Volume 51, Suppl. 1, 2002
Physiol. Res. 51:
S3, 2002
The relationship between episodic memory and context:
clues from memory errors made while under stress.
L. Nadel, J.D. Payne
Dept. Psychol., Univ. Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Physiol. Res. 51:
S13, 2002
The enigma of conditioned taste aversion learning: stimulus
properties of 2-phenylethylamine derivatives.
A.J. Greenshaw, S. Turkish, B.A. Davis
Dept. Psychiatry, 1E7.44 WMC Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G
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Physiol. Res. 51:
S21, 2002
Taste aversion learning and aging: a comparison with the
effect of dorsal hippocampal lesions in rats.
I. Moron, M.A. Ballesteros, A. Candido, M. Gallo
Dept. Exp. Psychol. Physiol., Behav. Univ. Granada, Campus
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Physiol. Res. 51:
S29, 2002
Disturbance of motivated behavior in rats by epileptic afterdischarges.
P. Mareš, L. Chocholová
Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci. Czech Republic, Vídeňská 1083, 142 20
Prague 4, Czech Republic
Physiol. Res. 51:
S35, 2002
Hippocampus-dependent retrieval and
hippocampus-independent extinction of place avoidance
navigation, and stress-induced out-of-context activation of a
memory revealed by reversible lesion experiments in rats.
K. Ježek, M. Wesierska, A A. Fenton
Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci. Czech Republic, Vídeňska 1083, 142 20
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Physiol. Res. 51:
S49, 2002
Rat spatial memory tasks adapted for humans:
characterization in subjects with intact brain and subjects with
selective medial temporal lobe thermal lesions.
V.D. Bohbot, R. Jech, E. Růžička, L. Nadel, M.
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McConnell Brain Imag. Ctr, Montreal Neurol. Inst., McGill Univ.,
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Physiol. Res. 51:
S67, 2002
Striatal level of regulation of learned forepaw movements
in rats.
I.A. Zhuravin, N.M. Dubrovskaya, S.A. Plesneva
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Physiol. Res. 51:
S13, 2002
Glutamate induces different neuronal conditioned
responses than ACPD when used as a locally ionophoresed
unconditioned stimulus in the cat motor cortex.
Ch.D. Woody
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Physiol. Res. 51:
S85, 2002
Changes in extracellular space volume and geometry
induced by cortical spreading depression in immature and adult
T. Mazel, F. Richter, L. Vargová, E. Syková
Inst. Exp. Med., Acad. Sci., Czech Republic, Vídeňská 1083, 142
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Physiol. Res. 51:
S95, 2002
Changes in the acoustically evoked activity in the
inferior colliculus of the rat after functional ablation of the
auditory cortex.
F.C. Nwabueze-Ogbo, J. Popelář, J. Syka
Inst, Exp. Med., Acad. Sci., Czech Republic, Vídeňská 1083, 142
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Physiol. Res. 51:
S105, 2002
Decomposing stimulus complexes and dissecting art: a
theory of evaluation.
J.P. Huston
Inst. Physiol. Psychol., Univ. Düsseldorf, Universitätsstr. 1,
40225 Düsseldorf, Germany