Books published in 2004:

V. Svoboda, B. Jespersen, C. Cheyne (eds.): Pavel Tichý’s Collected Papers in Logic and Philosophy, Filosofia / University of Otago Press, Praha / Dunedin
The volume contains complete collection of papers by Pavel Tichý – a well known Czech logician and philosopher who belongs among the most original and controversial figures of modern philosophical logic. The book shows the development of Tichý’s views that lead to formation of the system of Transparent Intensional Logic. It also contains number of his polemic papers published in distinguish international journals.
J. Peregrin: Logika a logiky (Logic and logics. The system of classical propositional logic, its extensions and alternatives), Academia, Praha
In this book I present an overview of formal systems of propositional calculi, I discuss their properties and I deal with the question of their sense and their applicability. I discuss especially the systems of intuitionistic logic, many-valued logics, relevance logics and modal logics and I focus especially on the so-called Kripekan semantics based on the concept of possible world. I present also a certain generalitaion of the concept of propositional calculus and its semantics.

L. Běhounek (ed.): Logica Yearbook 2003, Filosofia, Praha
The volume comprises most of the papers presented at the international symposium LOGICA 2003. Reflecting the tradition of the LOGICA symposia, the papers deal with the broad range of problems in logic relevant to philosophy.
Volume may be ordered from Filosofia publishing house.
P. Materna: Conceptual Systems, Logos, Berlin
Notions of concept and conceptual system are explicated from the viewpoint of transparent intensional logic. This viewpoint is realistic, hostile to anti-realistic and relativist tendencies in some works of post-analytic philosophy. The logical analysis is inspired by the typed lambda-calculus.
