Colloquium aktualni
Epistemic Aspects of Many-valued Logic
Prague International Colloquium
September 13-16, 2010 Institute of Philosophy, Prague, Czech Republic
The role of the probability calculus and its generalizations in providing a formal framework for addressing traditional epistemological probabilities is well established. The aim of the colloquium is to explore the role of other calculi of uncertainty in epistemology - in particular those based on many-valued logics. Topics to be covered include
• the epistemological uses of uncertainty calculi
• the relation of fuzzy logics to the probability calculus
• epistemological interpretations of many-valued logics
• foundations of fuzzy logics and probability
• counterparts (if any) of conditionalization in fuzzy frameworks
• learning in fuzzy logics, conditionalization in probability and in fuzzy logics, calibration in probability and fuzzy logics
• vagueness as a linguistic and as an epistemic concepts
Invited speakers are Colin Howson, Peter Milne, Nick Smith and Timothy Williamson.
The colloquium follows the conference Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2010
List of papers to be presented at EAMVL 2010
Registration form
Location of the conference The conference will be held in the Institute's conference centre. The Institute's address is Jilska 1, Prague 1. (The fee for participants cross-registered with LATD 2010 is 110 euro.)
Conference fee: 170 EUR (200 EUR for late registration - after July 15)
Bank account data for payment by bank transfer: account of the Institute of Philosophy ASCR, v.v.i. at Ceska narodni banka, Prague 1, Czech Republic, IBAN: CZ61 0710 0000 0000 6932 4011 SWIFT (BIC): CNBACZPP. If possible please use EAMVL 2010 as the unique identifier (variable symbol) of your payment. Please arrange the transfer so that the transfer fees do not reduce the amount that comes to the Institute’s account.
For internal transfers within the Czech Republic the account number is 69324011/0710.
The conference fee includes conference materials, coffee breaks, and the banquet.
Organizing Committee: Timothy Childers, Ondrej Majer (Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Christian Fermüller (Technical University of Vienna)
The colloquium is part of the Collaborative Research Project Logical Models of Reasoning with Vague Information, EUROCORES programme LogICCC of the European Science Foundation .
The conference mail address is colloquium@flu.cas.cz