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5 Mar 11 - 7 Jan 12
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Institute of State and Law hold

Workshop of Medical Law. Ethical and Legal Issues in Medical Research. /Workshop medicínského práva a bioetiky a následné diskusní fórum na téma ""Etické a právní aspekty lékařského výzkumu".

Date and place: May 31, 2010, meeting room, Národní 18, Praha 1, floor 7.

Programme: 9.00-9.30 hod registration, 9.30-15.30 papers, 15.30 discussion.

More akce@ilaw.cas.cz.


The Lecture of prof. Frederick Lazin (Department of Government, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer - Sheva, Israel, Department of Israel Studies, American University, Washington, D.C., USA)

Jews in American Politics: The Case of Struggle for  Soviet Jewry in American Politics; Contemporary issues in Israel Politics.

Date: February 24, 2011, at 11.00 

Place: the meeting room of the Institute, Národní 18, Prague 1, floor 7.


Czech Banking Association in the cooperation with the Institute of State and Law and PRK Partners hold

the discussion meeting with prof. Karel Eliáš, author of new Czech Civil Code.

Date and place: February 21, 2011, the meeting room of the Institute, floor 7.

The meeting is closed.

Scientific Meeting

Institute of State and Law in the cooperation with the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Institute of State and Law of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Institue of Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences give the international scientific meeting on the theme 


Ústava a ústavní soudy ve středoevropské perspektivě / The Constitutional and Constitutional Courts in the Central European Perspective 


Date and place: February 2, 2011, the meeting room of Institute of State and Law, Národní 18, Prague 1, 7. patro.


Moderator: JUDr. PhDr. Zdeněk Masopust, DrSc.




JUDr. Jan Bárta, CSc., first words of the director

prof. dr hab. Jan Wawrzyniak: Evolution and structure of the Polish Constitutional Court/

Ewolucja struktury i funkcjonowania Trybunału Konstytucyjnego w Polsce

JUDr. Eduard Barány, DrSc.: Jurisdiction of the Slovak Constitutional Court/

Právomoc Ústavného súdu Slovenskej republiky a typy konaní pred ním

Dr. Ivan Halász, Ph.D.: Hungarian Constitutional Court - tommorow and today/Ústavny súd Maďarskej republiky včera a dnes: dilémy a perspektívy jeho kompetencií

JUDr. Michal Šejvl, Ph.D.: Politické otázky v rozhodování ústavních soudů

prof. dr hab. Wojciech Sokolewicz: Subsydiarność procedur i instytucji demokracji bezpośredniej w prawie polskim - na tle konstytucjonalizmu współczesnego

doc. JUDr. Josef Blahož, DrSc.: Problémy ústavně soudního aktivismu a pasivismu

Dr Michal Ziólkowski: Ku konstytucjonalizmowi europejskiemu: kilka uwag na tle wyroków sądów konstytucyjnych w sprawie Traktatu z Lizbony

JUDr. Jan Malíř, Ph.D.: Příběh čarodějova učně? Kontrola ústavnosti ústavních zákonů ve Střední Evropě ve světle klasického konstitucionalismu

JUDr. Jiří Grospič, CSc.: Ústavněprávní principy a jejich vzájemné vztahy ve světle srovnávacího ústavního práva, jakož i jejich význam pro judikaturu Ústavního soudu. Poznámky k neústavnosti nálezu Ústavního soudu rušícího ústavní zákon o zkrácení volebního období Poslanecké sněmovny

prof. dr hab. Maria Kruk-Jarosz: Mandat przedstawicielski w okresie transformacji ustrojowej

Dr Jerzy Rychlik: Status posła (polskiego) do Parlamentu Europejskiego

JUDr. Vít Šťastný: Připravovaná elektronická Sbírka zákonů a elektronický legislativní proces a jeho vliv na parlamentní proceduru přijímání zákonů a na Ústavní soud


Scientific Meeting

The scientific meeting on the theme the environmental law held on January 31, 2011, in 14.00.




1. section – grant project "Legal Protection Animals and welfare - international, community, national aspects.“ – JUDr. Hana Müllerová, Ph.D. (ISL) a JUDr. Vojtěch Stejskal, Ph.D. (FL UC in Prague),


2. section – "Actual issues of legal protection of biodiversity" – JUDr. Vojtěch Stejskal, Ph.D. (FL UC in Prague),


3. section - discussion.


The lecture of dr. Ivan Halasz (Institute of Legal Studies of the Hungarien Academy of Sciences) hold December 1, 2010, in 14.00 in the meeting room of the Institute on the theme New Constitution of the Hungarian Republic.

