Česká verze English version

Journal for popularization of biology, founded in 1853 by J.E. Purkyně

The Kipunji – a Story of One Monkey.

Anděra M.

The Kipunji (Rungwecebus kipunji), formerly also known as the Highland Mangabey, is a new African monkey described scientifically in 2005 based only on photographs. At that time zoologists placed this rainforest monkey in the category of mangabeys (genus Lophocebus), however, subsequent detailed examinations of the monkey's physical characteristics and analysis of samples of tissue on a molecular level suggested surprisingly that its closest relatives are savanna baboons in the genus Papio. This is why it was placed in the new genus Rungwecebus, named after Mt. Rungwe (Tanzania) where the Kipunji was first observed. The Czech name for this monkey was selected in co-operation with the public (Czech Radio – Meteor).

p. 288

© Orig. J. Sovák

© Orig. J. Sovák