(under the aegis of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy)
The aim of the Karlovy Vary symposia was to mediate the debate among various trends of current Analytic Philosophy and to introduce leading representatives of this tradition to the Czech philosophical public. The program of the symposia included lectures for the general public; some symposia were followed by presentations of some key analytic philosophers in Prague. Proceedings from the symposia were published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, CSLI Stanford, and Filosofia Publishers Prague.
Topics of the Karlovy Vary Symposia:
- 1992, Bristol Hotel
Sense and Reference One Hundred Years Later
- 1993, Termal Hotel and Bristol Hotel
- 1994, Pupp Grand Hotel
- 1995, Pupp Grand Hotel
Questions from Quine
- 1996, Pupp Grand Hotel
Interpreting Davidson
- 1998, Pupp Grand Hotel
Swimming in XYZ (Philosophy of Hilary Putnam)
The goal of these annual international colloquia, organized by the Department since 2000, is to establish a platform for regular interdisciplinary discussions on some key problems of the theory of interpretation. The participants have included philosophers, aestheticians and literary theorists from Sweden, Great Britain,, Norway, Denmark, Italy, France, Germany, USA,, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Topics of the Interpretation Colloquia:
- 2000, Prague, Villa Lanna
The Notion of Interpretation in Philosophy and Literary Theory
- 2002, Prague, The Philosophical Institute
Externalism-Internalism Dispute and the Theory of Interpretation
(together with the Department for the Study of Modern Rationality)
- 2003, Praha, The Philosophical Institute and Villa Lanna
Sentence Meaning - Utterance Meaning / Text - Work
- 2004, Prague, Villa Lanna
The Constraints of Interpretation
- 2005, Prague, Villa Lanna
The Levels of Interpretation
- 2006, Prague Villa Lanna
Interpreting Text - Interpreting Author
(commemorating the centenary of Samuel Beckett)
- 2008, Prague, Villa Lanna
Interpreting Architecture
- 2009, Prague, Villa Lanna
The Grounds of Sense
(Philosophy of P. F. Strawson)
- 2010, Prague, The Philosophical Institute
October 25-26, 2005, Philosophical Institute, Prague
Rethinking Popper
September 10th - 14th 2007
Prague, Czech Republic
Emotions and Intentionality
April 17-18, 2008
Villa Lanna, Prague
Knowledge, Value, Evolution: An international conference on cross-pollination between life sciences and philosophy.
November 23-25, 2009
Vila Lanna, Praha
- 1990, Prague, Villa Lanna
Object, Identity, Identification
(a workshop for philosophers from Italy, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic, connected with The European Review of Philosophy)
1999, Prague, The Philosophical Institute
Getting the PAGINation Right
(a workshop on the work of the Swedish philosopher Peter Pagin, with participants from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden and Germany)
2003, Prague, The Philosophical Institute
Language and Value
(a colloque with participants from the Czech Republic and Finland)
In cooperation with the Department of Logic of the Philosophical Institute and with the Slovak Philosophical Institute in Bratislava, the Department co-founded in 1997 a tradition of regular Slovak-Czech symposia on analytic philosophy. Our department was charged with the organizing work in 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010.
Since its foundation, the Department has arranged a number of lectures of prominent current representatives of analytic philosophy. The speakers included:
Willard van Orman Quine, Donald Davidson, Peter F. Strawson, Jerrold J. Katz, Brian Loar, Keith Lehrer, Ralph Walker, Thomas Baldwin, Kathleen Wilkes, Pascal Engel, Kevin Mulligan, John Biro, Kent Bach, Anthony Grayling, Martin Davies, Andrew Woodfield, Anthony Savile, Peter Pagin, Claude Vandeloise, Jerrold Levinson, Gregory Currie and many others.
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