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List of impacted publications in journals covered by Science Citation Index.

Year 1996.

Sorted by journal, first author, volume, and pages.
Authors of the Institute of Physiology are underlined.
Updated 6.4.2010

Antos K. - Jezek B. - Homola A. - Kubinova L. - Felkel P.
Methods for reconstruction of three-dimensional structures.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 65, 237-245, 1996
IF = 0.12(96)

Krekule I. - Kubinova L. - Karen P.
Evaluation of geometry of three-dimensional objects rendered from serial sections and IBM PC implementation of appropriate stereological methods.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 65, 247-252, 1996
IF = 0.12(96)

Kubinova L. - Janacek J. - Antos K. - Jezek B. - Indra M. - Jirak D. - Krekule I.
Application of graphical workstation SGI INDY and IBM PC to rendering and visualization of the objects captured by a confocal microscope.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 65, 253-262, 1996
IF = 0.12(96)

Kunes J. - Kohoutova M. - Zicha J.
Major histocompatibility complex in the rat and blood pressure regulation.
American Journal of Hypertension, 9(7), 675-680, 1996
IF = 2.257(96)

Zicha J. - Kunes J. - Devynck M.A.
Platelet calcium handling is different in rats with salt-dependent and spontaneous forms of genetic hypertension.
American Journal of Hypertension, 9(8), 812-818, 1996
IF = 2.257(96)

Kopecky J. - Hodny Z. - Rossmeisl M. - Syrovy I. - Kozak L.P.
Reduction of dietary obesity in aP2-Ucp transgenic mice: physiology and adipose tissue distribution.
American Journal of Physiology, 270(5), E768-E775, 1996
IF = 3.323(96)

Kopecky J. - Rossmeisl M. - Hodny Z. - Syrovy I. - Horakova M. - Kolarova P.
Reduction of dietary obesity in aP2-Ucp transgenic mice: mechanism and adipose tissue morphology.
American Journal of Physiology, 270(5), E776-E786, 1996
IF = 3.323(96)

Travnickova Z. - Sumova A. - Peters R. - Schwarts W.J. - Illnerova H.
Photoperiod-dependent correlation between light-induced SCN c-fos expression and resetting of circadian phase.
American Journal of Physiology, 271(40), R825-R831, 1996
IF = 3.323(96)

Vaneckova I.
Harmfulness of eriophyid mites (Eriophyoidea, Acari) causing galls on trees and shrubs in the Czech Republic.
Anzeiger fur Schadlingskunde Pflanzenschutz Umweltschutz, 69(4), 81-83, 1996
IF = 0.182(96)

Save E. - Moghaddam M.
Effects of lesions of the associative parietal cortex on the acquisition and use of spatial memory in egocentric and allocentric navigation tasks in the rat.
Behavioral Neuroscience, 110(1), 74-75, 1996
IF = 2.528(96)

Bielavska E. - Roldan G.
Ipsilateral connections between the gustatory cortex, amygdala and parabrachial nucleus are necessary for asquisition and retrieval of conditioned taste aversion in rats.
Behavioural Brain Research, 81(1), 25-31, 1996
IF = 1.613(96)

Moghaddam M. - Bures J.
Contribution of egocentric spatial memory to place navigation of rats in the Morris water maze.
Behavioural Brain Research, 78(1), 121-129, 1996
IF = 1.613(96)

Tuhackova Z. - Krivanek J.
GTP, a nonsubstrate of ATP citrate lyase, is a phosphodonor for the enzyme histidine autophosphorylation.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 218(12), 61-66, 1996
IF = 2.872(96)

Svoboda P. - Unelius L. - Dicker A. - Cannon B. - Milligan G. - Nedergaard J.
Cold-induced reduction in GiO proteins in brown adipose tissue. Effects on the cellular hypersensitization to noradrenaline caused by pertussis-toxin treatment.
Biochemical Journal, 314(3), 761-768, 1996
IF = 3.687(96)

Drahota Z. - Vrbacky M. - Rauchova H. - Kalous M.
Inhibition of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase by dicarbanonaborates.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, 39(6), 1267-1273, 1996
IF = 0.582(96)

