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19 Jun 09 - 1 Nov 14
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O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
Vstup do intranetu
Vědečtí a výzkumní pracovníci
RNDr. Miloš Nekvasil
Ing. Andrea Dlasková, PhD.
Mgr. Martin Jabůrek, PhD.
RNDr. Jan Ježek
RNDr. Lydie Plecitá, PhD.
Mgr. Michal Růžička, PhD.
RNDr. Markéta Žáčková, PhD.

Techničtí pracovníci
Lenka Josková
Jitka Smiková

Postgraduální studenti
Lukáš Alan
Mgr. Aleš Dvořák
Mgr. Kateřina Janouchová
Mgr. Katarina Smolkova
Mgr. Jitka Šantorová
Ing. Tomáš Špaček
Ing. Jan Tauber


Oddělení: Biofyzika membránového transportu

Seznam publikací v časopisech s impaktem.

Autoři z oddělení jsou označeni červeně.
Autoři FGU podtržením jména.
Aktualizováno 6.4.2010

2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  1998  1997  1996  1995  1994  1993  


Bellance N. - Benard G. - Furt F. - Begueret H. - Smolková K. - Passerieux E. - Delage J.P. - Baste J.M. - Moreau P. - Rossignol R.
Bioenergetics of lung tumors: Alteration of mitochondrial biogenesis and respiratory kapacity.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 41(12), 2566-2577, 2009
IF = 4.178(08)

Ježek P. - Plecitá-Hlavatá L.
Mitochondrial reticulum network dynamics in relation to oxidative stress, redox regulation, and hypoxia.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 41(10), 1790-1804, 2009
IF = 4.178(08)

Plecitá-Hlavatá L. - Ježek J. - Ježek P.
Pro-oxidant mitochondrial matrix-targeted ubiquinone MitoQ10 acts as anti-oxidant at retarded electron transport or proton pumping within Complex I.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 41, 1697-1707, 2009
IF = 4.178(08)

Alán L. - Smolková K. - Kronusová E. - Šantorová J. - Ježek P.
Absolute levels of transcripts for mitochondrial uncoupling proteins UCP2, UCP3, UCP4, and UCP5 show different patterns in rat and mice tissues.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 41(1), 71-78, 2009
IF = 2.48(08)


Hlavatá L. - Nachin L. - Ježek P. - Nyström T.
Elevated Ras/protein kinase A activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae reduces proliferation rate and lifespan by two different reactive oxygen species-dependent routes.
Aging Cell, 7(2), 148-157, 2008
IF = 7.791(08)

Hlavatá L. - Lessard M. - Šantorová J. - Bewersdorf J. - Ježek P.
Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and energetic status are reflected by morphology of mitochondrial network in INS-1E and HEP-G2 cells viewed by 4Pi microscopy.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1777, 834-846, 2008
IF = 4.447(08)

Valoušková E. - Smolková K. - Šantorová J. - Ježek P. - Modrianský M.
Redistribution of cell death-inducing DNA fragmentation factor-like effecto-a (CIDE-a) from mitochondria to nucleus is associated with apoptosis in HeLa cells.
General Physiology and Biophysics, 27(2), 92-100, 2008
IF = 0.697(08)

Benard G. - Faustin B. - Galinier A. - Rocher C. - Bellance N. - Smolková K. - Casteilla L. - Rossignol R. - Letellier T.
Functional dynamic compartmentalization of respiratory chain intermediate substrates: Implications for the control of energy production and mitochondrial diseases.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 40(8), 1543-1554, 2008
IF = 4.178(08)

Dlasková A. - Hlavatá L. - Ježek J. - Ježek P.
Mitochondrial Complex I superoxide production is attenuated by uncoupling.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 40(10), 2098-2109, 2008
IF = 4.178(08)

Dlasková A. - Hlavatá L. - Ježek P.
Oxidative stress caused by blocking of mitochondrial Complex I Hplus pumping as a link in aging/disease vicious cycle.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 40(9), 1792-1805, 2008
IF = 4.178(08)

