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December 11, 2010

Academy in the center of attention

New building

Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, v.v.i.
Vídeňská 1083
Prague 4, CZ-14220
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 241 063 215
Phone: +420 224 310 234
Fax: +420 224 310 955
E-mail: office@img.cas.cz
search employees

IC: 68378050
DIC: CZ68378050

Bank: Komercni banka, Praha
Account No: 19-8482430287/0100
IBAN: CZ1201000000198482430287
Detached sites:
Flemingovo nám. 2
Prague 6, CZ-166 37
Phone: +420 220 183 280
Phone: +420 220 183 212
E-mail: rezacova@img.cas.cz

Koleč č.10
Koleč, CZ-27329
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 315 783 827
Fax: +420 315 783 446

Institute of Molecular Genetics is a member of the following associations:
BIOCEV, CzechBio and Technology Centre of the ASCR.