Hana Bortlová,
assistant |
+420 257 531 121-23
+420 257 531 122 |
bortlova@usd.cas.cz |
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR,
Vlašská 9,
118 40, Praha 1
Czech Republic |
> Center > Biographies-
Hana Bortlová
Hana Bortlová, Ph.D.
and place of birth: May 10,1980, Praha
1998 – 1999 Faculty of Modern Literature, University
of Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France
2000 - 2004 Institute of Humanities, Charles University,
Prague - B.A. in Humanities
2003 Faculty of Education, University of Patras, Greece
(Scholarship awarded by Greek Government and Ministry of
Education of the Czech Republic)
2003 – 2004 Faculty of Philology, University of Salamanca,
Salamanca, Spain (European Universities Mobility Programme
2005 Visiting Student at School of Humanities and Social
Sciences of University of Patras, Greece
2006 Faculty of Philosophy of National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens, Greece. Scholarship awarded by National
and Kapodistrian University of Athens
2005 – 2007 Graduate (Master) at Charles University of Prague,
Faculty of Philosophy and Arts - M.A. in History and Anthropology
of Latin America and Iberian Peninsula
2007 – 2010 Faculty of Philosophy and Arts of Charles University
of Prague - Ph. D. in History of Latin America
Employment history:
1999 – 2000 Editor at Večerník Praha and Deníky
Bohemia newspapers
NGO worker: 2001–2002: People in Need Foundation in Prague
(Člověk v tísni), Human Rights Project Coordinator; 2002–2003:
Endowment Fund for the Victims of the Holocaust in Prague
(NFOH – Nadační fond obětem Holokaustu), Staff Member of
Individuals Compensation Programme; 2005–2006: Association
for Probation and Mediation in Justice in Prague (SPJ -
Sdružení pro probaci a mediaci v justici), Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention Project Coordinator; 2007–2008:
Fair Trade Hellas in Athens, Staff Member and Project Coordinator;
2008–2009: Ecumenical Academy of Prague (Ekumenická Akademie)
, Raising Awareness on the Working Conditions and Environmental
Pollution in the Production of Computers Project Coordinator
• 2002–2010: Freelance translator and interpreter for Czech
and foreign NGOs (Spanish, English, Modern Greek), Spanish
and Modern Greek teacher
2011 - up to present - researcher at the Institute of Contemporary
History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
History of Latin America, Czechoslovak
Foreign Policy in Latin America in 20thcentury, Spanish
Civil War, Francoist Spain, Oral History.
Selected Publications
and Articles:
Československo a Kuba v letech
1959–1962 (“Czechoslovakia and Cuba in the Years 1959–1962“).
Praha: FF UK (ed. Scholia), to be released in 2011
Mañana España: Historia oral de la guerrilla antifranquista
1945–1952. (“Tomorrow Spain: Oral History of Antifrancoist
Guerrilla 1945 – 1952”) Praha, 2005 [Manuscript available
at: http://www.premioibam.cz/cz/ganador2005.php]. The essay
was awarded Premio Iberoamericano Prize in 2005
> see