Publications - Abstracts
RNDr. Tomáš Kostelecký, CSc.
- Kostelecký, T., Čermák, D. (2004). Vliv teritoriálně specifických faktorů na formování politických orientací voličů. (The influence of territorial-specific factors on the formation of politicial attitudes of voters). Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 40:469-488.
- Kostelecký, T. (2004). Models as Predictors of Electoral Results: An Alternative Approach for Electoral Districts, pp. 227-242 in D. Drbohlav, J. Kalvoda, V. Voženílek (eds.). Czech Geography at the Down of the Millenium. Olomouc: Czech Geographic Society, Palacky University.
- Kostelecký, T., Čermák, D. (2004). Metropolitan Areas in the Czech Republic:
Definitions, Basic Characteristics, patterns of Suburbanisation and Their Impact on Political Behaviour. Sociologické studie 04:3.
- Lux, M., P. Sunega, T. Kostelecký, D. Čermák, P. Košinár (2004). Standardy bydlení 2003/2004: Bytová politika v ČR: efektivněji a cíleněji. (Housing Standards 2003/2004: Housing policy in the CR: more efficiently and more effective). Prague: The Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences.
- Kostelecký T., Čermák D. 2003: "Výběrová šetření a analýza agregátních dat - diskuse na téma použitelnosti různých přístupů v komparativních analýzách politického chování." (Surveys and Aggregate Data Analyses - On the Usability of Different Approaches in Copmarative Analyses of Pilitical Behavior). Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 39: 529-550.
- Jehlička P., Kostelecký T. 2003: "Czech Greens in the 2002 General Election: A New Lease of Life?" Environmental Politics, 12: 133-138
- Lux M., P. Sunega, T. Kostelecký, D. Čermák 2003: Standardy bydlení 2002/03: Finanční dostupnost a postoje občanů. (Housing Standards 2002/03: Financial Affordability and Attitudes towards Housing). Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. 280 p.
- Kostelecký T. 2003: "Regionální změny." (Regional Changes). In: M. Tuček a kol. Dynamika české společnosti a osudy lidí na přelomu tisíciletí. (Dynamics of Czech Society and People's Destinies in the Turn of Millennium). Pp. 54-68. Prague: Sociologické nakladatelství.
- Kostelecký T. 2003: "Results of the 1992 and 1996 Parliamentary Elections in the Czech Republic from a Regional Perspective." Pp. 84-108. In: Czech Republic: The First Elections in the New Republic, 1992-1996, edited by Z. Mansfeldová. Berlin: Edition Sigma.
- Kostelecký T. 2003: "Regional comparisons of political behavior; how to avoid expensive surveys." Referát přednesen na konferenci New Trends in the Geographical Organisation of SocietyIntegration and Differentiation within Unifying Europe. Charles University and Royal Geographical Society - Institute of British Geographers. Prague 12. - 14. 5. 2003.
- Kostelecký T. 2003: "Political Transformation in Central-East Europe - on the way between Communism and European Union." Paper for the conference CEE - Japan Forum for the 21st Century, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University Sapporo, Japan 3.- 5. 9. 2003.
- Kostelecký T. 2003: "Political Transformation in Central-East Europe - on the way between Communism and European Union." Paper fot the seminar on Waseda University, Tokiu, Japan 8. 9. 2003.
- Kostelecký T., Čermák D. 2003: "The influence of territorially specific factors on the formation of political orientation of voters." Paper for the ECPR Conference - Marburg, 18.- 21. 9. 2003.
2001 - 2002
- Kostelecký T. 2001: Vzestup nebo pád politického regionalismu? (Rise or fall of political regionalism?). Prague, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Working Papers, 9/2001, 100 p.
- Kostelecký T. 2002: Political Parties after Communism: Developments in East-Central Europe. Washington, D.C., Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 213 str.
- Kostelecký T. 2002: Vývoj české společnosti v devadesátých letech 20. století v regionálním pohledu. (The Development of the Czech Society in the last decade of the 20th Century in regional perspective). In: Region a politika. Prague, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Sociologické texty (Sociological Papers), 7/2002, pp. 3-29.
- Kostelecký T., Čermák D. 2002: Výběrová šetření a analýza agregátních dat - diskuse na téma použitelnosti různých přístupů v komparativních analýzách politického chování. (Surveys and Aggregate Data Analyses - On the Usability of Different Approaches in Copmarative Analyses of Pilitical Behavior). In: Region a politika. Prague, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Sociologické texty (Sociological Papers), 7/2002, pp. 30-50.
1999 - 2000
- Nedomová A., Buštíková L., Heřmanová E., Kostelecký T., Vajdová Z., Vojtěchovská P. 1999: Trh bydlení, jeho regionální diferenciace a sociální souvislosti. (Housing Market - Regional Variations and Its Social Consequences). Prague, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Working Papers 2/99. 82 p.
- Kostelecký T. 2000: Volební systémy a politický konflikt v prostoru. (Electoral Systems and Political Conflict in Space). In: Jehlička P., Tomeš J., Daněk P. (eds.): Stát, prostor, politika. Vybrané kapitoly z politické geografie. KSGRR, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague.
