
oddělení Neurofyziologie paměti
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E-mail na vedoucího oddělení:
A. 7. RP EU
1) Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITNs)
2) Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)
3) Cooperation – Spolupráce v 7. RP
4) Cost – Cooperation in Science and Technology
5) Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)
B. HFSP – Human Frontier Science Program
1) Young Investigators’ Grants
2) Program grants
1) Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITNs)
eligibility: min 3 partners from 3 different EU member or associated states,
recommended size 6 – 10 participants; other partners may be from other
third countries (OTC); max 40% funding for participants from any single country;
in special cases, mono-partner ITNs may be supported – see section 2.4. of the guide
for applicants; the purpose of ITNs is to improve career perspectives of researchers
in the first five years of their research career, in both public and private sectors,
through a trans-national networking mechanism; the involvement of organisations
from different sectors is an essential part of an ITN; In all cases,
the proposals should include clear evidence of the commitment of the private sector
to be involved; early-stage researchers (less 4 yrs. of research experience
after MSc or similar, before PhD at the time of recruitment)
must consist min 80% of the researcher-months;
appointments between 3mos. and 3 yrs.; experienced researchers less 5yrs. research exp.,
appointment between 3 mos. and 2 yrs. especially in the private sector;
no one can be recruited as ESR and then ER within the same ITN;
mobility = not being in the country of the host institution more than 12 months
in the 3 yrs preceding the relevant deadline;
ITNs will primarily develop a dedicated joint research training programme
that focuses upon exploiting both the specific expertise and infrastructure
of the participating partners; each recruited researcher
(for a period of more than 6 months) will establish,
together with her/his personal supervisor in the host organisation,
a Personal Career Development Plan
duration: usually 48 months
award: no limit, recommended max 500 researcher-months;
salary 38 000 € per year (early-stage researcher) or 58 500 € (experienced researcher),
mobility allowance 1000 € (with family) or 700 € (no family),
training costs 1800 € per researcher-month, management costs 10%
and overheads 10% of the total EU contribution; example for 2 ESR for 3 yrs,
1 ER for 1 yr ≈ 611 149 €
deadline: 26 January 2011 17:00 Brussels time
2) Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)
eligibility: min 3 partners, at least 2 from 2 different EU or associated countries;
min one from a non-EU country, with which the EU has an S&T Agreement
or which is covered by the ENP
award: 1900 €/month per exchange + 200 € for long distance exchanges;
only exchanges between EU and non-EU orgs are funded
deadline: 17 March 2011 17:00
3) Cooperation – Spolupráce v 7. RP
under construction
4) Cost – Cooperation in Science and Technology
eligibility/requirements: two-stage application, preliminary application with an overview
of the proposed Action’s goal and its foreseen impact submitted by the collection date,
~ 80 proposals selected for a full proposal; minimum number of consortium members is 5,
but it is usual to have over 10 participants; it is also possible to JOIN an existing COST action;
because the administration is very demanding, particularly for the main administrator,
therefore, joining an existing action is preferred strategy over proposing one’s own action
award: The support will cover the costs of networking activities such as meetings
(e.g. travel, subsistence, local organiser support), conferences, workshops, short-term
scientific exchanges, training schools, publications and dissemination activities.
COST does not fund the research itself. However, it is possible to obtain research
funding from MŠMT for participants in COST actions (see http://www.msmt-vyzkum.cz/).
deadline: collection dates Friday 25 March 2011 and 30 September 2011
at 17:00 Brussels time
5) Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)
Public-private partnership aiming to improve the drug development process
by supporting a more efficient discovery and development of better
and safer medicines for patients
The research consortia participating in IMI projects consist of:
• large biopharmaceutical companies that are members of EFPIA,
• and a variety of other partners, such as:
• small- and medium-sized enterprises,
• patients' organisations,
• universities and other research organisations,
• hospitals,
• regulatory agencies,
• any other industrial partners.
3rd call for Expression of Interest closed on 18 Jan 2011
B. HFSP – Human Frontier Science Program
eligibility/requirements: 3 Is: Innovative nature; Interdisciplinary approach –
new combinations of skills, International, preferably Intercontinental nature;
principal applicant must be from one of the eligible countries (incl. CZ),
but other participating scientists and laboratories may be situated anywhere in the world;
evidence of independence such as written confirmation from the Head of Department that
the applicant is able to carry out the research independently and will have full control
of the HFSP funds, (postdocs ineligible)
duration: 3 yrs.
award: up to $450,000 per grant per year depending on team size;
principal applicant’s or coapplicant’s salary NOT PERMISSIBLE!; 10% overheads
deadline: compulsory pre-registration deadline 22 March 2011;
letter of intent to apply for a research grant via the HFSP web site by 31 March 2011,
and after review, selected teams will be invited to submit a full application
1) Young Investigators’ Grants
eligibility/requirements: teams of researchers, all of whom within the first
five years after obtaining an independent position (e.g. Assistant Professor, Lecturer or equivalent)
2) Program grants
eligibility/requirements: teams of independent researchers at any stage
of their careers. The research team is expected to develop new lines of research
through the collaboration; applications including independent investigators
early in their careers are encouraged
award: up to $450,000 per grant per year may be applied for