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About the Institute


The Institute is a centre of fundamental research in physical chemistry, electrochemistry and chemical physics. The research work is characterized by many cross-links both within the Institute and also with other institutions in Europe, the U.S.A., Japan and other parts of the world. Much of the scientific work is concerned with fundamental research, but several groups, in particular in catalysis and electrochemistry, are also making contributions in more applied aspects. Besides the research activities the Institute is strongly involved in training of both undergraduate and graduate students, supervising their diploma and Ph.D. theses, and in teaching at universities.

In the Institute work at present about 155 full-time employees and approximately 45 graduate students. Roughly 70 per cent of the personnel are engaged in research, the remaining staff provides technical and administrative services.

Members of the Institute publish each year approximately 200 research papers, for the most part in impacted international journals, several books or chapters in monographs, and a number of communications in proceedings of scientific meetings.

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RESULTS in MEDIA - PRIZMA, Česká televize, 26.2.2011 (in Czech)   Nedávno otevřené nové moderní Centrum pro inovace v oboru nanomateriálů a nanotechnologií bylo krátce představeno v tec
EDUCATION Konkurs do 1. ročníku PGS studia   se uskuteční dne 14. června 2011 v místnosti 108, začátek v 9 hodin. Vyplněné přihlášky je nutno odevzdat či zaslat
IMPORTANT PUBLICATIONS RELEASED IN 2011:   FEBRUARY 2011 - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 4365–
POPULARIZATION - Seminar in Senate of CR (22.2.2011)   Na semináři o popularizaci vědy pořádaném v Senátu ČR jsme představili popularizační aktivity našeho ústavu v prezen
POPULARIZATION - Science Cafe Week, Česká hlava, March 14 -18, 2011   Profesor Patrik Španěl z Oddělení spektroskopie vystoupí jako host v programu Týdne vědeckých kaváren organizovaných
Group 4 metallocene complexes with pendant unsaturated groups
8.3. 2011 at 14.00 in room 108
Catalysts for simultaneous NO and N2O abatement from real outlet gases of nitric acid plant. Current state and challenges
9.3.2011 at 11:00 in room 11
Pokroky v aromatizaci metanu na zeolitech s kontrolovanou distribucí hliníku.
16.3.2011 at 11:00 in room 11
Ruthenium based olefin metathesis catalysts immobilized on mesoporous molecular sieves (PhD Thesis)
22.3.2011 at 14:00 in room 108
Mesoporous zeolites: from laboratory curiosity to industrial production
7.4.2011 at 14:00 in room 108
Scientific Meetings  
School “Adsorption on Porous Materials”
14 -15 March 2011
13th Seminar of PhD Students on Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry
3 - 7 April 2011
Seminar of Students of JHI 2011
11.-13. April 2011
Czech-Slovak-Japan Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry
18 - 20 May 2011
Solar Fuels: Light Capture and Electron Flow (Europe-US Strategic Meeting)
23-26 May 2011

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