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Journal for popularization of biology, founded in 1853 by J.E. Purkyně

Atmosphere–Leaf–¬Pho¬to¬synthesis–Man. How Man Changes Pho¬tosynthesis and How Photosynthesis Can Change Man I.

Šantrůček J.

Change in leaf form, the proportional enhancement of density and a decrease in the size of stomata are the evolutionary reaction of plants to the lowering of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere during the geological history. The density of stomata is a relatively reliable witness of CO2 concentration changes in the atmosphere caused by man’s activities. The correct spatial distribution and quantity of stomata corresponding to the environment in which a plant is growing involves information transfer between the atmosphere around a leaf and a cell nucleus. Other mechanisms regulating the transfer of information among plant organs have recently been revealed.

p. 7

© Photo J. Šantrůček

© Photo J. Šantrůček