Špaček T. - Šantorová J. - Zacharovová K. - Berková Z. - Hlavatá L. - Saudek F. - Ježek P.
Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion of insulinoma INS-1E cells is associated with elevation of both respiration and mitochondrial membrane potential.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 40(8), 1522-1535, 2008
IF = 4.178(08)


Nekvasil M. - Zadinová M. - Tahotná L. - Žáčková M. - Poučková P. - Ježek P.
Optimum modality for photodynamic therapy of tumors: gels containing liposomes with hydrophobic photosensitizers.
Drug Development Research, 68(5), 235-252, 2007
IF = 0.976(07)

Beck V. - Jabůrek M. - Demina T. - Rupprecht A. - Porter R. K. - Ježek P. - Pohl E. E.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids activate human uncoupling proteins 1 and 2 in planar lipid bilayers.
FASEB Journal, 21(4), 1137-1144, 2007
IF = 6.791(07)


Costa A.D.T. - Quinlan C.L. - Andrukhiv A. - West I.C. - Jabůrek M. - Garlid K. D.
The direct physiological effects of mitoK(ATP) opening on heart mitochondria.
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 290(1), H406-H415, 2006
IF = 3.724(06)

Beck V. - Jabůrek M. - Breen E. P. - Porter R. K. - Ježek P. - Pohl E. E.
A new automated technique for the reconstitution of hydrophobic proteins into planar bilayer membranes. Studies of human recombinant uncoupling protein 1.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1757(5-6), 474-479, 2006
IF = 4.237(06)

Dlasková A. - Špaček T. - Škobisová E. - Šantorová J. - Ježek P.
Certain aspects of uncoupling due to mitochondrial uncoupling proteins in vitro and in vivo.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1757(5-6), 467-473, 2006
IF = 4.237(06)

Jabůrek M. - Costa A.D.T. - Burton J. R. - Costa C. L. - Garlid K. D.
Mitochondrial PKC epsilon and mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channel copurify and coreconstitute to form a functioning signaling module in proteoliposomes.
Circulation Research, 99(8), 878-883, 2006
IF = 9.854(06)

Ježek P. - Špaček T. - Garlid K. - Jabůrek M.
Undecanesulfonate does not allosterically activate H+ uniport mediated by uncoupling protein-1 in brown adipose tissue mitochondria.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 38(11), 1965-1974, 2006
IF = 4.804(06)

Kubrycht J. - Sigler K. - Růžička M. - Souček P. - Borecký J. - Ježek P.
Ancient Phylogenetic Beginnings of Immunoglobulin Hypermutation.
Journal of Molecular Evolution, 63, 691-706, 2006
IF = 2.767(06)


Ježek P. - Hlavatá L.
Mitochondria in homeostasis of reactive oxygen species in cell, tissues, and organism.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 37(12), 2478-2503, 2005
IF = 3.871(05)

Růžička M. - Škobisová E. - Dlasková A. - Šantorová J. - Smolková K. - Špaček T. - Žáčková M. - Modrianský M. - Ježek P.
Recruitment of mitochondrial uncoupling protein UCP2 after lipopolysaccharide induction.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 37(4), 809-821, 2005
IF = 3.871(05)

Zacharovová K. - Berková Z. - Špaček T. - Kříž J. - Dovolilová E. - Girman P. - Koblas T. - Ježek P. - Saudek F.
In vitro assessment of pancreatic islet vitality by oxymetry.
Transplantation Proceedings, 37(8), 3454-3456, 2005
IF = 0.799(05)


Pauček P. - Jabůrek M.
Kinetics and ion specificity of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange mediated by the reconstituted beef heart mitochondrial Na(+)/Ca(2+) antiporter.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1659(1), 83-91, 2004
IF = 3.503(04)

Kubrycht J. - Borecký J. - Souček P. - Ježek P.
Sequence similarities of protein kinase substrates and inhibitors with immunoglobulins and model immunoglobulin homologue: cell adhesion molecule from the living fossil sponge Geodia cydonium. Mapping of coherent database similarities and implications for evolution of CDR1 and hypermutation.
Folia Microbiologica, 49(3), 219-246, 2004
IF = 1.034(04)

