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O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
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Scientific workers
Bureš Jan, MUDr. DrSc.
Klement Daniel, MUDr. PhD.
Kubík Štěpán, RNDr. PhD.
Nedvídek Jan ,RNDr. CSc.
Nekovářová Tereza, RNDr. PhDr. PhD.
Valeš Karel, RNDr.
Vlček Kamil, Mgr. PhD.
PhD students
Benkovičová Kristína, Mgr.
Blahna Karel, MUDr.
Fajnerová Iveta, Mgr.
Levčík David, Mgr.
Petrásek Tomáš, Mgr.
Prokopová Iva, Mgr.
Řezáčová Lenka, Mgr.
Svoboda Jan, RNDr.
Telenský Petr, Mgr.
Undergraduate students
Hatalová Hana, Bc.
Rambousek Lukáš, Bc.
Šíchová Klára, Bc.
Technical and administrative support
Müllerová Libuše
Kalvoda Jindřich
Jeřábková Libuše
Machková Jana
Fialová Michaela
Zahálka Antonín
Department of Neurophysiology of Memory

List of publications in journals covered by Science Citation Index.

Authors of the department are red marked.
Authors of the Institute of Physiology are underlined.
Updated 11.2.2010

2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  1998  1997  1996  1995  1994  1993  


Blahna K. - Svoboda J. - Telensky P. - Klement D.
Inertial stimuli generated by arena rotation are important for acquisition of the active place avoidance task.
Behavioural Brain Research, 216(1), 207-213, 2010
IF = 3.22(09)

Klement D. - Levcik D. - Duskova L. - Nekovarova T.
Spatial task for rats testing position recognition of an object displayed on a computer screen.
Behavioural Brain Research, 207(2), 480-489, 2010
IF = 3.22(09)

Petrasek T. - Doulames V. - Prokopova I. - Vales K. - Stuchlik A.
Combined administration of alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonist prazosin and beta-blocker propranolol impairs spatial avoidance learning on a dry arena.
Behavioural Brain Research, 208(2), 402-407, 2010
IF = 3.22(09)

Vales K. - Svoboda J. - Benkovicova K. - Bubenikova-Valesova V. - Stuchlik A.
The difference in effect of mGlu2/3 and mGlu5 receptor agonists on cognitive impairment induced by MK-801.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 639, 91-98, 2010
IF = 2.585(09)

Kostal L. - Marsalek P.
Neuronal Jitter: Can we measure the spike timing dispersion differently?.
Chinese Journal of Physiology, 53(6), 454-464, 2010
IF = 0.698(09)

Fenton A.A. - Lytton W.W. - Barry J.M. - Lenck-Santini P. P. - Zinyuk L. - Kubik S. - Bures J. - Poucet B. - Muller R. U. - Olypher A.V.
Attention-Like Modulation of Hippocampus Place Cell Discharge.
Journal of Neuroscience, 30(13), 4613-4625, 2010
IF = 7.178(09)

Lansky P. - Sanda P. - He J.
Effect of stimulation on the input parameters of stochastic leaky integrate-and-fire neuronal model.
Journal of Physiology, 104, 160-166, 2010
IF = 1.776(09)

Laczo J. - Andel R. - Vyhnalek M. - Vlcek K. - Magerova H. - Varjassyova A. - Tolar M. - Hort J.
Human Analogue of the Morris Water Maze for Testing Subjects at Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Neurodegenerative Diseases, 7, 148-152, 2010
IF = 3.496(09)

Kristofikova Z. - Ricny J. - Ort M. - Ripova D.
Aging and Lateralization of the Rat Brain on a Biochemical Level.
Neurochemical Research, 35(8), 1138-1146, 2010
IF = 2.722(09)

Zach P. - Mrzilkova J. - Rezacova L. - Stuchlik A. - Vales K.
Delayed effects of elevated corticosterone level on volume of hippocampal formation in laboratory rat.
Physiological Research, 59(6), 985-990, 2010
IF = 1.43(09)

Jezek K. - Lee B.B. - Kelemen E. - McCarthy K. - McEwen B.S. - Fenton A.A.
Stress-Induced Out-of-Context Activation of Memory.
PLoS Biology, 8(12), e1000570-13, 2010
IF = 12.916(09)

Bubenikova-Valesova V. - Svoboda J. - Horacek J. - Sumiyoshi T.
Effect of tandospirone, a serotonin-1A receptor partial agonist, on information processing and locomotion in dizocilpine-treated rats.
Psychopharmacology, 212(2), 267-276, 2010
IF = 4.103(09)


Laczo J. - Vlcek K. - Vyhnalek M. - Vajnerova O. - Ort M. - Holmerova I. - Tolar M. - Andel R. - Bojar M. - Hort J.
Spatial navigation testing discriminates two types of amnestic mild cognitive impairment.
Behavioural Brain Research, 202(2), 252-259, 2009
IF = 3.22(09)

Stuchlik A. - Petrasek T. - Vales K.
A dose–response study of the effects of pre-test administration of beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist propranolol on the learning of active place avoidance, a spatial cognition task, in rats.
Behavioural Brain Research, 200(1), 144-149, 2009
IF = 3.22(09)

