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9 Apr 11 - 1 Nov 14
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Seznam zahraničních a soukromých grantových příležitostí


ERC - Starting Independent Researcher Grants
eligibility: between 2 and 12 yrs postdoctoral experience, pioneering frontier research,
proven potential – at least one important publication without PhD thesis supervisor
geographical: EU + associates
duration: up to 5 yrs
award: up to 1.5 - 2 M€; 100% direct costs + 20% indirect costs
deadline: call late July, proposals due in autumn (October – November)
Scientific excellence the sole selection criterion

ERC - Advanced Investigators Grants

eligibility: scientific independence, exceptional leadership in the respective research field
documented by recent track record and significance of research contributions,
pioneering frontier research
geographical: EU + associates
duration: up to 5 yrs
award: up to 2.5 – 3.5 M€; 100% direct costs + 20% indirect costs
deadline: call in autumn, proposals due in spring
Scientific excellence the sole selection criterion

Welcome Trust - International Senior Research Fellowships
eligibility: between 5 and 10 yrs postdoctoral experience and substantial publication
record in leading international journals
geographical: Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia
duration: 5 yrs
award: salary, essential costs including consumables, equipment, collaborative travel,
research assistance and technical support if appropriate, flexible funding allowance
preliminary application deadline: 1. Oct 2011 ??? (not specified yet, based on last year)

HHMI - 2011 International Early Career Scientist Competition
eligibility: completed PhD, full-time independent reseracher position, doctoral, medical,
or postdoctoral training in the US, at least 2 first author original papers in peer-reviwed
En journals, first independent research position
starting date on or after Jan 1, 2004, independent position,
no major admin. Duties
geographical: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Hungary, India,
Italy, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey
duration: 5 yrs
award: 650 000 $
deadline: Feb 23. 2011 2PM US Eastern Time (20:00 CET)

EMBO - Installation Grants
eligibility: excellent publication record,
have spent at least 2 consecutive years prior to appl.
deadline outside the country and not be back longer than 2 yrs,
be negotiating a full-time position
geographical: Croatia, Estonia, Czech Rep., Portugal, Poland, Turkey
duration: 3-5 yrs
award: 50 000 € /year from EMBC member state + small benefits from EMBO
deadline: 15 April