Dvorakova L. - Krusek J. - Stastny F. - Lisy V.
Relationship between kinetic properties of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and the structure of its saccharide moiety.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1292(1), 163-167, 1996
IF = 2.43(96)

Kotyk A. - Kaminek M. - Pulkrabek J. - Zahradnicek J.
Effect of in vivo and in vitro application of the cytokinin N6-(m-hydroxybenzyl) adenosine on respiration and membrane transport processes in sugar beet.
Biologia Plantarum, 38(3), 363-368, 1996
IF = 0.413(96)

Jirsa R. - Libiger J. - Mohr P. - Radil T. - Indra M.
Rhythmic finger-tapping task and fast segmentation of neural processing in schizophrenics.
Biological Psychiatry, 40, 1301-1304, 1996
IF = 2.484(96)

Kubova H. - Haugvicova R. - Mares P.
Moderate anticonvulsant action of baclofen does not change during development.
Biology of the Neonate, 69, 405-412, 1996
IF = 0.692(96)

Bacakova L. - Svorcik V. - Rybka V. - Micek I. - Hnatowicz V. - Lisa V. - Kocourek F.
Adhesion and proliferation of cultured human aortic smooth muscle cells on polystyrene implanted with N+, F+ and Ar+ ions: correlation with polymer surface polarity and carbonization.
Biomaterials, 17, 1121-1126, 1996
IF = 1.558(96)

Amler E. - Abbot A. - Malak H. - Lakowicz J. - Ball jr. W.J.
The carbohydrate moieties of the beta-subunit of Na+/K+ -ATPase: Their lateral motions and proximity to the cardiac glycoside site.
Biophysical Journal, 7(1), 182-193, 1996
IF = 4.713(96)

Dolezal V. - Lee K. - Schobert A. - Hertting G.
The influx Ca 2+ and the release of noradrenaline evoked by the stimulation of presynaptic nicotinic receptors of chick sympathetic neurons in culture are not mediated via L-, N-, or P-type calcium channels.
Brain Research, 740(1), 75-80, 1996
IF = 2.526(96)

Dolezal V. - Huang H. - Schobert A. - Hertting G.
3,4-Diaminopyridine masks the inhibition of noradrenaline from chick sympathetic neurons via presynaptic alpha2-adrenoceptors:insights into the role of N-and L-type calcium channels.
Brain Research, 721(1,2), 101-110, 1996
IF = 2.526(96)

Katsura K. - Folbergrova J. - Siesjo B.K.
Changes in labile energy metabolites, redox state and intracellular pH in postischemic brain of normo- and hyperglycemic rats.
Brain Research, 726(1), 57-63, 1996
IF = 2.526(96)

Rashidy-Pour A. - Motamedi F. - Motaghed-Larijani Z.
Effects of reversible inactivations of the medial septal area on reference and working memory versions of the Morris water maze.
Brain Research, 709(1), 131-140, 1996
IF = 2.526(96)

Sumova A. - Illnerova H.
Endogenous melatonin signal does not mediate the effect of photoperiod on the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Brain Research, 725, 281-283, 1996
IF = 2.526(96)

Sumova A. - Maywood E.S. - Selvage E.S. - Ebling F.J.P. - Hastings M.H.
Serotonergic antagonists impair arousal-induced phase shifts of the circadian system of the Syrian hamster.
Brain Research, 709(1), 88-96, 1996
IF = 2.526(96)

Vermeulen A. - Rospars J.P. - Lansky P. - Tuckwell H.C.
Coding of stimulus intensity in an olfactory receptor neuron:Role of neuron spatial extent and passive dendritic backpropagation of action potentials.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 58(3), 493-512, 1996
IF = 1.3(96)

Zicha J. - Kunes J. - Ben-Ishay D. - Devynck M.A.
Abnormal regulation of cytosolic calcium and pH in platelets of Sabra rats in early phases of salt hypertension development.
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 74, 1222-1228, 1996
IF = 1.138(96)

