Number of visits: 57        Start of counting: 03-11-2006        Last modification: 28-07-2010
© 2000 - 2010   Jiri Stary        Česky  English

Department of geophysics

Research workers
  • Prof. RNDr. Zdenek Kalab, CSc.
    head of the department
  • Ing. Hana Dolezalova, Ph.D.
    deputy head of the department
  • RNDr. Karel Holub, DrSc.
  • Ing. Jaromir Knejzlik, CSc.
  • Ing. Radovan Kukutsch, Ph.D.
  • Ing. Marketa Lednicka, Ph.D.
  • Prof. Ing. Karel Muller, DrSc.
  • Ing. Zdenek Rambousky
Technical staff
  • Anna Dombkova
  • Jaroslav Makovsky
  • Jana Rusajova
  • Vendula Stasova
PhD students
  • Ing. Martin Stolarik

Main research topics

Study of select physical fields and their manifestations in rock massif and observatory activity.

  • Study of seismic regime in northern part of the Moravo-Silesian Region

    First studies of given region were initiated in 1997. Monitoring of regional seismic activity, establishment of solitaire stations, identification of records and detailed interpretation of seismic events are basic activities. Obtained data is used also for study of velocity field of seismic waves on region under study and for determination of the character and properties of recorded surface waves generated by quarry blasts. Conduction of the seismic station Ostrava-Krasne Pole (OKC) which is part of the Czech Regional Seismic Network is realized in cooperation with the Geophysical Institute of AS CR, Prague and VSB- Technical University of Ostrava. In the frame of cooperation with the Institute of Physics of the Earth in Brno (IPE) the exchange of seismic data related to local tectonic events has been performed.

  • Interpretation and modeling of effect of seismicity in Karvina region

    Main aim is to explore by experiments and calculations the dynamic behaviour of technological structures and buildings that are under non-stationary dynamic loads by technical seismicity, especially by seismicity induced by mining activities in the Karvina region. Measurements at solitaire permanent stations are performed and also some short-term measurements were realized. Surface geodetic measurements for study of sinking effects during initial periods of underground mining are realized and new methods for joint interpretation of geodetic and geophysical data are developed.

  • Development of measurement methods and interpretation methodologies

    This topic results from joint research theme with prof. Lyubushin from the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (e.g. using of wavelet transform for seismological studies). Also, using of historical mine as natural laboratory for research of new methodology for geomechanical measurements is part of this topic.

Development of special instrumentation for geophysical measurements, measurements and interpretation of technical seismicity, and operation and interpretation of the geodetic and geophysical measurement for shallow depths are other activities of the department.

Important scientific achievements

  • Seismicity of northern part of the Moravo-Silesian Region

    Natural seismicity is since 1993 very low. Almost 100 local microearthquakes were detected at solitaire seismic stations of the Institute of Geonics AS CR; some of them were successfully located. In region under discussion, seismic manifestations generated by mining induced seismicity in Upper Silesian Coal Basin (both Karvina and Polish parts), Legnica-Głogow Copper District and Lubin Copper Basin are detected. For example, during year 2007 14 rockbursts from Ostrava-Karvina Coal Basin were recorded having the local magnitude span ML = 2.0- 2.8 and two were felt on the surface with macroseismic intensity I0 = 2.0.

  • Visualization and animation of a 3D regional velocity model (northern Moravia and Silesia)

    Using data from seismic refraction measurements 1D shallow velocity model was for the first time established. For the determination of velocity-depth function along a short refraction profile, the classical Wiechert-Herglotz method was used. This method seems to be a robust method of computing simple vertically inhomogeneous models of shallow structures, as far as the observed travel-time curve is sufficiently smoothed. The model is characterized by relatively low superficial velocity vP ~ 4.5 km/s which is followed by steep increase of velocity vP ~ 5.8 km/s to a depth of about 1.5 km.

    The 3D velocity model based on data collected within years 2000 - 2009 was set up by means of seismic tomography and is valid only for the territory of Northern Moravia and Silesia. The research issues from reinterpretation of data from international and local seismic field experiments, records from permanent and temporary seismic stations. Records of quarry blasts, mining induced seismic events and local microearthquakes are used. For better inspection of the calculated model within the space, special software packages were applied for the purpose of its visualization and animation.

  • Analysis of long-period microseisms

    The research of mutual link-up with long-period microseisms (T = 4-8 s) and current meteorological situation in the broad area of European continent. Observation of the microseisms amplitude level is based on long-term series of observation and their changes in dependence on the season of the year and the position of atmospheric pressure configurations above oceans and continents. First results are related to two strong windstorms Kyrill and Emma which occurred in mid-January 2007 and at the turn of February and March 2008 have already been published.

  • Surveying (geodetic measurements) in undermined area

    Observing of development of subsidence depression with a view to irregularity in movement processes and deformations that are evoked first of all by rock massif pattern is main goal. Partial goal is observing of boundary of subsidence depression with special emphasis to determination of possible next causes of slight vertical movements.