Bubenikova-Valesova V. - Svoboda J. - Horacek J. - Vales K.
The effect of a full agonist/antagonist of the D1 receptor on locomotor activity sensorimotor gating and cognitive function in dizocilpine-treated rats.
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 12(7), 873-883, 2009
IF = 4.874(09)

Miyashita T. - Kubik S. - Haghighi N. - Steward O. - Guzowski J. F.
Rapid Activation of Plasticity-Associated Gene Transcription in Hippocampal Neurons Provides a Mechanism for Encoding of One-Trial Experience.
Journal of Neuroscience, 29(4), 898-906, 2009
IF = 7.178(09)

Telensky P. - Svoboda J. - Pastalkova E. - Blahna K. - Bures J. - Stuchlik A.
Enemy avoidance task: A novel behavioral paradigm for assessing spatial avoidance of a moving subject.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 180(1), 29-33, 2009
IF = 2.295(09)

Petrasek T. - Stuchlik A.
Serotonin-depleted rats are capable of learning in active place avoidance, a spatial task requiring cognitive coordination.
Physiological Research, 58(2), 299-303, 2009
IF = 1.43(09)

Stuchlik A. - Petrasek T. - Vales K.
Effect of alpha1-adrenergic antagonist prazosin on behavioral alterations induced by MK-801 in a spatial memory task in Long-Evans rats.
Physiological Research, 58(5), 733-740, 2009
IF = 1.43(09)

Stuchlik A. - Vales K.
Baclofen dose-dependently disrupts learning in a place avoidance task requiring cognitive coordination.
Physiology and Behavior, 97, 507-511, 2009
IF = 3.295(09)

Nekovarova T. - Nedvidek J. - Klement D. - Bures J.
Spatial decisions and cognitive strategies of monkeys and humans based on abstract spatial stimuli in rotation test.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 136(36), 15478-15482, 2009
IF = 9.432(09)


Kus V. - Prazak T. - Brauner P. - Hensler M. - Kuda O. - Flachs P. - Janovska P. - Medrikova D. - Rossmeisl M. - Jilkova Z. - Stefl B. - Pastalkova E. - Drahota Z. - Houstek J. - Kopecky J.
Induction of muscle thermogenesis by high-fat diet in mice: association with obesity-resistance.
American Journal of Physiology, 295(2), E356-E367, 2008
IF = 3.855(08)

Nedvidek J. - Nekovarova T. - Bures J.
Spatial choices of macaque monkeys based on the visual representation of the response space: Rotation of the stimuli.
Behavioural Brain Research, 193(2), 204-208, 2008
IF = 3.171(08)

Stuchlik A. - Petrasek T. - Vales K.
Dopamine D2 receptors and alpha1-adrenoceptors synergistically modulate locomotion and behavior of rats in a place avoidance task.
Behavioural Brain Research, 189(1), 139-144, 2008
IF = 3.171(08)

Miyashita T. - Kubik S. - Lewandowski G. - Guzowski J. F.
Networks of neurons, networks of genes: An integrated view of memory consolidation.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 89(3), 269-284, 2008
IF = 3.757(08)

Stuchlik A. - Vales K.
Role of alpha1- and alpha2-adrenoceptors in the regulation of locomotion and spatial behavior in the active place avoidance task: A dose–response study.
Neuroscience Letters, 433(3), 235-240, 2008
IF = 2.2(08)

Svoboda J. - Telensky P. - Blahna K. - Zach P. - Bures J. - Stuchlik A.
Lesion of posterior parietal cortex in rats does not disrupt place avoidance based on either distal or proximal orienting cues.
Neuroscience Letters, 445(1), 73-77, 2008
IF = 2.2(08)

Serrano P. - Friedman E.L. - Kenney J. - Taubenfeld S.M. - Zimmerman J.M. - Hanna J. - Alberini C. - Kelley A.E. - Maren S. - Rudy J.W. - Yin J.C.P. - Sacktor T.C. - Fenton A.A.
PKMzeta Maintains Spatial, Instrumental, and Classically Conditioned Long-Term Memories.
P L o S Biology, 6(12), 2698-2706, 2008
IF = 12.683(08)

Klement D. - Blahna K. - Nekovarova T.
Novel behavioral tasks for studying spatial cognition in rats.
Physiological Research, 57, S161-S165, 2008
IF = 1.653(08)

Petrovic M. - Vales K. - Putnikovic B. - Djulejic V. - Mitrovic D. M.
Ryanodine receptors, voltage-gated calcium channels and their relationship with protein kinase A in the myocardium.
Physiological Research, 57(2), 141-149, 2008
IF = 1.653(08)

Bubenikova-Valesova V. - Stuchlik A. - Svoboda J. - Bures J. - Vales K.
Risperidone and ritanserin but not haloperidol block effect of dizocilpine on the active allothetic place avoidance task.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105(3), 1061-1066, 2008
IF = 9.38(08)















