Česká verze English version

Journal for popularization of biology, founded in 1853 by J.E. Purkyně

Wonder of the World at Río Iguazú

Májsky J., Slaboch R.

Iguazu National Park (Parque Nacional Iguazú), which was established in 1934, is situated around 275 waterfalls on the Argentine and the Brazilian bank of the Río Iguazú. Despite the permanent fluctuations of temperature and air humidity, there is a high concentration of plant and animal species, some of them very rare. Due to the demanding and inaccessible terrain the fauna is only partially explored. For tourists and amateur naturalists this national park is a place where within a relatively small area an overwhelming number of exotic organisms may be observed, as well as a photogenic concentration of hundreds of waterfalls.

p. 46

© Photo J. Májsky

© Photo J. Májsky