Česká verze English version

Journal for popularization of biology, founded in 1853 by J.E. Purkyně

From the Red Book of Czech Molluscs – Gyraulus rossmaessleri and Wetlands

Beran L.

Gyraulus rossmaessleri is a small (4–7 mm) Ram’s-horn snail belonging to the family Planorbidae. As opposed to other related species this mollusc is considered to be strictly European with its centre of distribution in Central Europe. This snail prefers temporary wetlands and pools. In the Czech Republic is a critically endangered species and its occurrence is known from several areas (e.g. in the Elbe River basin around Teplice, NW. Bohemia; in the Odra River basin around Frýdlant, N. Bohemia, and Opava, Silesia; and in the Danube River basin it is known e. g. from the Litovelské Pomoraví Protected Landscape Area, C. Mo­ravia). Protection of wetlands and flood­plains is probably of greatest importance for the survival of this species.

© Photo L. Beran

© Photo L. Beran