1. Present position
The founder and the head of the Research Group for the Studies of Modern Rationality at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1). – Department has come into existence in February 2001.
2. Education
PhD. - Philosophy, Charles University, October 1998
M. Phil. - Philosophy, Charles University 1994
Eng. - Electrotechnology, Czech Technical University in Prague 1987
3. Awards
2003-present - co-worker on the research grant of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (The aim of the project is to produce three-volume-set of the history of political thought.) (Czech Republic)
2001 – Earhart Graduate Fellowship in Social Thought, University of Chicago (U.S.A.)
2000-2003 – Research Grant of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (for producing an edition of studies and translations of German classical philosophy) (Czech Republic)
1995-97 – Scholarship. Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (Germany)
1994-95 – Scholarship. Katholisher Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst (Germany)
January-February 1993 – Scholarship. Freie Universität Berlin (Germany).
4. Areas of Specialization
Hobbes, Locke, Kant, Hegel; Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century European Philosophy, Epistemology, Political Philosophy
5. Teaching Experience
1998-2001, 2002-2004: Faculty of Arts, Charles University: Assistant Professor
1998-2001, 2002-2003: Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University: Assistant Professor
6. Courses Taught
T. Hobbes: De cive; Kant’s cosmology I-II (with Jindřich Karásek); I. Kant: Toward Perpetual Peace (twice); Kant’s theory of ethics I-II (with Jindřich Karásek); Beauty and sublime in Kant (with Jindřich Karásek); J. J. Rousseau: The Social Contract, Hegel’s theory of state (twice); Labour and property in the modern philosophy; Political and social philosophy in modern times I-II; Enlightenment, revolution and romanticism I-II.
7. Publications
7.1 Articles:
8. Kant v analytické a kontinentální filosofii [Kant in analytical and continental philosophy], in: M. Nitsche, P. Sousedík, M. Šimsa (eds.), Schizma filosofie 20. století (Prague, Filosofia 2005), pp. 79–98.
7. Locke o revoluci [Locke on Revolution], Filosofický časopis 53, 1, 2005, pp. 85–98.
6. Kant o prostoru jako čistém smyslovém názoru [Kant on space as a pure sensible intuition], in M. Ajvaz, I.M. Havel and M. Mitášová (eds.), Prostor a jeho člověk [Space and its Man] (Prague, Vesmír 2004), pp. 97–114.
5. Kantova idea věčného míru a její kritici [Kant’s idea of the perpetual peace and its critics], in B. Horyna (ed.), Kant redivivus (Brno, Masarykova Univerzita 2004), pp. 104–120.
4. Subjekt a objekt myšlení u Kanta [Kant on the Subject and Object of the thought], in M. Znoj (ed.), Hegelovskou stopou. K poctě profesora Milana Sobotky (Prague, Karolinum 2003), pp. 39–48.
3. Hegelova teorie mravního státu [Hegel’s Theory of the Ethical State], Filosofický časopis, vol. 51, 2003, pp. 275-291.
2. Locke a Kant o právu na soukromé vlastnictví [Locke and Kant on the Right to Private Property], in: Filosofický časopis, vol. 50, 2002, pp. 47-70.
1. Kantova reflexe ‘O vnitřním smyslu’ [Kant’s Fragment ‘On Inner Sense’], in: Reflexe, vol. 20, 2000, pp. 21-23.
7.2. Dissertation: Kant a reflexivní teorie sebevědomí [Kant and the Reflection-Theory of Self-Consciousness] (Prague: Institute of Philosophy, 1998, 164 pp.).
8. Translations
6. Chotaš, J. – Karásek, J. (eds.), Dedukce, kategorie, sebevědomí. O hlavním důkazu Kritiky čistého rozumu [Deduction, categories, self-consciousness. About the main argument of the “Critique of pure reason”] (Prague: Oikoymenh 2002, 127 pp.)
5. Hegel, G. W. F., The Notion of the State, Filosofický časopis, vol. 51, 2003, pp. 317-325.
4. I. Kant, Kritika čistého rozumu [Critique of Pure Reason], translated by Jaromír Loužil, Jiří Chotaš and Ivan Chvatík (Prague: Oikoymenh 2001, 567 pp.).
3. I. Kant, Dopisy o zrození Kritiky čistého rozumu [Letters about the Birth of the ‘Critique of Pure Reason’], in: Filosofický časopis, vol. 50, 2002, pp. 147-156.
2. I. Kant, Oznámení o programu přednášek v zimním semestru 1765-1766 [Announcement of the Programme of his Lectures for the Winter Semester 1765-1766], Reflexe, vol. 20, 2000, pp. 1/1-12.
1. Georg Picht, Kantovo transcendentální založení mezinárodního práva [Kant’s Transcendental Foundation of the International Law], Reflexe, vol. 20, 2000, pp. 7/1-33. (with Daniela Petříčková)
9. Subeditor, Consultant and Referee on Translations
5. Arendt, H., Přednášky o Kantově politické filosofii [Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy], translated by Vít Pokorný and Martin Ritter (Prague: Oikoymenh 2002, 201 pp.).
4. Kant, I., K věčnému míru; O obecném rčení: Je-li něco správné v teorii, nemusí se to ještě hodit pro praxi [Toward Perpetual Peace; On the Common Saying: That May Be Correct in Theory, But Is of No Use in Practice], translated by Karel Novotný, Petra Stehlíková (Prague: Oikoymenh 1999).
3. Twenty-one volume edition of Plato’s Works, translated by František Novotný, second, revised edition (Prague: Oikoymenh 1992-1997).
2. Spravedlnost jako zdatnost [Justice as Virtue], edited by Petr Rezek (Prague: Oikoymenh 1996).
1. Akvinský, T.: Bytí a esence [Being and essence]. Translated by Stanislav Sousedík (Prague: Křesťanská akademie 1992). |
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