Sladek T. - Sladkova L. - Kolar F. - Papousek F. - Cicutti N. - Korecky B. - Rakusan K.
The effect of ATl receptor antagonist on chronic cardiac response to coronary artery ligation in rats.
Cardiovascular Research, 31, 568-576, 1996
IF = 3.263(96)

Miksik I. - Holan V. - Deyl Z.
Avian eggshell pigments and their variability.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 113B(3), 607-612, 1996
IF = 0.729(96)

Musila M. - Suta D. - Lansky P.
Computation of first passage time moments for stochastic diffusion processes modelling nerve membrane depolarization.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 49(1), 19-27, 1996
IF = 0.367(96)

Burysek L. - Houstek J.
Multifactorial induction of gene expression and nuclear localization of mouse interleukin l alpha.
Cytokine, 8(6), 460-467, 1996
IF = 2.747(96)

Kubova H. - Lanstiakova M. - Mockova M. - Mares P. - Vorlicek J.
Pharmacology of cortical epileptic afterdischarges in rats.
Epilepsia, 37(4), 336-341, 1996
IF = 2.624(96)

Veliskova J. - Velisek L. - Moshe S.L.
Age-specific effects of baclofen on pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures in developing rats.
Epilepsia, 37(8), 718-722, 1996
IF = 2.624(96)

Mares P. - Kubova H. - Haugvicova R.
Transition between two types of epileptic seizures in developing rats as a sign of progressive epileptogenesis.
Epilepsy Research, 12, 75-78, 1996
IF = 1.841(96)

Polasek R. - Kubova H. - Slamberova R. - Mares P. - Vorlicek J.
Suppresion of cortical epileptic afterdischarges in developing rats by anticonvulsants increasing GABAergic inhibition.
Epilepsy Research, 898, 177-184, 1996
IF = 1.841(96)

Schonfeld P. - Jezek P. - Belyaeva E. - Borecky J. - Slyshenkov V. - Wieckowski M. - Wojtczak L.
Photomodification of mitochondrial proteins by azido fatty acids and its effect on mitochondrial energetics.
European Journal of Biochemistry, 240(2), 387-393, 1996
IF = 3.275(96)

Vlachova V. - Zemkova H. - Vyklicky ml. L.
Copper modulation of NMDA responses in mouse and rat cultured hippocampal neurons.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 8(11), 2257-2264, 1996
IF = 4.303(96)

Proska J. - Tucek S.
Positive allosteric action of eburnamonine on cardiac muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 305, 201-205, 1996
IF = 2.339(96)

Urazaev A. - Naumenko N. - Poletayev G. - Nikolsky E. - Vyskocil F.
Nitroprusside decreases the early postdenervation depolarization of diaphramg muscle fibres of the rat.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 316, 219-222, 1996
IF = 2.339(96)

Nikolsky E.E. - Oranska T.I. - Vyskocil F.
Non-quantal acetylcholine release in the mouse diaphragm after phrenic nerve crush and during recovery.
Experimental Physiology, 81, 341-348, 1996
IF = 1.25(96)

Opekarova M. - Urbanova P. - Konopasek I. - Kvasnicka P. - Strzalka K. - Siegler K. - Amler E.
Possible nystatin-protein interaction in yeast plasma membrane vesicles in the presence of ergosterol. A Forster energy transfer study.
FEBS Letters, 386(2,3), 181-184, 1996
IF = 3.75(96)

Prior C. - Potier S. - Souciet J.L. - Sychrova H.
Characterization of the NHAl gene encoding a Na+/H+-antiporter of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
FEBS Letters, 387(1), 89-93, 1996
IF = 3.75(96)

Ruzicka M. - Borecky J. - Hanus J. - Jezek P.
Photoaffinity labelling of the mitochondrial uncoupling protein by [3H]azido fatty acid affects the anion channel.
FEBS Letters, 382(3), 239-243, 1996
IF = 3.75(96)

Kren V. - Krenova D. - Bila V. - Zdobinska M. - Zidek V. - Pravenec M.
Recombinant inbred and congenic strains for mapping of genes that are responsible for spontaneous hypertension and other risk factors of cardiovascular disease.
Folia Biologica, 42(6), 159-162, 1996
IF = 0.5(96)