Jabůrek M. - Miyamoto S. - Di Mascio P. - Garlid K.D. - Ježek P.
Hydroperoxy fatty acid cycling mediated by mitochondrial uncoupling protein UCP2.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(51), 53097-53102, 2004
IF = 6.355(04)

Ježek P. - Žáčková M. - Růžička M. - Škobisová E. - Jabůrek M.
Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins--facts and fantasies.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S199-S211, 2004
IF = 1.14(04)


Ježek P. - Ježek J.
Sequence anatomy of mitochondrial anion carriers.
FEBS Letters, 534(1-3), 15-25, 2003
IF = 3.609(03)

Urbánková E. - Hanák P. - Škobisová E. - Růžička M. - Ježek P.
Substitutional mutations in the uncoupling protein-specific sequences of mitochondrial uncoupling protein UCP1 lead to the reduction of fatty acid-induced H(+) uniport.
International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 35(2), 212-220, 2003
IF = 3.571(03)

Ježek P. - Nekvasil M. - Škobisová E. - Urbánková E. - Jirsa M. - Zadinová M. - Poučková P. - Klepáček I.
Experimental photodynamic therapy with MESO-tetrakisphenylporphyrin (TPP) in liposomes leads to disintegration of human amelanotic melanoma implanted to nude mice.
International Journal of Cancer, 103(5), 693-702, 2003
IF = 4.375(03)

Calegario F.F. - Cosso R.G. - Fagian M.M. - Almeida F.V. - Jardim W.F. - Ježek P. - Arruda P. - Vercesi A.E.
Stimulation of potato tuber respiration by cold stress is associated with an increased capacity of both plant uncoupling mitochondrial protein (PUMP) and alternative oxidase.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 35(3), 211-220, 2003
IF = 3.424(03)

Jabůrek M. - Garlid K.D.
Reconstitution of recombinant uncoupling proteins: UCP1, -2, and -3 have similar affinities for ATP and are unaffected by coenzyme Q10.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(28), 25825-25831, 2003
IF = 6.482(03)

Urbánková E. - Voltchenko A. - Pohl P. - Ježek P. - Pohl E.E.
Transport kinetics of uncoupling proteins: analysis of UCP1 reconstituted in planar lipid bilayers.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(35), 32497-32500, 2003
IF = 6.482(03)

Žáčková M. - Škobisová E. - Urbánková E. - Ježek P.
Activating omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and inhibitory purine nucleotides are high affinity ligands for novel mitochondrial uncoupling proteins UCP2 and UCP3.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(23), 20761-20769, 2003
IF = 6.482(03)


Žáčková M. - Ježek P.
Reconstitution of novel mitochondrial uncoupling proteins UCP2 and UCP3.
Bioscience Reports, 22(1), 33-46, 2002
IF = 0.728(02)

Ježek P.
Possible physiological roles of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins-UCPn.
International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 34(10), 1190-1206, 2002
IF = 3.044(02)


Garlid K.D. - Jabůrek M. - Ježek P.
Mechanism of uncoupling protein action.
Biochemical Society Transactions, 29(part 6), 803-806, 2001
IF = 1.402(01)

Ježek P. - Borecký J. - Žáčková M. - Costa A.D.T. - Arruda P.
Possible basic and specific functions of plant uncoupling proteins (pUCP).
Bioscience Reports, 21(2), 237-245, 2001
IF = 0.921(01)

Borecký J. - Maia I.G. - Costa A.D.T. - Ježek P. - Chaimovich H. - De Andrade P.B.M. - Vercesi A.E. - Arruda P.
Functional reconstitution of Arabidopsis thaliana plant uncoupling mitochondrial protein (AtPUMP1) expressed in Escherichia coli.
FEBS Letters, 505(2), 240-244, 2001
IF = 3.644(01)

Hanák P. - Ježek P.
Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins and phylogenesis - UCP4 as the ancestral uncoupling protein.
FEBS Letters, 495(3), 137-141, 2001
IF = 3.644(01)

Engstová H. - Žáčková M. - Růžička M. - Meinhardt A. - Hanuš J. - Krämer R. - Ježek P.
Natural and azido fatty acids inhibit phosphate transport and activate fatty acid anion uniport mediated by the mitochondrial phosphate carrier.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(7), 4683-4691, 2001
IF = 7.258(01)

