Religious Controversy
Situating Religious Controversy: Textual Transmission and Networks of Readership, 1378-1536Conference in Prague (Czech Republic), 26-27 May 2011 Academic Conference Center, Husova 4, Praha 1 Marie BARRAL-BARON (Angers), Pratique philologique et controverse religieuse: Érasme, lecteur critique de la Vulgate et des textes patristiques Lucie DOLEŽALOVÁ (Prague), Memorizing the Effects of the Body and Blood of Christ in Late 15th-Century Bohemia: Textual Strategies Blurring the Boundaries between Religious Groups Philip HABERKERN (Princeton), Publishing Jan Hus in the German Reformation: Polemics, Paratexts, and the Fiction of Primary Sources Daniel HOBBINS (Columbus), The Fifteenth-Century Councils and Distribution Patterns of the Works of Jean Gerson Anne HUDSON (Oxford), Opera omnia: Collecting Wyclif’s Works in England and Bohemia Paweł KRAS (Lublin), Shaping the Image of ‘Bohemian heretics’ in the Charters and Correspondence of King Wladyslaw Jagiello: Political Propaganda and Textual Strategies David MENGEL (Cincinnati), Mapping Communities of Readers in 15th Century Central Europe Georg MODESTIN (Fribourg), The Construction of Textual Authority in the Anti-Waldensian Treatise Cum dormirent homines Pavlína RYCHTEROVÁ (Vienna), Theology Goes to the Vernaculars: The Practice of Translation in 14th-Century Bohemia Fiona SOMERSET (Durham), Identity, Identification, and Mouvance among Lollard Pastoralia Pavel SOUKUP (Prague), ‘Pars Machometica’ in Early Hussite Polemics: The Use and Background of an Invective Robert SWANSON (Birmingham), Academic Circles: Universities and Exchanges of Information and Ideas in the Age of the Great Schism Michael VAN DUSSEN (Montreal), Fictions of Transmission: Imagining Academic Contact during the Great Schism |
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