  • Wavelet decomposition of wave patterns of seismic events

    Partial aims are using of wavelet transform for signal filtrations, determination of optimal wavelet base (according minimum of optimum entropy) and optimal levels for packet decomposition. Spatial mapping to plan of the absolute values of wavelet coefficients is used for concise presentation of the decomposed signal in time-frequency domain. Analysis of long-term seismological records and multifractal analysis of long-term geomechanical measurements are partial subjects.

  • Stability study of medieval Mine Jeroným

    Distributed measurement system for evaluation of seismic load, changes of level of mine water, developing of failures in rock massif, changes of underground spaces (deformation of spaces) and changes of stress tensor in rock massif is gradually built in medieval tin mine. Today, almost 20 sensors are used. Single-board PC of seismic apparatus is used as base for control system. Transmission via GSM network enables to control system and also to transfer measured data to operative system at the Institute of Geonics. This system provides data for study of stability of mine spaces, in which new museum is planed.

  • Study of blast operations seismic effect and other vibrations generated in proximity during driving of shallow underground constructions

    Study of seismic effects that are generated by blasting operations or other manifestations of technical seismicity, which are occurring in vicinity during driving of shallow underground construction, is main goal. Vibration effects in urban areas in/above driven construction or suburban tunnel are very representative examples that illustrate urgency of research because damages of structure can occurred.

Activities in 2010

Solution of partial topic of Research Programme of the AS CR: Study of select physical fields and their manifestations in rock massif and observatory activity.

Solution of two projects of Czech Grant Foundation:

  • 105/09/1415: Study of blast operations seismic effect and other vibrations generated in proximity during driving of shallow underground constructions
  • 105/09/0089: A prognosis of time-space changes in the stability of mine cavities of industrial heritage site, Jeronym Mine at Cista

Solution of joint research theme in frame of cooperation of Russian and Czech Academies named Analysis of geophysical data using modern mathematic methods.

Organisation of 19th regional conference of seismologists, engineering geophysicist and geotechnical engineers with international participation (April 2010): New Knowledge and Measurements in Seismology, Engineering Geophysics and Geotechnics OVA'10.

Co-operation with VSB – Technical University of Ostrava: Joint scientific laboratory with Department of geotechnics and underground engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, topic Measurement and analysis of technical seismicity.