Kren V. - Bila V. - Kasparek R. - Krenova D. - Pravenec M. - Rapp K.
Recombinant inbred and congenic strains of the rat for genetic analysis of limb morphogenesis.
Folia Biologica, 42(6), 163-170, 1996
IF = 0.5(96)

Pravenec M. - Kren V. - Bila V. - Krenova D. - Zdobinska M. - Kurtz T.
Genetic linkage maps of the rat derived from an intercross and recombinant inbred strains oroginating from the BN.Lx and SHR progenitors.
Folia Biologica, 42(6), 151-158, 1996
IF = 0.5(96)

Matejckova A. - Sychrova H.
Properties of Candida albicans CAN1 permease expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Folia Microbiologica, 41(1), 107-109, 1996
IF = 0.225(96)

Pacha J. - Pohlova I. - Zemanova Z.
Hypothyroidism affects the expression of electrogenic amiloride-sensitive sodium transport in rat colon.
Gastroenterology, 111, 1551-1557, 1996
IF = 9.329(96)

Dvorakova L. - Krusek J. - Stastny F. - Lisy V.
Analysis of kinetic properties of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase from rat kidney.
General Physiology and Biophysics, 15, 403-413, 1996
IF = 0.349(96)

Soukup T. - Novotova M.
Alternative strategies in muscle genotype and phenotype studies. A model of intrafusal muscle fibre type differentiation.
General Physiology and Biophysics, 15, 345-356, 1996
IF = 0.349(96)

Otsen M. - Bieman D.M. - Kuiper M. - Pravenec M. - Kren V. - Kurtz T.W.
Use of AFLP markers for gene mapping and QTL detection in the rat.
Genomics, 37(6), 289-294, 1996
IF = 3.666(96)

Philippi M. - Vyklicky st. L. - Orkand R.K.
Potassium currents in cultured glia of the frog optic nerve.
Glia, 17(1), 72-82, 1996
IF = 3.585(96)

Zemanova Z. - Pacha J.
Corticosteroid induction of renal and intestinal K+ -dependent p-nitrophenylphosphatase in young and adult rats.
Histochemical Journal, 28, 625-634, 1996
IF = 1.561(96)

Hamet P. - Kaiser M.A. - Sun Y. - Page V. - Vincent M. - Kren V. - Pravenec M. - Kunes J. - Tremblay J. - Samani N.J.
HSP27 locus cosegregates with left ventricular mass independently of blood pressure.
Hypertension, 28(6), 1112-1117, 1996
IF = 4.736(96)

Radil T. - Wysocki C.J.
Olfactory threshold tuning.
Chemical Sences, 21, 658-659, 1996
IF = 2.676(96)

Ahmad M. - Zeitlin I.J. - Parratt J.R. - Kolar F.
Kinin release from normally perfused and ischemic isolated hearts: effect of strain.
Immunopharmacology, 33, 297-298, 1996
IF = 1.761(96)

Jezek P. - Borecky J.
Inner membrane anion channel and dicarboxylate carrier in brown adipose tissue mitochondria.
International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 28(6), 659-666, 1996
IF = 1.124(96)

Vaneckova I.
Life cycles of five eriophyid mites species (Eriophyoidea, Acari) developing on trees and shrubs.
Journal of Applied Entomology, 120, 513-517, 1996
IF = 0.373(96)

Garlid K.D. - Orosz D.E. - Modriansky M. - Vasanelli S. - Jezek P.
The mechanism of fatty acid induced proton transport by mitochondrial uncoupling protein.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271(5), 2615-2620, 1996
IF = 7.452(96)

Jezek P. - Hanus J. - Semrad C. - Garlid K.D.
Photo-activated azido-fatty acid irrevirsibilly inhibits both the anion and proton transport through the mitochondrial uncoupling protein.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271(11), 6199-6205, 1996
IF = 7.452(96)

Jezek P. - Costa A.D. - Vercesi A.E.
Evidence for anion-translocating plant uncoupling mitochondrial protein in potato mitochondria.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271(51), 32743-32748, 1996
IF = 7.452(96)

