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časopis teorie vědy
Teorie vědy (časopis pro teorii vědy, techniky a komunikace)
ročník XI /XXIV/
č. 3




Hodnocení výzkumných a inovačních aktivit: zkušenosti z průzkumu podnikatelských subjektů v ČR.


Jiří LOUDÍN: Věda ve společnosti vědění - koncepce a trendy.


Petr MACHLEIDT: Veřejnost, hodnocení techniky a udržitelný rozvoj společnosti.


Vladimír MAŘÍK:

Problematika výzkumných a inovačních aktivit v oblasti kybernetiky.


Slavoj PALÍK:

K transformaci, stavu a činnosti Zemědělského výzkumného ústavu Kroměříž, s.r.o.

Hodnocení výzkumných a inovačních aktivit: zkušenosti z průzkumu podnikatelských subjektů v ČR.


Assessment of Research and Innovation Activities:

experience gathered in the survey of entrepreneurial subjects in the Czech Republic.

This article discusses present condition in the area of research and development. It also deals with the innovation process and its relations to innovation policy. Selected problems of the assessment of research and innovation activities in research and development organizations are described in more detail here. Our analysis is related to the integration of the Czech Republic to the European Union, to the transformation of the Czech economy, and to the impacts of globalization in the economic and social life of the Czech society. These accounts reflect the results of the survey of selected entrepreneurial subjects, effectively participating in R & D. We analyze answers from approximately 50 organizations (either engaging in research or research counselling, or in production or application of innovation in production), residing in Prague's region or in Central Bohemia. It has been demonstrated, for example, that amongst production and innovation firms, an idea prevails that there is a good chance for the Czech Republic to find its way to the market by means of high technology. They are convinced that such ideas and conditions are available in our country which would be best evaluated through the employment of technology of the highest quality. At the same time, it is necessary to support this process through direct or indirect investments, namely also in selected research and development tendencies. At the end of our article we discuss the consequences for science and innovation policy, educed from acquired knowledge.

Věda ve společnosti vědění - koncepce a trendy.


Science in Knowledge Society – Concepts and Trends

Study deals with the changing role of science and knowledge in knowledge society. Knowledge economy is described as economic system featuring managing resources, abstractification, potentiality, uncertainty, subjectification, and individualization. Boundaries among social, economic and scientific areas are being blurred. Science is changing in knowledge society - more pronounced social accountability and applicability is demanded, and, at the same time, theoretical requirements increase. Socially distributed knowledge production (Mode 2) appears as a result. In frame of uncertainty governing in knowledge society the various models and methods of evaluation gain on relevance as well as articulate strategies and policies. Strategies constructed for coping with uncertainties comprises both co-operative and competitive scheme.

Veřejnost, hodnocení techniky a udržitelný rozvoj společnosti.


The Public, Technology Assessment, and Sustainable Development

Mastering of risks, connected with science and technology development, is associated with deepening knowledge activities that are concerned with the requirement of technology assessment. Since 1970's, Technology Assessment (TA) has become a relatively successful tool for social reflection of science and research development consequences. Progressive technology hides in itself both risks and enormous developmental potential. Its generation and application activate significant positive social changes. Technology occurs in the focus of three relevant factors of today's social development - i.e. market, power and morality. A few examples of effectual TA, or TA related, application in the Czech Republic are introduced in this article.

Vladimír MAŘÍK
Problematika výzkumných a inovačních aktivit v oblasti kybernetiky.


Research and Innovation Activities in Cybernetics

The paper briefly outlines the state-of-the-art as well as perspectives of cybernetics as a young scientific discipline in the Czech Republic, the international aspects being stressed. Several problems connected with funding of the research activities in the Czech Republic are discussed. E.g. there is no direct coordination link between the EC funded activities and the projects covered from the Czech public budgets, merging of funds from different public sources is often not permitted, both the visa and working permit policies for scientists are not adequate. The only way out is to clearly formulate the governmental R&D policy and to consider it as one of the Czech national top priorities. Several recommendations in this respect are presented.

Slavoj PALÍK
K transformaci, stavu a činnosti Zemědělského výzkumného ústavu Kroměříž, s.r.o.


Notes on transformation, condition and activity of Agricultural Research Institute in Kroměříž, LLC.

This study analyses activities of Agricultural Research Institute in Kroměříž in terms of its internal potential, as well as wider social and economic context. The institute has become a private enterprise, concentrating mainly on applied research. It specializes in genetics and cereal breeding methods, grain quality research, crop management and plant protection. Aside form research activities, the institute engages in counselling, informatisation of agriculture and agricultural production. The transformation resulted in aggravation of financial conditions and personnel reduction. Despite these problems, the institute is very successful in establishing international contacts, and attains remarkably good results in international cooperation. The major problems and obstacles, the institute encounters, arise from the conceptual and institutional disintegration of the research and innovation system, as well as non-occurance of indirect tools for the support of research and innovation.