Department of Neurohumoral Regulation List of publications in journals covered by Science Citation Index. Authors of the department are red marked. Authors of the Institute of Physiology are underlined. Updated 11.2.2010 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 2010 1. Sosniyenko S. - Parkanova D. - Illnerova H. - Sladek M. - Sumova A. Different mechanisms of adjustment to a change of the photoperiod in the suprachiasmatic and liver circadian clocks. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 298(4), R959-R971, 2010 IF = 3.058(09) 2. Novakova M. - Sladek M. - Sumova A. Exposure of Pregnant Rats to Restricted Feeding Schedule Synchronizes the SCN Clocks of Their Fetuses under Constant Light but Not under a Light-Dark Regime. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 25(5), 350-360, 2010 IF = 4.418(09) 3. Mateju K. - Sumova A. - Bendova Z. Expression and light sensitivity of clock genes Per1 and Per2 and immediate-early gene c-fos within the retina of early postnatal Wistar rats. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 518(17), 3630-3644, 2010 IF = 3.718(09) 2009 1. Mateju K. - Bendova Z. - El-Hennamy R. - Sladek M. - Sosniyenko S. - Sumova A. Development of the light sensitivity of the clock genes Period1 and Period2, and immediate-early gene c-fos within the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29(3), 490-501, 2009 IF = 3.418(09) 2. Sosniyenko S. - Hut R.A. - Daan S. - Sumova A. Influence of photoperiod duration and light–dark transitions on entrainment of Per1 and Per2 gene and protein expression in subdivisions of the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 30(9), 1802-1814, 2009 IF = 3.418(09) 3. Polidarova L. - Sotak M. - Sladek M. - Pacha J. - Sumova A. Temporal Gradient in the Clock Gene and Cell-Cycle Checkpoint Kinase Wee1 Expression along the Gut. Chronobiology International, 26(4), 607-620, 2009 IF = 3.987(09) 4. Walton K. M. - Fisher K. - Rubitski D. - Marconi M. - Meng Q.-J. - Sladek M. - Adams J. - Bass M. - Chandrasekaran R. - Butler T. - Griffor M. - Rajamohan F. - Serpa M. - Chen Y. - Claffey M. - Hastings M. - Loudon A. - Maywood E. - Ohren J. - Doran A. - Wager T. T. Selective Inhibition of Casein Kinase 1 epsilon Minimally Alters Circadian Clock Period. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 330(2), 430-439, 2009 IF = 4.093(09) 5. Zikova M. - Corlett A. - Bendova Z. - Pajer P. - Bartunek P. DISP3, a sterol-sensing domain-containing protein that links thyroid hormone action and cholesterol metabolism. Molecular Endocrinology, 23(4), 520-528, 2009 IF = 5.257(09) 6. Bendova Z. - Sumova A. - Mikkelsen J. D. Circadian and developmental regulation of N-methyl-d-aspartate-receptor 1 mRNA splice variants and N-methyl-d-aspartate-receptor 3 subunit expression within the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Neuroscience, 159(2), 599-609, 2009 IF = 3.292(09) 2008 1. El-Hennamy R. - Mateju K. - Bendova Z. - Sosniyenko S. - Sumova A. Maternal Control of the Fetal and Neonatal Rat Suprachiasmatic Nucleus. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 23(5), 435-444, 2008 IF = 4.211(08) 2. Blazejova K. - Illnerova H. - Hajek I. - Nevsimalova S. Circadian rhythm in salivary melatonin in narcoleptic patiens. Neuroscience Letters, 437(2), 162-164, 2008 IF = 2.2(08) 3. Sumova A. - Bendova Z. - Sladek M. - El-Hennamy R. - Mateju K. - Polidarova L. - Sosniyenko S. - Illnerova H. Circadian molecular clocks tick along ontogenesis. Physiological Research, 57, S139-S148, 2008 IF = 1.653(08) 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 |