Solvability of Nonlinear Singular Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations.
Hindawi, Book Series: Contemporary Mathematics and Its Applications Series Volume: 5,
ISBN: 9789774540400 (Paperback), ISBN: 9789774540967 (PDF), DOI: 10.1155/9789774540400]
Rachùnková I., Stanìk S., Tvrdý M.
Singularities and Laplacians in Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations.
In: Handbook of Differential Equations (Ordinary Differential Equations) Vol.3] pp. 605-721.
Differential and Integral Equations: Boundary Value Problems and Adjoints.
Academia and D.Reidel, Praha, 1979.
Cabada A., Cid J.A., Tvrdý M.
A generalized anti-maximum principle for the periodic one dimensional $p$-Laplacian
with sign changing potential. Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A.72 (2010), 3436-3446.
Halas Z., Tvrdý M.
Continuous dependence of solutions of generalized linear differential
equations on a parameter.
Funct. Differ. Equ.16 (2009), No. 2, 299-313.
Periodic problem with quasilinear differential operator and weak singularity.
Advanced Nonlinear Studies7 (2007), 629-649.
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Periodic singular problem with quasilinear differential operator,
Mathematica Bohemica131 (2006), 321-336.
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Second order periodic problem with phi-Laplacian and impulses.
Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A.63 (2005), e257-e266.
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Periodic problems with phi-Laplacian involving non-ordered
lower and upper functions.
Fixed Point Theory6 (2005), 99-112.
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Existence results for impulsive second order periodic problems.
Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A.59 (2004), 133-146.
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Non-Ordered Lower and Upper Functions in Second Order Impulsive
Periodic problems. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive
Systems, Ser. A Math. Anal. 12 (2005), no. 3-4, 397-415.
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
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Resonance and multiplicity in periodic booundary value problems
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Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Impulsive Periodic Boundary Value Problem and Topological
Degree. Functional Differential Equations, Israel Seminar9 (2002), No.3-4, 471-498.
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Localization of nonsmooth lower and upper functions for periodic
boundary value problems.
Mathematica Bohemica127 (2002), 531-545. (See PREPRINT.)
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M., Vrkoè I.
Existence of nonnegative and nonpositive solutions for second
order periodic boundary value problems.
Journal of Differential Equations176 (2001), 445-469. (See PREPRINT.)
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Construction of lower and upper functions and their application
to regular and singular periodic boundary value problems. Nonlinear
Analysis TMA, 47 (2001), 3937-3948. (See PREPRINT.)
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Nonlinear systems of differential inequalities and solvability
of certain nonlinear second order boundary value problems. Journal
of Inequalities and Applications6 (2001), 199-226.
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Method of lower and upper functions and the existence of
solutions to singular periodic problems for second order nonlinear differential
equations. Mathematical Notes Miskolc1(2000),
135-143. (See PREPRINT.)
Tvrdý M.
Linear boundary value problems for generalized differential
equations. Annales Mathematicae Silesiane14 (2000), 51-80.
Ligêza J., Tvrdý M.
On systems of linear algebraic equations in the Colombeau
algebra. Mathematica Bohemica124(1999), 1-14.
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(with new appendix from 2010) [PDF]
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Èasopis pro pìstování matematiky114 (1989),
Brown R. C., Tvrdý M.,
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Duality theory for linear n-th order integro-differential
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Brown R. C., Tvrdý M.
Generalized boundary value problems with abstract side
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Brown R. C., Tvrdý M.
Generalized boundary value problems with abstract side
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Boundary value problems for generalized linear differential
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Tvrdý M.
Fredholm-Stieltjes integral equations with linear constraints:
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Tvrdý M.
Note on functional-differential equations with initial functions of bounded variation.
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Tvrdý M.
Linear boundary value type problems for functional-differential
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Tvrdý M.
Boundary value problems for generalized linear integrodifferential equations with left-continuous solutions.
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Tvrdý M.
Boundary value problems for linear generalized differential
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Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal23 (98) (1973), 183-217.
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Tvrdý M., Vejvoda O.
General boundary value problem for an integrodifferential system and its adjoint II.
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Tvrdý M., Vejvoda O.
General boundary value problem for an integrodifferential system
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Vejvoda O., Tvrdý M.
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Tvrdý M.
The normal form and the stability of solutions of a system of
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Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal20 (95) (1970), 39-73.
