O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
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Technical Assistants:
Ing. Eliška Krejčí
PhD students:
MUDr. Jiří Beneš
Mgr. Barbora Šaňková
MUDr. Michal Škácha
Jarmila Svatůňková
MUDr. Radka Kočková
MUDr. Živorad Peševski

Department: Cardiovascular Morphogenesis
Head: Doc. MUDr. David Sedmera, PhD.
Contact phone/fax number: +429 296442561/+420 296442125
e-mail: dsedmerabiomed.cas.cz
Photo gallery

Main Topics:
  1. Determination of factors governing induction and patterning of cardiac conduction system
  2. Developmental mechanisms of arrhythimas
  3. Development of ventricular myocardial architecture
Research topics
  1. Molecular mechanisms of ventricular conduction systém induction (B. Sebestova). This project is testing potential signaling cascades implicated in differentiation of specialized conductive tissues from working cardiomyocytes.

  2. Developmental mechanisms of arrhythimas (J. Benes). In adult cardiology, there is a renewed interest in studying cardiac developments, since numerous pathologies such as heart failure are characterized by re-activation of fetal gene expression program. We are therefore analyzing the rat model of heart failure from this perspective as well as studying the prenatal origin of selected arrhythmias.

  3. One crucial event in transition from embryonic to fetal myocardial architecture is development of compact myocardium dependent on coronary perfusion. Failure of this process is prenatally lethal if complete, or forms the basis of non-compacted cardiomyopathy. We are trying to elucidate possible mechanisms of this process, mainly in the avian model.

  4. Role of thyroid hormones in brain and heart maturation (M. Skacha). Effects of prenatal hypothyreosis upon conduction systém maturation and synaptogenesis are studied in the rat model. The main hypothesis states that uncorrected prenatal thyroid deficit leats to subtle, but irreversible changes.


List of D. Sedmera's papers from previous employment (via PubMed)

Publications 2009 – David Sedmera
    Damon BJ, Remond MC, Bigelow MR, Trusk TC, Xie W, Perucchio R, Sedmera D, Denslow S, Thompson RP. 2009. Patterns of muscular strain in the embryonic heart wall. Dev Dyn 238:1535-1546.
    Dealmeida A, Sedmera D. 2009. Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 regulates proliferation of cardiac myocytes in normal and hypoplastic left ventricles in the developing chick. Cardiol Young 19:159-169.
    Liska F, Snajdr P, Sedova L, Seda O, Chylikova B, Slamova P, Krejci E, Sedmera D, Grim M, Krenova D, Kren V. 2009. Deletion of a conserved noncoding sequence in Plzf intron leads to Plzf down-regulation in limb bud and polydactyly in the rat. Dev Dyn 238:673-684.
    Petrovova E, Sedmera D, Lesnik F, Luptakova L. 2009a. Bendiocarb effect on liver and central nervous system in the chick embryo. J Environ Sci Health B 44:383-388.
    Petrovova E, Sedmera D, Misek I, Lesnik F, Luptakova L. 2009b. Bendiocarbamate toxicity in the chick embryo. Folia Biol (Praha) 55:61-65.
    Sedmera D. 2009. Pathways to embryonic heart failure. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 297:H1578-1579.
