Česká verze English version

Journal for popularization of biology, founded in 1853 by J.E. Purkyně

The Remarkable Record of the High-mountain Noctuid Moth Mythimna andereggii in the Podyjí/Thaya River Basin National Park

Šumpich J.

Současný výskyt můry Mythimna andereggii je omezen pouze na rozsáhlé horské komplexy Pyrenejí, Alp a balkánských pohoří, znám je též z jižního Uralu. Ve druhé polovině 20. století se druh postupně začal šířit z Alp severním směrem a počátkem 70. let 20. století byl poprvé zjištěn v České republice, konkrétně v Novohradských horách a na Šumavě. The current distribution of the noctuid moth Mythimna andereggii is limited only to large mountain areas, e.g. the Pyrenees, Alps and Balkan Peninsula Mts. It has also been known in the southern Ural Mts. In the second half of the 20th century, the moth species began to spread northwards from the Alps and in the early 1970s it was recorded for the first time in the Czech Republic, namely in the Novohradské hory Mts. and Šumava/Bohemian Forest Mts. The author reported the species from a heathland near Hnanice (South Moravia) in spring 2010 and it is the first record from Moravia. From an ecological point of view, the moth occurrence is similar to that in the Ural Mts. where the insect species also occurs very early in the season and at low elevations.

p. 274

© Photo J. Dvořák

© Photo J. Dvořák