Logo of the Laboratory of Terahertz in Prague Laboratory of Terahertz Spectroscopy, Prague
a group of Department of Dielectrics at Institute of Physics, v.v.i.
Logo of the Institute of Physics


1) Main THz experiments

Custom-made setup for THz time-domain spectroscopy

Suitable for measurements of samples in steady state (solids, liquids; temperature range 10 – 900 K; application of high voltage up to 1.5 kV) and for optical pump—THz probe experiments; placed in a vacuum chamber. It can be operated in two modes:

MIRA seed: For the measurement of samples in steady state the experiment is driven with a femtosecond oscillator MIRA seed and uses a recently proposed high-brightness interdigitated semiconductor TeraSED photoswitch as the THz emitter and a 1 mm thick [110]-oriented ZnTe single crystal as an electro-optic (phase-sensitive) sensor.

Peak electric field 0.1 kV/cm
Average power 0.27 mW
Energy per pulse 3.5 pJ
Peak power 0.27 kW
Photons per pulse ~1.4×1010

ODIN amplifier: For the pump-probe measurement we use femtosecond amplified laser output and the THz pulses are generated via an optical rectification (difference frequency mixing) nonlinear process in a 1 mm thick [110]-oriented ZnTe crystal. An identical ZnTe crystal is used as a sensor for the phase sensitive detection.

Peak electric field 5 kV/cm
Average power 0.7 µW
Energy per pulse 0.7 nJ
Peak power 2.3 kW
Photons per pulse ~7×1011

Photo of the setup for THz spectroscopy
Fig. 1. Photo of the setup for THz spectroscopy.

Custom-made setup for THz near-field microscopy

The experiment is driven with a femtosecond oscillator VITESSE and uses an interdigitated semiconductor TeraSED photoswitch as the THz emitter and a 1 mm thick [110]-oriented ZnTe single crystal as an electro-optic (phase-sensitive) sensor.

Photo of the setup for THz near-field microscopy
Fig. 2. Photo of the setup for THz near-field microscopy.

2) Laser systems

3) Other equipment

Detailed descriptions of lasers

MIRA seed

Mira is used either for THz experiments with non-amplified pulses or it seed the multipass amplifier (ODIN).

Manufacturer Coherent Inc.
Mean wavelength 800 nm
Pulse length 50 – 80 fs (adjustable)
Spectral bandwidth 15 – 40 nm
Repetition rate 76 MHz
Energy per pulse 8 nJ
Photons per pulse ~3.5×1010
Average power 650 mW
Pulse peak power 140 kW

ODIN multipass amplifier

The Odin multipass amplifier is used either in THz experiments with amplified pulses and/or for pumping the optical parametric amplifier (TOPAS).

Manufacturer Quantronix
Pump laser 527-DP Nd:YLF 12 W
Mean wavelength 800 nm
Pulse length 40 fs (adjustable)
Spectral bandwidth 15 – 30 nm
Repetition rate 1 kHz
Energy per pulse 1 mJ
Photons per pulse ~4×1015
Average power 1 W
Pulse peak power 25 GW


The Vitesse system is used in conjunction with THz near field microscopy.

Manufacturer Coherent
Pump laser Verdi 4.5W
Mean wavelength 800 nm
Spectral bandwidth 10 – 15 nm
Repetition rate 80 MHz
Energy per pulse 11 nJ
Average power 1 W

TOPAS parametric amplifier

The TOPAS parametric amplifier (TOPAS = travelling-wave optical parametric amplifier of super-fluorescence) is typically used for photoexcitation in optical pump – THz probe experiments.

Manufacturer Light Conversion
Tuning range 240 – 3000 nm
Pulse length ~50 fs
Energy per pulse 1 – 100 µJ
(depending on the output wavelength)