Department of environmental geography
The Brno branch of the Institute of Geonics AS CR came in to existence in 1993 during the transformation of the former Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences with part of the staff from the cancelled Institute of Geography CSAS. It was defined as a territorially detached Department of environmental geography at the Institute of Geonics AS CR, which deals with research activities concentrated in environmental and regional problems, especially aimed at the Morava territory. The main workplace can be found in a quarter of the pleasant town Cerna Pole. Other workplaces are situated in Brno-Jundrov and Blansko-Techov.
![]() Brno branch
Institute of Geonics AS CR |
![]() Library in Brno
Main research topics
The Department of environmental geography is responsible for the solution of the research plan Environment and landscape in urban and rural regions in conditions of European integrating processes. Its aim is to study complex relations between natural and social processes and phenomena on the landscape using methods of regional geography and field research. An emphasis is placed on empirical research, which is necessary in the period of rapidly changing reality and which is the basis for generalization in geoinformatic interpretation of results. The subject of investigation is divided into the three following spheres that are realized by research activities in funded projects, international projects, as well as in expert studies.
- Environment in urban regions of various types
Investigation is directed at obtaining information about the environment in urban regions of various types (environmental impacts of economic restructuralisation of the Ostrava Region; geography of small towns and their role in the settlement structure; social and spatial consequences of demographic changes in the big cities in the East-Central Europe).
- Environment in rural, particularly marginal regions
The main aim of the research is to increase knowledge of the environment in rural, particularly marginal regions (sustainable development of rural regions and management of rural landscape; euro-regions and contemporary situations in environmental and cross-border cooperation).
- Environmental hazards and consequences
Research activities are concentrated in the study of environmental risks to the landscape and their ecological and geoecological consequences (geography of natural extremes – floods, slope movements) and on environmental impacts of construction and operating of big technical structures).
Important scientific achievements
- Floods, landscape and people in the Morava River Basin
Case studies were studied in various Moravian regions with different environmental conditions, land use and flood wave behaviour. Floods were understood as interactions of a natural event, technological failure and the reaction of society. Different forms of flood damage prevention were suggested.
- Geography of selected natural extremes, their impacts and cartographic visualisation in
Moravia and Silesia
Research reports of selected natural extremes and their impacts in Moravia and Silesia, evaluate the impact of selected present-day geomorphological processes; particular attention was paid to geomorphologic extremes as a disturbing factor enhancing heterogeneity and biodiversity of the landscape. Both natural and human induced seismicity was worked out with the definition of risk areas.
- Geography of small towns
Research enabled us to carry out a typology of Moravian and Silesian small towns and prognoses were made according to particular types. Basic peculiarities of small towns were characterised in comparison with large and medium-sized towns on one side and with rural settlements on the other as well as their function in the settlement system. A typology of small towns according to economic, social and environmental indices was defined.
Important solved projects
The main activities were the solution of the partial project of the institute's research programme of grant funded projects of Czech Grant Foundation and Grant Agency of ASCR, National research program II, international project of Volkswagen Foundation, organization of conference CONGEO'07 in Brno.
The Brno branch carries out expert studies regarding regional and environmental geography. In 2007, such studies concerned biomonitoring of the area affected by mining and processing of uranium ore, physical geographical problems in protected natural areas, public opinion enquiries (perception of wind energy impacts on landscape) and others.
A joint project theme is solved as a result of cooperation between the Slovak and Czech Academies named Geographical research of the regional structures and their time and spatial changes. The main issue is focused on comparing the changes of the regional structure, which take place in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic and which follow the large social-cultural changes and intensive activities in the environment.
Another joint theme is solved as a result of cooperation between Hungarian and Czech Academies named Regional development of the selected border regions in the Czech Republic and Hungary.
Selected publications
- S. Cetkovsky, B. Frantal, J. Stekl a kol.: Vetrna energie v Ceske republice, hodnoceni prostorovych vztahu, environmentalnich aspektu a socioekonomickych souvislosti. Studia Geographica 101, Ustav geoniky AV CR, v.v.i, 2010, 208 s.
- J. Navratil, S. Martinat, E. Kallabova: Framework for utilizing angling as a tourism development tool in rural areas. Agricultural Economics, 2009, 55, 10, s. 508-518.
- J. Demek, K. Kirchner, P. Mackovcin, P. Slavik: Morphostructures in the Territory of the Czech Republic (Europe). Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, Rocnik 53, Dezember 2009, Suppl. 3, s. 135-144, Berlin – Stuttgart, Gebruder Borntraeger.
- M. Hradek, B. Louckova: Structural control and human impacts on the Opava River fluvial system Czech Republic. Acta geographica Silesiana, 6, 2009, s. 23-30, Uniwersitet Slaski, Sosnowiec.
