Syllabus of the lecture course Practical basics of scientific work (B130P16)
The course gives information on the basics of scientific practice in modern experimental biology. It is devoted to students in the second and third year that intend to study experimental biology specializations. The basics of research practice, planning of experiments, methods of their evaluation, principles of laboratory work, guidelines for writing protocols and ethical rules will be described in detail. Participants will be informed about useful techniques of mining in scientific databases and handling with these data as well as about scientific contribution preparation (poster and presentation, scientific paper). Practical demonstrations of techniques useful for bachelor and diploma work writing will be strongly emphasized.
Guaranteed by: 130
State: taught
Winter term: 0/2 C (hours/week)
Credits: 2
Valid from: od 2006
Capacity: unlimited
Teacher: Petrášek, J.
Winter term 2010: Wednesday 13:10, "gallery" PC room of Department of Plant Experimental Biology, Viničná 5, 2nd floor. The first lecture will be held on October 13.
Lectures of winter term 2010:
1. Basics of research work - 13.10.
1, ppt 2
1.1. The character of scientific work in the field of experimental biology
1.2. Observation and experiment - two general approaches
1.3. Scientific institutions and organizations, scientific conferences
1.4. Ethical rules of scientific work
1.5. Financing of the scientific research
1.6. Writing scientific projects and grant proposals, basic rules
2. Helpful hints in the processing of experimental data - 20.10.
2.2. Data explorers, correct data handling and saving
2.3. Spreadsheets, statistical software, graph editors
2.4. Processing of structural and sequence data
2.5. Image analysis, graphical software, presentation software
3.2. Internet sources of information
3.3. How to search for bibliographic records and
full text articles
3.3.1. Bibliographic databases accessible at our faculty
3.3.2. Full
text databases accessible at our faculty
3.3.3. Creating your own database of
3.4. Scientometry - a tool for the evaluation of quality and scientific
relevance of scientific work
4. Online information databases in the experimental biology - practical demonstration 24.11., 1.12 and 8.12
4.1. Sequence databases -
tool of systems biology
4.2. Specialized sequence databases
5. Presentation of experimental results - 15.12., 5.1.
5.1. Bachelor thesis
5.2. Diploma thesis
5.3. Dissertation thesis
5.4. Scientific
contributions at the conferences and seminars
5.5. Scientific report/paper
Archive of lecture courses from previous years:
2007 | 2008 | 2009 |