Li R. - Hodny Z. - Luciakova K. - Barath P. - Nelson B.D.
Spl activates and inhibits transcription from separate elements in the proximal promoter of the human adenine nucleotide translocase 2 (ANT2) gene.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271(31), 18925-18930, 1996
IF = 7.452(96)

Bottger A. - Lith H.A. - Kren V. - Krenova D. - Bila V. - Vorlicek J. - Zidek V. - Musilova A. - Zdobinska M. - Wang J.M. - van Zutphen L.F. - Kurtz T. - Pravenec M.
Quantitative trait loci influencing cholesterol and phospholipid phenotypes map to chromosomes that contain genes regulating blood pressure in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 98(3), 856-862, 1996
IF = 9.486(96)

St.Lezin E. - Pravenec M. - Wong A. - Liu W. - Wang N. - Lu S. - Jacob H. - Roman R. - Stec D. - Wang J. - Reid I.A. - Kurtz T.
Effects of renin gene transfer on blood pressure and renin gene expression in a congenic strain of Dahl salt-resistant rats.
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 97(2), 522-527, 1996
IF = 9.486(96)

Pacha J. - Miksik I.
11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in developing rat intestine.
Journal of Endocrinology, 148, 561-566, 1996
IF = 2.565(96)

Novotna J. - Deyl Z. - Miksik I.
Capillary zone electrophoresis of collagen type I CNBr peptides in acid buffers.
Journal of Chromatography B, 681(1), 77-82, 1996
IF = 1.341(96)

Uhrova M. - Deyl Z. - Suchanek M.
Separation of common nucleotides, mono-, di- and triphosphates, by capillary electrophoresis.
Journal of Chromatography B, 681(1), 99-105, 1996
IF = 1.341(96)

Vomastova L. - Miksik I. - Deyl Z.
Microemulsion and micellar electrokinetic chromatography of steroids.
Journal of Chromatography B, 681(1), 107-113, 1996
IF = 1.341(96)

Wanders R.J.A. - Ruiter J.P.N. - Wijburg F.A. - Zeman J. - Klement P. - Houstek J.
Prenatal diagnosis of systemic disorders of the respiratory chain in cultured chorionic villus fibroblasts by study of ATP-synthesis in digitonin-permeabilized cells.
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 19, 133-136, 1996
IF = 0.779(96)

Kolinska J. - Zakostelecka M. - Hamr A. - Baudysova M.
Coordinate expression of beta-galactoside alpha 2,6-sialytransferase mRNA And enzyme activity in different media: Transcriptional induced by dexamethhasone.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 58(3), 289-297, 1996
IF = 1.503(96)

Folbergrova J. - Katsura K. - Siesjo B.K.
Glycogen accumulated in the brain following insults is not degraded during a subsequent period of ischemia.
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 137(1), 7-13, 1996
IF = 1.736(96)

Tuckwell H.C. - Rospars J.P. - Vermeulen A. - Lansky P.
Time-dependent solutions for a cable model of an olfactory receptor neuron.
Journal of theoretical Biology, 181(1), 25-31, 1996
IF = 1.11(96)

Pelouch V. - Vornanen M.
Effects of thermal acclimation on ventricle size, protein composition, and contractile properties of crucian carp heart.
Journal of Thermal Biology, 21(1), 1-9, 1996
IF = 0.697(96)

Myslivecek J. - Trojan S. - Tucek S.
Biphasic changes in the density of muscarinic and beta-adrenergic receptors in cardiac atria of rats treated with diisopropylfluorophosphate.
Life Sciences, 58(26), 2423-2430, 1996
IF = 2.352(96)

Zicha J. - Kunes J. - David-Dufilho M. - Pernollet M.G. - Devynck M.A.
Cell calcium handling and intracellular pH regulation in hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats: reduced platelet response to thrombin stimulation.
Life Sciences, 59(10), 803-813, 1996
IF = 2.352(96)