- J. Kolejka, H. Svatonova, J. Zaloudik: Cartographic database vizualizing for mitigation of disaster consequences. In: XVIII Skola kartograficzna. Glowne problemy wspolczesnej kartografii 2009. Wroclaw: Oce Poland Ltd., s. 36-37.
- P. Klusa ek: Population Decline in Polish and Czech Cities During Post-socialism? Looking Behind the Official Statistics. Urban Studies 46, 2009, doi:10.1177/0042098009360224.
- A. Vaishar, P. Klusacek, T. Krejci, S. Martinat, N. Pavelcikova, J. Pospisilova, J. Zapletalova: Soucasny vyvoj vnitrnich casti Brna a Ostravy. Studia Geographica 100, Ustav geoniky AV CR, v.v.i, 2009, 135 s.
- P. Rostinsky: Geomorfologicka charakteristika okoli archeologicke lokality Moravsky Krumlov IV. In: P. Neruda, Z. Nerudova eds.: Moravsky Krumlov IV. Vicevrstevna lokalita ze stredniho a pocatku mladeho paleolitu na Morave. Studies in Anthropology, Palaeoethnology , Palaeontology and Quaternary Geology, 29, 2009, s. 26-41, Moravske zemske muzeum Brno
- J. Munzar, S. Ondracek, E. Kallabova: Historicke povodne: jejich vliv na zanik sidel, zmeny hranic a podil cloveka na skodach jimi zpusobenych. Historicka geografie, 35/1, 2009, s.359 – 378.
- A. Vaishar, D. Cermak, P. Dvorak, H. Noskova, J. Stachova, E. Tosovska, Z. Vajdova, J. Zapletalova: Orlicko – region v pohranici. Studia Geographica 102, 2009,116 s.
- I. Andrasko, V. Ira, E. Kallabova eds.: Regionalne struktury CR a SR: Casove a priestorove zmeny. Geograficky ustav SAV, 2009, Bratislava, 64 s.
- J. Munzar: Povoden jako jedna z moznych prirodnich katastrof. In: T. Kohoutek, I. Cermak eds.: Psychologie katastroficke udalosti. s.93 – 109. Nakladatelstvi Academia 2009.
- A. Vaishar, J. Zapletalova, P. Dvorak: Border administrative units in the Czech Republic. Moravian Geographical Reports. 2008. Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 46-54
- A. Vaishar (ed.), B. Frantal, E. Kallabova, K. Kirchner, P. Klapka, J. Lacina, S. Martinat, J. Zapletalova: Geografie malych mest a jejich uloha v systemu osidleni. Studia Geographica 99, 2008, 107 s.
- E. Kallabova, I. Smolova, V. Ira, a kol. (2008): Zmeny regionalnich struktur Ceske a Slovenske republiky. Brno. UGN AVCR, v.v.i. pobocka Brno, UP Olomouc, 2008.127 s.
- K. Kirchner, Z. Macka, V. Cilek: Scree and blocky formations in Northern and central Bohemia: geologic and geomorphogic development. Acta Geographica Silesiana, 2, 2007, s. 19-26, Uniwersitet Slaski, Sosnowiec
- M. Lacinova, J. Munzar, M. Franc: Newly identified historical tornadoes in the Czech Republic from 16th to the 20th centuries. Atmospheric Research, vol. 83, no. 2-4, February 2007, pp. 488-492.
- R. Brazdil, K. Kirchner a kol. (2007): Vybrane prirodni extremy a jejich dopady na Morave a ve Slezsku. MU Brno, CHMU Praha, UGN AV CR, v.v.i. Ostrava, 431 s.
- J. Lacina: Desetilety vyvoj vegetacniho krytu povodnoveho koryta Becvy se zvlastnim zretelem na ekotony. In Mekotova, J., Sterba, O., eds: Ricni krajina 5. Olomouc. Univerzita Palackeho v Olomouci, 2007 s. 145-151.
- J. Lacina, S. Cetkovsky, P. Halas: Vliv tezby a upravy uranovych rud v okoli Dolni Rozinky na biodiverzitu a raz krajiny. Sbornik ekologie krajiny 4, Tezba nerostnych surovin a ochrana prirody. Slunakov. Nakladatelstvi a vydavatelstvi Lesnicka prace, s.r.o, 2007 s. 21-31.
- J. Demek, J. Kalvoda, K. Kirchner, V. Vilimek: Geomorphological aspects of natural hazards and risks in the Czech Republic. Studia geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica, vol. XL, Krakow, 2006, pp. 79-92.
- J. Munzar, M. Deutch, L. Elleder, S. Ondracek, E. Kallabova, M. Hradek: Historical Floods in Central Europe and their Documentation by means of Floodmarks and other epigraphic Monuments. Moravian Geographical Reports, vol. 3, no.3, 2006, pp. 26-44.