Jabůrek M. - Vařecha M. - Ježek P. - Garlid K.D.
Alkylsulfonates as probes of uncoupling protein transport mechanism. Ion pair transport demonstrates that direct H(+) translocation by UCP1 is not necessary for uncoupling.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276(34), 31897-31905, 2001
IF = 7.258(01)


Garlid K.D. - Jabůrek M. - Ježek P. - Vařecha M.
How do uncoupling proteins uncouple ?
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1459, 383-389, 2000
IF = 6.346(00)

Ježek P. - Costa A.D. - Vercesi A.E.
Important amino acid residues of potato plant uncoupling protein (StUCP).
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 33(12), 1413-1420, 2000
IF = 0.654(00)

Žáčková M. - Krämer R. - Ježek P.
Interaction of mitochondrial phosphate carrier with fatty acids and hydrophobic phosphate analogs.
International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 32(5), 499-508., 2000
IF = 2.91(00)

Ježek P. - Urbánková E.
Specific sequence motifs of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins.
IUBMB Life, 49, 63-70, 2000
IF = 0.418(00)

Ježek P. - Žáčková M. - Košařová J. - Rodriguez E.T.S. - Madeira V.M.C. - Vicente J.A.F.
Occurence of plant-uncoupling mitochondrial protein (PUMP) in diverse organs and tissues of several plants.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 32(5), 423-436, 2000
IF = 3.355(00)


Siemen D. - Loupatatzis C. - Borecký J. - Gulbins E. - Lang F.
Ca2+ -activated K channel of the BK-type in the inner mitochondrial membrane of a human glioma cell line.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 257(2), 549-554, 1999
IF = 3.161(99)

Ježek P. - Žáčková M. - Řeháková Z. - Růžička M. - Borecký J. - Škobisová E. - Brucknerová J. - Garlid K.D. - Gimeno R.E. - Tartaglia L.A.
Existence of uncoupling protein-2 antigen in isolated mitochondria from various tisssues.
FEBS Letters, 455, 79-82, 1999
IF = 3.72(99)

Lovčinský M. - Borecký J. - Kubát P. - Ježek P.
Meso-Tetraphenylporphyrin in Liposomes as a Suitable Photosenzitizer for Photodynamic Therapy of Tumors.
General Physiology and Biophysics, 18(1), 107-118, 1999
IF = 0.4(99)

Costa A. D. T. - Nantes I. L. - Ježek P. - Arruda P. - Vercesi E. A.
Plant uncoupling mitochondrial protein activity in mitochondria isolated from tomatoes at different stages of ripening.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 31(5), 527-533, 1999
IF = 3.664(99)

Ježek P.
Fatty acid interaction with mitochondrial uncoupling proteins.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 31(5), 457-466, 1999
IF = 3.664(99)

Jabůrek M. - Varecha M. - Gimeno R.E. - Dembski M. - Ježek P. - Zhang M. - Burn P. - Tartaglia L.A. - Garlid K.D.
Transport function and regulation of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins 2 and 3.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274(37), 26003-26007, 1999
IF = 7.666(99)


Ježek P. - Borecký J.
Mitochondrial uncoupling protein may participate in futile cycling of pyruvate and other monocarboxylates.
American Journal of Physiology, 275(44), C496-C504, 1998
IF = 3.077(98)

Ježek P. - Engstová H. - Žáčková M. - Verseci A.E. - Costa A.D. - Arruda P. - Garlid K.D.
Fatty acid cycling mechanism and mitochondrial uncoupling proteins.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1365, 319-327, 1998
IF = 2.478(98)

Garlid K.D. - Jabůrek M. - Ježek P.
The mechanism of proton transport mediated by mitochondrial uncoupling proteins.
FEBS Letters, 438, 10-14, 1998
IF = 3.581(98)

Ježek P. - Lillo P. - Polecha J.
Tryptophan fluorescence of mitochondrial uncoupling protein.
General Physiology and Biophysics, 17, 157-178, 1998
IF = 0.714(98)

