Programme L 07

Tuesday, 19 June >> morning session
Peter Schröder-Heister
Proof-Theoretic Versus Model-Theoretic Consequence
Peter Milne
A Formulation of First-Order Classical Logic in Natural Deduction with the Subformula Property
Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson
Metasemantic Information and the Scandal of Deduction
Karel Procházka
ω-Inferences and Tarski's Definition of Logical Consequence
Francesca Poggiolesi
A New Definition for the Došen's Principle
>> afternoon session
John Kearns
Illocutionary Origins of Familiar Logical Operator
Martin Pleitz, Benedikt Paul Göcke and Hanno von Wulfen
Possible Worlds in Terms of Incompatibility: An Alternative to Brandom's Analysis of Necessity
John Shosky
Talk, Techniques, Graphs, and Truth
Fabrizio Cariani
Disjunctive Obligations
Rafal Urbaniak
Conditional Logics and Tooley's Example
Richard E. Grandy and Daniel Osherson
A Some-Truth-Value Theory of Conditionals
Wednesday, 20 June >> morning session
Stephen Yablo
Truth and Aboutness
Federico Marulanda
Dialetheic Truth Theory: Inconsistency, Non-Triviality, Soundness, Incompleteness
Tuomas E. Tahko
The Metaphysical Status of Logic
Bartosz Wieckowski
Predication in Fiction
Mark C. R. Smith
Epistemic Quarantine: Mathematics, Truth, and Fiction
>> afternoon session
Heinrich Wansing and Yaroslav Shramko
Suszko's Thesis, Logical Many-Valuedness, and the Notion of a Logical System
Vítězslav Švejdar
Weak Theories and Essential Incompleteness
Alessandro Torza
Possibilia, Rigidity and Semantic Games
Francesca Boccuni
Plural Quantification and Predicative Foundations of Frege's Grundgezetse
James Harrington
Tense Logic in Einstein-Minkowski Space-Time
Thursday, 21 June >> morning session
Greg Restall
Proof Theory and Meaning: On the "Context of Deducibility"
Nils Kurbis
Harmony, Stability and Pluralism
Jaroslav Peregrin
Logic and Nothing Else
Demetra Christopoulou
How to Deal with Ianus' Face of Natural Numbers?
Vojtěch Kolman
Is Continuum Denumerable?
Friday, 22 June >> morning session
John MacFarlane
In Defense of Degrees
Jeremy J. Kelly
Frege and Russell on Assertion
Lionel Shapiro
Revenge and Expression
Mark Jago
Knowledge, Content and Rationality