Pravenec M. - Kren V. - Wang J.M. - Bottger A. - van Zutphen L.F. - Kurtz T.W.
Linkage mapping of the carboxyl ester lipase gene (Cel) to rat chromosome 3.
Mammalian Genome, 7, 559-560, 1996
IF = 2.561(96)

Pravenec M. - Gauguier D. - Schott J. - Buard J. - Kren V. - Bila V. - Szpirer C. - Szpirer J. - Wang J.M. - Huang H. - St.Lezin E. - Spence M.A. - Flodman P. - Printz M. - Lathrop G.M. - Vergnaud G. - Kurtz T.
A genetic linkage map of the rat derived from recombinant inbdred strains.
Mammalian Genome, 7(2), 117-127, 1996
IF = 2.561(96)

Lansky P.
A stochastic model for circulatory transport in pharmocokinetics.
Mathematical Biosciences, 132, 141-167, 1996
IF = 0.883(96)

Kolar F. - Papousek F. - MacNaughton C. - Pelouch V. - Milerova M. - Korecky B.
Myocardial fibrosis and right ventricular function of heterotopically transplanted hearts in rats treated with cyclosporin.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 163/164, 253-260, 1996
IF = 1.504(96)

Pelouch V. - Kolar F. - Khuchua Z.A. - Elizarova G.V. - Milerova M. - Ostadal B. - Saks V.A.
Cardiac phosphocreatine deficiency induced by GPA during postnatal development in rat.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 163/164, 67-76, 1996
IF = 1.504(96)

Zheng L. - Wibo M. - Kolar F. - Godfraind T.
Calcium channels and cation transport ATPases in cardiac hypertrophy induced by aortic constriction in newborn rats.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 163/164(1), 23-29, 1996
IF = 1.504(96)

Svoboda P. - Kim G.D. - Grassie M.A. - Eidne K.A. - Milligan G.
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone-induced subcellular redistribution and down-regulation of G11 alpha: Analysis of agoinst regulation of coexpressed G11 alpha species variants.
Molecular Pharmacology, 49(4), 646-655, 1996
IF = 6.58(96)

Krivanek J.
Conditioned taste aversion and protein kinase C in the parabrachial nucleus of rats.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 65(17), 154-162, 1996
IF = 1.574(96)

Nerad L. - Ramirez-Amaya V. - Ormsby Ch. - Bermudez-Rattoni F.
Differential effects of anterior and posterior insular cortex lesions on the acquisition of conditioned taste aversion and spatial learning.
Neurobiology of learning and Memory, 66, 44-50, 1996
IF = 1.574(96)

Urazaev A. - Neumenko N. - Poletayev G. - Nikolsky E. - Vyskocil F.
Acetylcholine and carbachol prevent muscle depolarization in denervated rat diaphragm.
Neuroreport, 8, 13-15, 1996
IF = 2.487(96)

Francis-Turner L. - Valouskova V.
Nerve growth factor and nootropic drug Cerebrolysin but not fibroblast growth factor can reduce spatial memory impairment elicited by fimbria-fornix transection: short-term study.
Neuroscience Letters, 202(3), 193-196, 1996
IF = 2.09(96)

Kress M. - Fetzer S. - Reeh P.W. - Vyklicky st. L.
Low pH facilitetes capsaicin responses in isolated sensory neurons of the rat.
Neuroscience Letters, 211(1), 5-8, 1996
IF = 2.09(96)

Krivanek J. - Koroleva V.I.
Protein kinase C in the rat cerebral cortex during spreading depression.
Neuroscience Letters, 210(2), 79-82, 1996
IF = 2.09(96)

Skatchkov S.N. - Vyklicky st. L. - Clasen T. - Orkand R.K.
Effect of cutting the optic nerve on K+ currents in endfeet of Muller cells isolated from frog retina.
Neuroscience Letters, 208(2), 81-84, 1996
IF = 2.09(96)

Sumova A. - Illnerova H.
Melatonin instantaneously resets intrinsic circadian rhythmicity in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleous.
Neuroscience Letters, 218(3), 181-184, 1996
IF = 2.09(96)