Proceedings of International Conferences
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Method of lower and upper functions in impulsive periodic
boundary value problems. Proceedings of EQUADIFF 2003 (Hasselt,
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Tvrdý M.
Differential and integral equations with regulated solutions.
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Schwabik Š., Tvrdý M.
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Proceedings of Regional Conferences
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Lecture Notes
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Linear integral equations (in Czech). ÈSVTS, Praha,
1974, 60 pp.
Research Reports
Beneš V., Kopáèková M., Tvrdý M.
Mathematical solution of the transport equation for determining longitudinal hydrodynamic
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Jarník J., Schwabik Š., Tvrdý M., Vrkoè I.
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Jarník J., Schwabik Š., Tvrdý M., Vrkoè I.
Sixty years of Jaroslav Kurzweil. Czechoslovak
Mathematical Journal36 (111) (1986), 147-166.
Cabada A., Cid J.A., Tvrdý M.
A generalized anti-maximum principle for the periodic one dimensional $p$-Laplacian
with sign changing potential. [PDF]
(Final version published in Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A.72 (2010),
Halas Z., Tvrdý M.
Approximated Solutions of Generalized Linear Differential Equations.
Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Preprint 141 (2008)
[PDF][PDF [updated version August 2009]]
Halas Z., Tvrdý M.
Singular Periodic Impulse Problems.
Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Preprint 171 (2007)
Cabada A., Lomtatidze A., Tvrdý M.
Periodic problem with quasilinear differential operator and weak singularity.
Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Preprint 167 (2006)
[corrected and extended version from April 2, 2007].
(Final version published in Advanced Nonlinear Studies7 (2007), 4,
629-649. )
Rachùnková I., Stanìk S., Tvrdý M.
Singularities and Laplacians in Boundary Value Problems
for Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations.
Preliminary version of a chapter submitted for Handbook of Differential Equations
Ordinary Differential Equations) Vol.3]
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Second order periodic problem with phi-Laplacian and impulses.
Faculty of Science, Palacký University, Preprint 14/2004.
(Final version published in Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A.. )
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Periodic problems with phi-Laplacian involving non-ordered
lower and upper functions.
Faculty of Science, Palacký University, Preprint 2004.
(Final version published in Fixed Point Theory6 (2005), 99-112.)
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Second Order Periodic Problem with phi-Laplacian and Impulses -
Part II. Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic, Preprint 156 (2004).
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Second Order Periodic Problem with phi-Laplacian and Impulses -
Part I. Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic, Preprint 155 (2004).
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Periodic Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Second Order
Differential Equations with Impulses - Part III. Mathematical
Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Preprint 153
(Final version entitled "Existence Results for Impulsive Second Order Periodic Problems"
published in Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A.59 (2004), 133-146.)
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Periodic Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Second Order
Differential Equations with Impulses - Part II. Mathematical
Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Preprint 151
[PDF] (Final version entitled "Non-ordered Lower and
Upper Functions in Second Order Impulsive Periodic Problems" accepted to
Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems.)
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Periodic Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Second Order
Differential Equations with Impulses - Part I. Mathematical
Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Preprint 148
(Final version entitled "Nonmonotone impulse effects in second-order periodic
boundary value problems" published in
Abstract and Applied Analysis2004:7,
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Impulsive Periodic Boundary Value Problem and Topological
Degree. Faculty of Science, Palacký University, Preprint
[PDF] (Final version published in
Functional Differential Equations, Israel Seminar9 (2002), No.3-4,
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Construction of lower and upper functions and their application
to regular and singular periodic boundary value problems. Faculty
of Science, Palacký University, Preprint 19/2000.
[PDF] (Final version published in Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A.47
(2001), 3937-3948.)
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
On the construction of nonconstant lower and upper functions to
second order nonlinear periodic boundary value problems.
Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
Preprint 135 (2000). [PDF]
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M., Vrkoè I.
Existence of nonnegative and nonpositive solutions for second
order periodic boundary value problems. Mathematical Institute,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Preprint 134
[PDF] (Final version published in
Journal of Differential
Equations176 (2001), 445-469.)
Rachùnková I., Tvrdý M.
Nonsmooth lower and upper functions and solvability of certain
nonlinear second order BVP's, Faculty of Science, Palacký
University, Preprint 5/1999.
[PDF] (Final version entitled "Nonlinear systems of differential inequalities
and solvability of certain nonlinear second order boundary value problems"
published in Journal of Inequalities and
Applications6 (2001),199-226.)