Department of Protein Structure Institute of Physiology AS CR, v.v.i. Videnska 1083 142 00
Praha 4 – Krc Czech Republic |
Česky/English |
13th November 2010 |
The Ph.D. student of our group
(from the Ph.D. program Physical Chemistry) Lenka Rezabkova was awarded the Prize of prof. Jaroslav Heyrovsky,
for the best absolvents of the Science sections of the
Charles Univesity for her
Diplomma thesis from the field of
biochemistry and molecular
biology named
„The influence
of 14-3-3
protein on the structure
RGS domain of RGS3
protein.“ |
November 2010 |
M.Sc. Lenka Rezabkova, the Ph.D. student of our group was
awarded the prize of Dean of the Faculty
of Science, Charles University, Prague for her excellent Diplomma thesis „The influence of 14-3-3 protein
on the structure RGS domain of RGS3 protein.“ |