02-11-2009 cz | Events held in framework of Week of science and technics.
04-11-2009 | International conference on Water Jet 2009 - Research, Development, Applications.
21-10-2009 en | The seventh Czech and Polish conference Geology of Coal Basins - CZPK'09.
22-06-2009 en | The fourth IMACS conference on Mathematical modeling and computational methods in applied sciences and engineering - MODELLING'09.
07-04-2009 cz | Conference New Knowledge and Measurements in Seismology, Engineering Geophysics and Geotechnics - OVA'09.
02-02-2009 cz | Conference Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Tutorial - SNA'09.
19-11-2008 | Workshop of PhD students.
12-11-2008 cz | Workshop of computational mathematics organized in framwork of the project MSTEP.
06-11-2008 cz | Open Door Day.
03-11-2008 cz | Lectures held in framework of Week of science and technics.
22-05-2008 en | The Second Traditional International Colloquium on Geomechanics and Geophysics.
08-04-2008 cz | Conference New Knowledge and Measurements in Seismology, Engineering Geophysics and Geotechnics - OVA'08.
20-03-2008 cz | Events of IGAS to International Year of Planet Earth 2008.
03-03-2008 cz | IGAS workshop. Main research activities in 2008 and topics of newly proposed grant projects.
05-12-2007 cz | Publication Selected natural extremes and thein impacts in Moravia and Silesia.
21-11-2007 cz | Workshop of PhD students. Download the proceedings (PDF, 8.7 MB).
10-11-2007 cz | Lecture Historical mine Jeronym in Cista.
08-11-2007 cz | Open Door Day.
09-10-2007 cz | Exhibition Light in stones. Large images gained from microscope.
23-05-2007 | Conference Geonics 2007 held on the occasion of 25 years from the founding of the institute.
22-01-2007 cz | Conference Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Tutorial - SNA'07.
09-11-2006 cz | Open Door Days.
08-11-2006 cz | Workshop of PhD students.
02-11-2006 en | Numerical Analysis: Iterative Methods in Modelling and Simulation of Challenging Engineering Problems II. Workshop in framework of the project UPPMAX.
11-10-2006 en | Conference Geology of the Upper Silesian Basin.
11-04-2006 cz | Conference New Knowledge and Measurements in Seismology, Engineering Geophysics and Geotechnics - OVA'06.
10-11-2005 cz | Open Door Days.
25-10-2005 cz | Workshop Image processing and data visualisation.
12-10-2005 cz | Workshop Numerical Modelling in Geomechanics.
28-06-2005 en | Numerical Analysis: Iterative Methods in Modelling and Simulation of Challenging Engineering Problems. Workshop in framework of the project UPPMAX.
18-05-2005 en | Conference Eurock 2005.
12-04-2005 cz | Conference New Knowledge and Measurement in Seismology, Engineering Geophysics and Geotechnics - OVA'05.
07-02-2005 cz | Conference Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Tutorial - SNA'05.
12-11-2004 cz | Open Door Days.
25-05-2004 en | Conference Iterative Methods, Preconditioning and Numerical PDEs - IMET'04.
09-02-2004 cz | Seminar Mathematical Modelling of Reliability with Applications in Engineering - MMS'04.
07-11-2003 cz | Open Door Days.
05-04-2003 cz | Mineralogical meeting.
01-04-2003 cz | Photos from the conference Recent Results Derived from Seismological, Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigations.
17-02-2003 en | Conference Seminar on Numerical Analysis - SNA'03.
06-11-2002 cz | Conference Geology of the Upper Silesian Basin.
18-10-2002 cz | Open Door Days.
16-04-2002 cz | Conference Laboratory and Field Observations in Seismology and Engineering Geophysics - OVA'02.
06-04-2002 cz | Mineralogical meeting.
24-11-2001 cz | Mineralogical meeting.
30-10-2001 cz | Seminar Iterative methods.
18-10-2001 cz | Open Door Day.
15-05-2001 en | Conference Geonics 2001.
07-04-2001 cz | Mineralogical meeting.
03-04-2001 cz | Conference Seismology and Engineering Geophysics - Past, Present, Future.
25-11-2000 cz | Mineralogical meeting.
11-04-2000 cz | Conference Data and Results Management in Seismology and Engineering Geophysics.
08-04-2000 cz | Mineralogical meeting.