Banana sequencing data


454 sequencing of M. acuminata 'Calcutta 4' (GS FLX platform)


For detailed informations, please see: Eva Hřibová, Pavel Neumann, Takashi Matsumoto, Nicolas Roux, Jiří Macas, Jaroslav Doležel: Repetitive part of the banana (Musa acuminata) genome investigated by low-depth 454 sequencing. BMC Plant Biology 2010, 10:204. 




454 reads containing microsatellites are sorted according to length of their repetitive unit; the reads with 2 - 10bp long monomers and  minimal copy number cpmin=5 were identified also with the average similarity higher than 80%  (id-80).

Linux/Unix users: Before uncompress the ISBP, install perl (Perl download) and Artemis V11 software (Artemis download). Run .pl files from command prompt.

Windows users: Before uncompress the ISBP, install perl (Perl download) and Artemis V11 software (Artemis download). Each EMBL file should be visualized in Artemis software.