All manuscripts must contain the title of the paper in both Czech and English; Czech or English resume (1500 characters, spaces included); five keywords in both Czech and English; short information about the author and his or her contact.
Original papers (25-35 pages written in Times New Roman, size 12, 1,5 line spacing) and reviews (5-10 pages) should use footnotes in the following form:
Dušan ŠINDELÁŘ, Vědecká ilustrace v Čechách. Praha: Obelisk 1973.
David S. BARNES, Confronting Sensory Crisis in the Great Stinks of London and Paris. In: COHEN, W. A. – JOHNSON, R. (eds.), Filth: Dirt, Disgust, and Modern Life. Minneapolis – Londýn: University of Minnesota Press 2005, s. 103-129.
Ernst A. CASSIRER, Strukturalismus v moderní lingvistice. Kritický sborník, roč. 16, 1996, č. 1, s. 13-25.
Thierry LEFEBVRE, Marey et la chronophotographie [online]. 2005. Dostupné z:
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