theory of science
Theory of Science accepts submissions (original papers and reviews) in Czech, English, French, and German. Papers submitted cannot be under editorial process in another journal, reprints or translations.
All manuscripts must contain the title of the paper in both Czech and English; Czech or English resume (1500 characters, spaces included); five keywords in both Czech and English; short information about the author and his or her contact.
Original papers (25-35 pages written in Times New Roman, size 12, 1,5 line spacing) and reviews (5-10 pages) should use footnotes in the following form:

Dušan ŠINDELÁŘ, Vědecká ilustrace v Čechách. Praha: Obelisk 1973.

David S. BARNES, Confronting Sensory Crisis in the Great Stinks of London and Paris. In: COHEN, W. A. – JOHNSON, R. (eds.), Filth: Dirt, Disgust, and Modern Life. Minneapolis – Londýn: University of Minnesota Press 2005, s. 103-129.

Ernst A. CASSIRER, Strukturalismus v moderní lingvistice. Kritický sborník, roč. 16, 1996, č. 1, s. 13-25.

Thierry LEFEBVRE, Marey et la chronophotographie [online]. 2005. Dostupné z: [cit. 18. 5. 2007].

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