The Module Part
Following tables, figures and cartograms provide some basic information about economic conditions, housing stock, tenure structure and housing finance in the Czech Republic.
1. Macroeconomic development of the Czech Republic
2. Availability of housing and housing construction in regions
3. Demographics development
4. Housing allowance in the Czech Republic
5. Structure of the consumption expenditures of Czech households
6. Construction savings scheme in the Czech Republic
7. Mortgage financing in the Czech Republic
The analytical part
These part of the publication offers deeper scientific analyses of a wide range of housing issues.
1. Housing shortage in the Czech Republic?
2. General assessment of selected housing policy instruments
3. Selected housing policy instruments in the Czech environment
4. How quickly should rent be deregulated in the Czech Republic (with respect to the efficiency of public housing expenditures)?
5. Simulation of an equilibrium market rent in the Czech Republic and of the financial and social impact resulting from an introduction of income-tested housing policy instruments
6. Literature