- Heřmanová E., Kostelecký T. 2000: "Regionální diferenciace na trhu bydlení a její příčiny." (Regional Differentiation of the Housing Market and its Causes). Sociologický časopis (Czech Sociological Review), Vol. 36, 1:41-56.
- Kostelecký T. 2000: "Navrhované změny volebního zákona vzešlé z dodatků "opoziční smlouvy" v roce 2000 a jejich možné důsledky." (Proposed Changes to the Electoral Law Resulting from Amendments to the 'Opposition Agreement' in 2000 and their Possible Consequences). Sociologický časopis (Czech Sociological Review), Vol. 36, 3:299-305.
- Kostelecký T. 2000: "Housing and Its Influence on the Development of Social Inequalities in the Post-Communist Czech Republic". Czech Sociological Review, Vol. 8, 2:177-193.
- Kostelecký, T. 2000: Volební systémy a politický konflikt v prostoru. (Electoral Systems and Political Conflict in Space). In: Jehlička, P., Tomeš, J., Daněk, P. (eds.): Stát, prostor, politika. Vybrané kapitoly politické geografie. (State, Space, Politics. Selected topics in political geography). KSGRR, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague.
1996 - 1998
- Kostelecký T. 1996: The Results of the 1990 Parliamentary Elections in Regional Perspective. In: H.D.Klingemann (ed.): Election handbook 1990 - Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia. Berlin, WZB.
- Kostelecký T., Kroupa A. 1996: Party Organisation and Structure at National Level and Local Level in the Czech Republic Since 1989. In: Lewis P. (ed.). Party Structure and Organisation in East-Central Europe. Aldershot, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Kostelecký, T. 1996: Local Elections as a Mechanism of the Installation of Local Political Elites. (in Czech). In: Hampl, M. (ed.). Geografická organizace společnosti a transformační procesy v České republice. Prague, Faculty of Science, Charles University. Pp. 353-360.
- Kostelecký, T. 1996. Factors Underlying Social Stratification: Regions and the Type of Settlement (in Czech). In: Machonin, P., Tuček, M. Česká společnost v transformaci. Prague, Sociologické nakladatelství. Pp. 301-311.
- Nedomová A., Kostelecký T. 1997: "The Czech National Identity". Czech Sociological Review, Vol. 5, 1:79-92.
- Vajdová, Z., Kostelecký, T. 1997: "The Political Culture of Local Communities. The Case of Three Towns." (in Czech). Sociologický časopis (Czech Sociological Review) 33:445-465.
- Kostelecký T. 1998: Trh s bydlením a jeho sociální souvislosti - situace v Praze a v Brně. (Housing Market and Its Social Context - the Situation in Prague and Brno). Prague, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Working Papers 1/98.
1992 - 1995
- Kostelecký, T. - Jehlička, P. 1992: The Development of Czechoslovak Green Party since the Elections 1990. Environmental Politics, Vol. 1, No. 1, Pp. 72-94. London, Frank Cass.
- Kostelecký T., Jehlička P., Sýkora L. 1993: Czechoslovak parliamentary elections 1990: old patterns, new trends and a lots of surprises. In: J.O'Loughlin and H.van der Wusten (eds.). The New Political Geography of Eastern Europe. London, Belhaven Press, s. 235-254.
- Kostelecký, T., Hanšpach, D., Vajdová, Z. 1993. Local Government in the Czech Republic. 35 p. Expert study for IWM Vienna.
- Kostelecký, T. 1993: Parliamentary elections 1992 in the Czech Republic in the eyes of geographer: no great surprises (in Czech). Geografické rozhledy, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 4-6, Česká geografická společnost, Praha.
- Kostelecký T. 1994: "Economic, social and historical determinants of voting patterns: 1990 and 1992 parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic". Czech Sociological Review 2: str. 209-228.
- Kostelecký, T. 1994: Spatial Distribution of Social Problems in the Czech Republic (in Czech). Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Working Papers No. 5/1994. 107 p.
- Kostelecký T., Jehlička P. 1995: Czechoslovakia: Greens in a post-Communist society. In: Richardson D., Rootes Ch. (eds.). The Green Challenge. The development of Green Parties in Europe. London, Routledge, s. 208-231.
- Kostelecký T. 1995: Changing Party Allegiances in a Changing Party System: the 1990 and 1992 Parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic. In: Wightman G. (ed.). Party formation in East-Central Europe. Post-Communist Politics in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria. Aldershot, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., s. 79-107.
- Kostelecký, T. 1995: Political, Economic and Social Behaviour During the Post-Communist Transformation In The Czech Republic - The Regional Perspective (in Czech). Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Working Papers No. 5/1995. 88 p. Grant Research Support Scheme of Open Society Institute No. 16/93.
- Kostelecký, T., Tuček, M., Illner, M. 1995: Judgement And Control of Media Project. 40 p. Expert study for Association of Communication and Media Organisations (SKMO).
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