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Akademie věd ČRCzech Geo

Institute of Geonics AS CR has the pleasure to announce the compact course


September 13 - 15, 2010       Institute of Geonics AS CR       Ostrava, Czech Republic

General Info

The short course will be held in collaboration with Ove Stephansson, Arno Zang, Yuzo Obara. By gathering the strengths and specialties of each group, we would like to provide the oportunity for training on the recent developments of Rock Stress in the Earth’s Crust.

The course will be hosted by the Institute of Geonics AS CR Ostrava and held in September 13 - 15, 2010. The official course language will be English.

The course material is the book Stress Field of the Earth’s Crust by Arno Zang and Ove Stephansson, Springer Netherlands (2010), Online SpringerLink 978-1-4020-8444-7, ISBN 978-1-4020-8443-0, 322 pp. and DVD with 17 video lectures.

Visiting Lecturers

Ove Stephansson (GFZ Potsdam, Germany)

Engineering Geologist and Rock Mechanics is specialized in the application of Rock Stress and its Measurements.

Arno Zang (GFZ Potsdam, Germany)

Geophysicist specialized in Rock Fracture Mechanics and Stress Estimation from Deep Drill Cores.

Yuzo Obara (University of Kumamoto, Japan)

Geotechnical Specialist focused on Rock Stress and Rock Stress Measurement as well as Rock Properties induced by the Microstructure.

Who should attend the course

This course is aimed at experienced geoscientists and rock engineers or students who wish to use Rock Stress in their work and research. There is no need to be a Rock Stress specialist to register but remind that this course is not intended for people desiring to make their first steps. We intend to focus on specific primordial goals for geoscientists and rock engineers. The three parts of the course are meant to be related but each session can be attended independently. The theoretical sessions will be followed by direct practical applications and hands on in laboratories of the Institute of Geonics AS CR.

Course Aims

The aims of the course are to provide interested geoscientists and rock engineers with a solid background in quantitative Rock Stress Analysis including Definition, Terminology, Measurements, Case Studies and Applications.

We will NOT provide any software specific support.

We will provide a theoretical background and some practice on selected topics of interest. We will provide with leading edge technology in rock stress estimation together with classical methods. We will give personal guidance through the content of our recent text-book and movie material.

List of topics

Definition and terminology of rock stresses. Rock fracture criteria. Crustal stress models. Measuring crustal stress; borehole and core-based methods. Local stress data from KTB borehole, Olkiluoto potential radioactive waste site, SAFOD California. World Stress Map and its applications to science and technology. Best Estimate Stress Model.

Information about the course content

Prof. Ove Stephansson
Prof. Radim Blaheta
PD Dr. Arno Zang
Dr. Lubomir Stas


The first circular (PDF) with the registration form can be downloaded. However, note that the electronic registration via this web page is recommended.

Contact Info


Institute of Geonics AS CR, v.v.i.
Studentska 1768
708 00 Ostrava-Poruba
Czech Republic

+420 596 979 111
+420 596 919 452

Organizing matters: Eva Dudkova

Last news

The final schedule (PDF) of the compact course Crustal Rock Stress.

The official programme (PDF) of the workshop Micromechanics of Geomaterials.

Tentative Schedule

Day 1, September 13

Introduction (OS). Terminology (OS, DVD at the back of the book). Stress definition (AZ). Rock Fracture Criteria (AZ, DVD and visit to GEONICS Rock Testing Laboratory). Crustal Stress Models (AZ).

Day 2, September 14

Borehole methods (OS). Conical overcoring methods (YO, visit to GEONICS Laboratory). Hydraulic fracturing (OS, visit to the GEONICS Laboratory). Borehole breakouts (OS, AZ). Core based methods (AZ, DVD). Other methods (OS, AZ, YO). Local stress data from KTB, Olkiluoto and SAFOD.

Day 3, September 15

World Stress Map (OS). European Stress Map (AZ). Plate Tectonic Interpretation (OS, AZ). Orientation Maps and Smoothing (AZ). Best Estimate Stress Model (OS). Rock stress research at the Institute of Geonics (GEONICS). Applications of rock stress in science and engineering (OS, AZ, YO, DVD interviews with prominent scientists in rock stress measurement). Conclusions and closure (OS, AZ, YO, GEONICS).

Day 4, September 16

Possibility to attend for free another event - the workshop Micromechanics of Geomaterials.


OS Ove Stephansson, AZ Arno Zang, YO Yuzo Obara, GEONICS specialists from Department of Laboratory Investigation of Geomaterials and Department of Geomechanics and Mining Research.

Registration Procedure

Early booking up to:
Registration will be open to:
May 15, 2010
August 30, 2010


Registration Fee

Prices for early payment (May 15) and for later payment (in brackets). Prices include taxes:
280 EUR   (330 EUR)
330 EUR   (380 EUR)
380 EUR   (430 EUR)

For payment, it is also possible to use rough Czech equivalents of the registration fee, which are determined as follows:
7000 CZK     (8000 CZK)
8000 CZK     (9500 CZK)
9500 CZK   (11000 CZK)

A 10% discount will be offered to members of ISRM and sister societies, EAGE, etc. A copy of the book is included in the price of the course.

The fee includes participation in the course, conference materials including book by Ove Stephansson and Arno Zang published by Springer-Verlag in 2010, lunches, refreshment and a conference dinner.

For the bank transfer use the account (bank payment is allowed only till August 30, 2010):

    CNB, branch Ostrava
CZ17 0710 0000 0000 1042 7761

DoP means Details of payment. Its last four digits xxxx are generated automatically during the on-line registration.

Accomodation Info

We offer to book a walking distance (10 - 20 min.) accomodation at prices 15 - 40 EUR per night:
    Hotel part of dormitories of TU Ostrava
    Pension AIDA
    Hotel SPORT CLUB