Deyl Z. - Miksik I.
The effect of high fat diet upon the production of reactive carbonyls in hypoxic heart. The effect upon connective tissue.
Nutrition Research, 16(1), 79-90, 1996
IF = 0.638(96)

Novotna J. - Pacha J. - Heller J.
Low-protein diet decreases intestinal Na, K-ATPase.
Nutrition Research, 16(6), 991-997, 1996
IF = 0.638(96)

Bohdanecky Z. - Indra M. - Radil T.
Manual tracing efficiency contingent upon stimulus shape and performance practice.
Physiological Research, 45(2), 137-143, 1996
IF = 0.532(96)

Dobiasova M. - Frohlich J.
Measurement of fractional esterification rate of cholesterol in plasma depleted of apoprotein B containing lipoprotein: methods and normal values.
Physiological Research, 45(1), 65-73, 1996
IF = 0.532(96)

Herget J. - Pelouch V. - Kolar F. - Ostadal B.
The inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme attenuates the effects of chronin hypoxia on pulmonary blood vessels in the rat.
Physiological Research, 45(2), 221-226, 1996
IF = 0.532(96)

Kalous M. - Drahota Z.
The role of mitochondria in aging.
Physiological Research, 45(5), 351-359, 1996
IF = 0.532(96)

Maresova D. - Mares P.
The action of pramiracetam on consequences of hyporabic hypoxia in only moderate.
Physiological Research, 45(2), 245-248, 1996
IF = 0.532(96)

Mrnka L. - Novakova O. - Pelouch V. - Novak F.
Phospholipid composition in the rat heart exposed to pressure overload from birth.
Physiological Research, 45(1), 83-85, 1996
IF = 0.532(96)

Rech F. - Rohlicek V. - Schmid A.
A method of resolution improvement by the measurement of cell membrane capitance.
Physiological Research, 45(5), 421-425, 1996
IF = 0.532(96)

Svatkova R. - Cervinkova Z. - Kalous M. - Rauchova H. - Drahota Z.
Respiratory control index of mitochondria isolated from regenerating rat liver.
Physiological Research, 45(3), 249-252, 1996
IF = 0.532(96)

Vyklicky st. L. - Knotkova H.
Can sensory neurones in culture serve as a model of nociception.
Physiological Research, 45(1), 1-9, 1996
IF = 0.532(96)

Zelezna B. - Velek J. - Veselsky L. - Zicha J. - Dobesova Z. - Kunes J.
Blockade of AT1 receptors by specific antibody attenuated hypertension development in young spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Physiological Research, 45(6), 475-477, 1996
IF = 0.532(96)

Bohbot V. - Otahal P. - Liu Z. - Nadel L. - Bures J.
Electroconvulsive shock and lidocaine reveal rapid consolidation of spatial working memory in the water maze.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93(9), 4016-4019, 1996
IF = 10.244(96)

Brozek G. - Zhuravin I.A. - Megirian D. - Bures J.
Localization of the central rhythm generator involved in spontaneous consummatory licking in rats: Functional ablation and electrical brain stimulation studies.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93(7), 3325-3329, 1996
IF = 10.244(96)

Jakubik J. - Bacakova L. - Lisa V. - El-Fakahany E.E. - Tucek S.
Activation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors via their allosteric binding sites.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93(16), 8705-8709, 1996
IF = 10.244(96)

Koroleva V.I. - Bures J.
The use of spreading depression waves for acute and long-term monitoring of the penumbra zone of focal ischemic damage in rats.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93(7), 3710-3714, 1996
IF = 10.244(96)

Moghaddam M. - Kaminskij J. - Zahalka A. - Bures J.
Vestibular navigation directed by the slope of terrain.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93(7), 3439-3443, 1996
IF = 10.244(96)

Mullaney I. - Caulfield M.P. - Svoboda P. - Milligan G.
Activation, cellular redistribution and enhanced degradation of the G proteins Gq and G11 by endogenously expressed and transfected phospholipase C-coupled muscarinic m1 acetylcholine receptors.
Progress in Brain Research, 109, 181-187, 1996
IF = 1.488(96)