Selected publications
  • K. Holub, Z. Kalab, J. Knejzlik, J. Rusajova: Frenstat Seismic Network and Its Contribution to Observations of the Natural and Induced Seismicity on the Territory of Northern Moravia and Silesia, Acta Geodyn. Geomater., Vol. 1 (133), Prague, 2004, 59-71.
  • A.A. Lyubushin Jr., Z. Kalab, N. Castova: Application of Wavelet Analysis to the Automatic Classification of Three-Component Seismic Records. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, Vol.40, No.7, 2004, 587-593.
  • E. Hrubesova, Z. Kalab: Example of Modeling of the Mining Induced Seismicity Impact on the Building Using Numerical System Plaxis. In: Konecny, Pa. (ed): EUROCK 2005 – Impact of Human Activity on the Geological Environment, A.A.Balkema Publisher, Leiden, 2005, 213-218.
  • N. Castova, D. Horak, Z. Kalab: Description of Seismic Events using Wavelet Transform. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, Vol. 4, No. 3(2006), ©World Scientific Publishing Company, 405-414.
  • H. Dolezalova, K. Muller, P. Blaha: Analysis of Geodetic Surveying on the Margin of Subsidence Depression. Zeszyty naukove Politechniki Ślaskiej, Ser. Gornictwo z.273, Nr 1736, 2006, Gliwice, 103-112.
  • K. Holub: Rock mass response to the decline in underground coal mining. J. Min. Science, Vol. 42, No.1, 2006, 15-26.
  • K. Holub, J. Knejzlik, B. Ruzek, J. Rusajova, O. Novotny: Some Features of Seismic Waves Observed in the Territory of Moravia and Silesia. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., Vol. 3, No. 3 (143), 2006, 97-107.
  • K. Holub, J. Malek, O. Novotny, J. Rusajova, J. Valenta: Mean vertically inhomogeneous models of the uppermost crust along seismic profiles in the Ohre rift and Moravo-Silesian region. In: Transactions of the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series, 2, Vol. VI, 2006, 125-131.
  • Z. Kalab: Measurements of Seismic Vibrations Induced by Quarry Blasts at the Mostecka Basin. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej, Ser. Gornictwo z.271, Nr. 1715, Gliwice, 2006, 49-58.
  • Z. Kalab, J. Knejzlik, R. Korinek, P. Zurek: Cultural Monument Jeronym Mine, Czech Republic – Contribution to the Geomechanical Stability Assessment. Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., M-29(395), Warszawa, 2006, 137-146.
  • M. Lednicka: Historical buildings in the Ostrava and Karvina region and their seismic loads, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., 2006, M-29 (395), 147-160.
  • M. Lednicka, B. Lunackova, Z. Kalab, E. Hrubesova, R. Korinek: Contribution to Evaluation of Technical Seismicity Effect on Buildings - Case Study, Earth Sciences Research Journal (formerly Geofisica Colombiana), Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006, 7-14.
  • P. Blaha, H. Dolezalova, R. Duras, K. Muller: Resistivity changes of rock massif on the margin of subsidence depression. Gornictwo i Geologia. Zeszyt 4, c. 4. Gliwice 2007, s. 5-12. ISSN 1896-3145.
  • K. Holub: Navedennaja sejsmicnost pri dobyce uglja lavami v sachtach Cechii. Fiz.-techn. probl. razrabotki poleznych iskopajemych, Geomechanika, Rossijskaja AN, Sibir. Otdel., No. 1, 2007, 37-44.
  • K. Holub: A study of mining-induced seismicity in Czech coal mines with long- wall coal exploitation. J. Min. Science, 43, No. 1, 2007, 37-44.
  • K. Holub, J. Knejzlik, J. Rusajova: Site response investigation at the seismic station Ostrava-Krasne Pole (OKC). Acta Mont. Slovaca, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2007, 243-248.
  • K. Holub, J. Rusajova, M. Sandev: The January 2007 windstorm and its impact on microseisms observed in the Czech Republic. Meteorol. Z., Vol. 17, No. 1, 2008, 047-053.
  • Z. Kalab, J. Knejzlik, K. Holub: Decade of seismological observations in the northern part of Moravo-Silesian Region. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., Vol. 4, No. 4, (148), 2007, 43-49.
  • H. Dolezalova, K. Holub, Z. Kalab: Underground coal mining in the Karvina region and its impact on the human environment, Czech Republic. Moravian Geograph. Reports, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2008, 14-24.
  • M. Haggag, Z. Kalab, M. Lednicka: Contribution to recent seismicity evaluation in surroundings of High Dam, Aswan, Egypt. In 31st General Assembly, European Seismological Commission. Programme, Abstracts and Short Papers [CD-ROM]. Athens: Institute of Geodynamics, National Observatory of Athens, 2008. s. 130-137.
  • K. Holub: Amplitude spectra of surface waves generated by shot-hole explosions. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., Vol. 5, No. 2 (150), 2008, 123-135.
  • K. Holub, V. Petros: Some parameters of rockbursts derived from underground seismological measurements, Tectonophysics, Vol. 456, 2008, 67-73.
  • Z. Kalab, E. Hrubesova, J. Knejzlik, R. Korinek, R. Kukutsch, M. Lednicka, P. Zurek: Mine Water Movement in Shallow Medieval Mine Jeronym (Czech Republic). In: Rapantova, N. and Hrkal, Z. (Eds): Mine Water and the Environment. Proceedings of 10th International Mine Water Association Congress. Karlovy Vary. VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, 2008, 19-22.
  • Z. Kalab, J. Knejzlik, R. Korinek, R. Kukutsch, M. Lednicka, P. Zurek: Contribution to experimental geomechanical and seismological measurements in the Jeronym Mine. Acta Geomater., 2008, roc. 5, c. 2, s. 213-223. ISSN 1214-9705.
  • R. Kukutsch: Critical places at locality Cista, Jeronym Mine and their possible development. Zeszyty naukowe Politechniky Śląskiej, Ser. Gornictwo z. 286, Nr 1798, 2008, Gliwice, 441-450.
  • M. Lednicka, Z. Kalab: Evaluation of Seismic Loading of Structures in Undermined Area. In 31st General Assembly, European Seismological Commission. Programme, Abstracts and Short Papers [CD-ROM]. Athens: Institute of Geodynamics, National Observatory of Athens, 2008.
  • M. Stolarik: Modeling of Vibration Effect within Small Distances, Acta Geodyn. Geomater., Vol. 5, No. 2 (150), 2008, 137–146.
  • H. Dolezalova, V. Kajzar, K. Soucek, L. Stas: Evaluation of mining subsidence using GPS data. Acta Geodyn. et Geomater., Vol. 6, No. 3, 359-367, 2009. ISSN 1214-9705.
  • K. Holub, Z. Kalab, J. Knejzlik, J. Rusajova: Contribution of the Institute of Geonics AS CR Ostrava to seismological monitoring in Silesia and Northern Moravia. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., Vol. 6, No. 3 (155), 2009, 391-398.
  • K. Holub, P. Konecny, J. Knejzlik: Physical-mechanical properties of greywacke samples from the Jakubcovice nad Odrou quarry. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., Vol. 46, No. 1, 2009, 188-193.
  • K. Holub, J. Rusajova, M. Sandev: A comparison of the windstorms Kyrill and Emma features based on seismological and meteorological observations. Meteorol. Z., Vol. 18, No. 6, 2009, 607-614.
  • M. Stolarik, Z. Kalab: Seismological measurement: effect in small distances, Proceedings WTC 2009, Budapest, 2009, 433-434.