Ježek P. - Garlid K.D.
Mammalian mitochondrial uncoupling proteins.
International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 30, 1163-1168, 1998
IF = 1.585(98)


Ježek P. - Modrianský M. - Garlid K.D.
Inactive fatty acids are unable to flip-flop across the lipid bilayer.
FEBS Letters, 408, 161-165, 1997
IF = 3.504(97)

Ježek P. - Modrianský M. - Garlid K.D.
A structure-activity study of fatty acid interaction with mitochondrial uncoupling protein.
FEBS Letters, 408, 166-170, 1997
IF = 3.504(97)

Borecký J. - Ježek P. - Siemen D.
108-pS channel in brown fat mitochondria might be identical to the inner membrane anion channel.
Journal of biological chemistry, 272, 19282-19289, 1997
IF = 6.963(97)

Ježek P. - Costa A.D. - Vercesi E.A.
Reconstituted plant uncoupling mitochondrial protein allows for proton translocation via fatty acid cycling mechanism.
Journal of biological chemistry, 272, 24272-24278, 1997
IF = 6.963(97)


Schönfeld P. - Ježek P. - Belyaeva E. - Borecký J. - Slyshenkov V. - Wieckowski M. - Wojtczak L.
Photomodification of mitochondrial proteins by azido fatty acids and its effect on mitochondrial energetics.
European Journal of Biochemistry, 240(2), 387-393, 1996
IF = 3.275(96)

Růžička M. - Borecký J. - Hanuš J. - Ježek P.
Photoaffinity labelling of the mitochondrial uncoupling protein by [3H]azido fatty acid affects the anion channel.
FEBS Letters, 382(3), 239-243, 1996
IF = 3.75(96)

Ježek P. - Borecký J.
Inner membrane anion channel and dicarboxylate carrier in brown adipose tissue mitochondria.
International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 28(6), 659-666, 1996
IF = 1.124(96)

Garlid K.D. - Orosz D.E. - Modrianský M. - Vasanelli S. - Ježek P.
The mechanism of fatty acid induced proton transport by mitochondrial uncoupling protein.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271(5), 2615-2620, 1996
IF = 7.452(96)

Ježek P. - Hanuš J. - Semrad C. - Garlid K.D.
Photo-activated azido-fatty acid irrevirsibilly inhibits both the anion and proton transport through the mitochondrial uncoupling protein.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271(11), 6199-6205, 1996
IF = 7.452(96)

Ježek P. - Costa A.D. - Vercesi A.E.
Evidence for anion-translocating plant uncoupling mitochondrial protein in potato mitochondria.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271(51), 32743-32748, 1996
IF = 7.452(96)


Ježek P. - Bauer M. - Trommer E.W.
EPR spectroscopy of 5-DOXYL-stearic acid bound to the mitochondrial uncoupling protein reveals its competitive displacement by alkyl-sulfonates in the channel and allosteric displacement by ATP.
FEBS Letters, 361(2-3), 303-307, 1995
IF = 3.842(95)

Freisleben H.J. - Zwicker K. - Ježek P. - John G. - Bettin-Bogutzki A. - Ring K. - Nawroth T.
Reconstitution of bacteriorhodopsin and ATPsynthase from Micrococcus luteus into liposomes of the purified main tetraether lipid from Thermoplasma acidophillum: proton conductance and light-driven ATP synthesis.
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 78, 137-147, 1995
IF = 1.591(95)

Garlid K.D. - Sun X. - Pauček P. - Woldegiorgis G.
Mitochondrial cation transport.
Methods in Enzymology, 260, 331-349, 1995
IF = 1.586(95)


Ježek P. - Freisleben H.J.
Fatty acid binding site of the mitochondrial uncoupling protein. Demonstration of its existence by EPR spectroscopy of 5-DOXYL-stearic acid.
FEBS Letters, 343(1), 22-26, 1994
IF = 3.6(94)

Ježek P. - Orosz E.D. - Modriansky M. - Garlid D.K.
Transport of Anions and Protons by the Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein and Its Regulation by Nucleotides and Fatty Acids-A new look at old hypotheses.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 269(42), 26184-26190, 1994
IF = 7.716(94)

