Česká verze English version

Journal for popularization of biology, founded in 1853 by J.E. Purkyně

Bohemian Sand Pink (Dianthus arenarius) Attracting High Attention

Kalůsková J., Šlechtová A., Suda J.

Dianthus arenarius ssp. bohemicus ranks among the endemic and critically endangered spe-cies of Czech flora. It is restricted to sandy soil near the village of Kleneč in Central Bohemia. Conservation carried out during the last decade at the only known locality led to an increase in the number of individuals (incl. seedlings). The risk of interspecific hybridization with sympatric D. carthusianorum was assessed using flow cytometry. Only a few primary crosses were detected that showed intermediate values of several vegetative and generative characters (petal colour and fringe depth in particular).

p. 156

© Photo J. Kalůsková

© Photo J. Kalůsková