii ČSAV] (1952 -1963) - German studies, English studies, Romance studies, Romanian, Moldavian, Spanish, 4 boxes, 1953-1963, inventory

CSAS Institute of Slavonic Studies, Brno [Ústav slavistiky ČSAV] (1988-1990) - Slavonic studies, 5 boxes, 2 books, 1988-1990, take-over list

CSAS Oriental Institute [Orientální ústav ČSAV] (1953-1992) - Oriental studies, 99 boxes, 20 packages, 1952-1980, partial inventory (1952-1972, for 53 boxes)

CSAS Slavonic Institute [Slovanský ústav ČSAV] (1953-1963) - Slavonic studies, history, archeology, 25 boxes, 1 package, 1953-1963, inventory


Circle of Modern Philologists affiliated to CSAS [Kruh moderních filologů při ČSAV] (1953-1992) - philology of modern languages, 5 boxes, 1955-1973, inventory

CSAS Scientific Board of Linguistics [Vědecké kolegium jazykovědy ČSAV] (1962-1992) - linguistics, 28 boxes, 1 card-file, 1965-1992, unarranged

Czechoslovak-Indian Society affiliated to CSAS [Československo-indická společnost při ČSAV] (1968-1970) - Oriental studies, Indian studies, 1 box, 1968-1970, inventory

8 th CSAS Section - Philological - Literary [Sekce VIII. - filologicko-literární] (1952-1961) - 30 boxes, 1952-1961, inventory

Society of Literary Science affiliated to CSAS [Literárněvědná společnost při ČSAV] (1956-1992) - literary history, 8 boxes, 1955-1979, inventory (for 1955-1975)

Aktualizováno: 2009-06-25       © MÚA AV ČR. Podklady, Webmaster 2006