International conference

Faculty of Law P.J.Šafárika in Košice in the cooperation with Institute of State and Law of the CAS give the international conference

Obchodní právo a jeho širší kontexty/ Commercial Law and its wider context


Date and place: October 26.-28, 2010, in the hotel Patria, Štrbské Pleso.


Institute of State and Law CAS hold

WORKSHOP OF MEDICAL LAW/ MEDICÍNSKÉHO PRÁVA  a následné diskusní fórum k aktuálním otázkám právní odpovědnosti ve zdravotnických pracovníků z pohledu soukromého práva v ČR i EU.


Date and place: November 5, 2010, meeting room, Národní 18, Praha 1, floor 7.

Programme: 9.00-9.30 hod registration, 9.30-14.30 papers, 14.30 discussion.

Workshop is composed as a formal opportunity of medical law experts to get together. The schedule shall be particularly focused on the topical problems of liability of medical work.


Place: Národní 18, Praha 1, floor 7
Date: November 4, 2010, 10:00–15:00
Contact: tel.: 221 990 711, e-mail: ilaw@ilaw.cas.cz

International Conference

The Institute of Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of the State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the CR hold the international conference

Symbolical Aspects of the Continuity and Discontinuity of State and Law in Central Europe.

Date and place: 21.9.2010, Budapest 


1st Session

Chairman: Dr. Gábor Schweitzer PhD (Institute for Legal Studies of the HAS, Budapest)

Dr. habil. Tamás Nótári PhD (Institute for Legal Studies of the HAS, Budapest) Translatio imperii - Continuity of Empires in European Political Traditions

Dr. Iván Halász PhD (Institute for Legal Studies of the HAS, Budapest) Preambles of the Central European Constitutions and Their Symbolism

JUDr. Vít Šťastný (Institute of the State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague) Continuity and Discontinuity of Titles of Supreme State Organs in the European Countries of Communist Bloc with the Special Attention Paid to the Situation in Czechoslovakia

2nd Session

Chairman: Dr. Gábor Schweitzer PhD (Institute for Legal Studies of the HAS, Budapest

JUDr. Tomáš Pezl (Faculty of Law University of West Bohemia, Pilsen) Is the Czech Republic Really a Successor of Pre-war Czechoslovakia? Issue of Continuity of Czechoslovakia Through the Second World War

Dr. Károly Kisteleki PhD (Secretariat of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department for Economy and Law, Budapest) Continuity and Discontinuity in the History of the Hungarian Citizenship

JUDr. Michal Šejvl PhD (Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague) The Changing Role of State: State as a Mirror of Individual?

Discusion and farewell

mezinárodní konference Znojmo

Insitute of State and Law of the CAS and Faculty of Law UWB in Pilsen hold the international conference


METAMORFÓZY PRÁVA VE STŘEDNÍ EVROPĚ II. Dvacet let poté/Metamorphoses of Law in the Central Europe II. Twenty Years After


Date: 9. - 11.6.2010

Place: Znojmo, Loucký klášter


The conference “Law Metamorphoses II” purports to advance in the attempt to identify the main trends and problems in the area of law in the central Europe. Law belongs to the fundamental pillars of a progressive democratic state. We may observe a corruption increase, contempt of law even on the level of the highest state bodies, unqualified law-making, abuse of power by state administration, frauds in legal education, racially-oriented attacks, citizens´ growing distrust of the options of law enforcement etc. The main objective of the forthcoming conference is to search for the causes of these negative phenomena, designate them and primarily propose measures which would strengthen the role of law in our society.  


More konferenceznojmo@ilaw.cas.cz


In the same time


Metamorfózy veřejné správy II. aneb reforma po dvaceti letech/Metamorphoses of Public Administration


The colloquium focus on the public sector metamorphoses during the last twenty years and on the impulses brought about by the changing paradigm of the free market economy.


Institute of State and Law gave on April 4, 2010 in the conference room of the Academy of Sciences, Národní 3, Prague 1, No. 205 the conference

PARLAMENTNÍ DEMOKRACIE VERSUS ÚSTAVNOST/ Parliamentary Democracy Versus Compliance with the Constitution

There was a discussion concerning three topics embodied in the recent decisions of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Administrative Court regarding the conflict of two decision-making principles. The form of a presented discussion enabled touching upon some broader questions which have been opened by these decisions.


I. The sovereignty of the Czech Republic and the Lisbon Treaty.

II. Parliamentary democracy versus compliance with the Constitution; the substantial core of the Constitution or what is a constitutional law?

III. The abolition of political parties; Self-defence of democracy.