RNDr. Ivan Votruba, D.Sc.
born 1942 in Prague (Czech Republic)
1964 | graduated from the Faculty of Sciences, Charles University (Prague), Department of Chemistry, (specialization biochemistry) |
1965 - 1969 | PhD study in biochemistry at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry |
1969 | PhD degree in biochemistry (thesis on the biogenesis of bacterial ribosomes) |
1969 -on | member of staff in the above Institute. |
1983 -on | Head of the research group. |
1986 | National Prize for Science and Technique |
1990 -on | Vice-Head, Department of Nucleic Acids Chemistry |
2000 | DSc. degree in molecular biology |
- Main scientific interests:
- Biochemistry of nucleic acids, antimetabolites and enzymology; mode of action of chiral acyclic nucleoside and nucleotide analogues possessing antiviral and cytostatic activities.
- Scholarship:
- Rega Institute, Leuven, Belgium (prof. E. De Clercq)
- Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, The University of Kansas, (USA) (NIH scholarship, prof. R. T. Borchardt).
- 2001 - Doctor of Sciences (D.Sc.), dissertation: "Acyclic nucleosides and nucleotides - antivirals and antineoplastic agents"
- Publications:
- more than 100 experimental papers, communications at international conferences and patent applications.
- Selected papers:
- (1998-2002)
- Contact:
- Ivan Votruba
- Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- Flemingovo nam. 2, CZ-16610, Prague 6, Czech Republic
- phone: +420 220183209
- fax: +420 233331271
- E-mail: votruba@uochb.cas.cz