Jana2000 under MAC OS X

In this document we present our latest experience with installation and usage of Jana2000 under Mac OS X, the operating system of Apple MacIntosh.

Installation, detailed description for Mac OS X 10.3

Segmentation fault due to memory requirements
Jana2000 is a FORTRAN77 program without possibility to allocate computer memory dynamically. The sizes of various arrays used by the program are defined in the file source/params.cmn. By our experience the following steps are necessary for running Jana2000 in the MacOS X regardless on the actual size of the installed computer memory:

  • In source/params.cmn change MXA to 400 and MXREF to 200000. MXA is maximum number of atoms in M40, MXREF is maximum number of reflections in M95.
  • Move to parent sirectory where Makefile is located and run "make"
    The memory requirements can be lowered by changing some other parameters in params.cmn. However, the parameters are dependent and new settings may lead to an error during compilation or in the run time.

    Problems with X11 library after upgrade to Mac OS X 10.4.3. It may be necessary to reinstall X11.

    Mac OS X 10.4.3. requires -lSystemStubs for linker

    1. Go to directory jana2000 and find in the file Makefile section 
    # Darwin (MacOS X) - g77 compiler #
    2. Replace the line
    LINKLIBS = -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/X11R5/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
    LINKLIBS = -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/X11R5/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lSystemStubs
    3. run `make'

    Lukas Palatinus (palat@fzu.cz) is currently using Jana2000 under Mac OS X. He is the best person to contact in case of any troubles with Jana2000 specific for Mac OS X.