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Matematický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, v.v.i.

Publications 2008

Publications of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.

Chapters of Monographs

  • Balcar, Bohuslav - Jech, Thomas,  Contributions to the Theory of Weakly Distributive Complete Boolean Algebras,  In Andrzej Mostowski and Foundational Studies. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2008, pp. 144-150.
  • Feireisl, Eduard,  Mathematical Methods in the Theory of Viscous Fluids,  In Handbook of Differential Equations: Evolutionary Equations, volume IV. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2008, pp. 57-101.
  • Le, Hong Van,  Parametrized Gromov-Witten invariants and topology of symplectomorphism groups,  In Group of Diffeomorphism. Tokyo: Mathematical Society of Japan, 2008, pp. 51-75.
  • Markl, Martin,  Operads and PROPs,  In Handbook of algebra 5. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2008, pp. 87-140.
  • Šilhavý, Miroslav,  Divergence measure vectorfields: their structure and the divergence theorem,  In Mathematical modelling of bodies with complicated bulk and boundary behaviour. Napoli: University of Napoli, 2008. pp. 217-237.

Papers in Scientific Journals

  • Ambrozie, Calin-Grigore,  Functional Commutant Lifting and Interpolation on Generalized Analytic Polyhedra,  Houston Journal of Mathematics, 2008, Vol.34, no.2, pp. 519-543.
  • Engliš, Miroslav,  Toeplitz operators and weighted Bergman kernels,  Journal of Functional Analysis, 2008, Vol.255, no.6, pp. 1419-1457.
  • Engliš, Miroslav,  Boundary behaviour of the Bergman invariant and related guantities,  Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2008, Vol.154, no.1, pp. 19-37.
  • Fabian, Marián,  Infimal convolution in Efimov-Stečkin Banach spaces,  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2008, Vol.339, no.1, pp. 735-739.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Novotný, A. - Petzeltová, Hana,  On the incompressible limit for the Navier-Stokes-Fourier system in domains with wavy bottoms,  Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2008, Vol.18, no.1, pp. 1-34.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Hillairet, M. - Nečasová, Šárka,  On the motion of several rigid bodies in an incompressible non-Newtoaian fluid,  Nonlinearity, 2008, Vol.21, no.6, pp. 1349-1366.
  • Bucur, D. - Feireisl, Eduard - Nečasová, Šárka - Wolf, J.,  On the asymptotic limit of the Navier-Stokes system on domains with rough boundaries,  Journal of Differential Equations, 2008, Vol.244, no.11, pp. 2890-2908.
  • Abels, H. - Feireisl, Eduard,  On a diffuse interface model for a two-phase flow of compressible viscous fluids,  Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 2008, Vol.57, no.2, pp. 659-698.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Málek, J. - Novotný, A. - Straškraba, Ivan,  Anelastic approximation as a singular limit of the compressible Navier-Stokes system,  Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 2008, Vol.33, no.3, pp. 157-176.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Novotný, A. - Petzeltová, Hana,  Layered incompressible fluid flow equations in the limit of low Mach number and strong stratification,  Physica. D, 2008, Vol.237, no.12, pp. 1466-1487.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Petzeltová, Hana - Trivisa, K.,  Multicomponent reactive flows: Global-in-time existence for large data,  Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 2008, Vol.7, no.5, pp. 1017-1047.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Petzeltová, Hana,  Non-standard applications of the Łojasiewicz-Simon theory: Stabilization to equilibria of solutions to phase-field models,  Banach Center Publications, 2008, Vol.81, -, pp. 175-184.
  • Bucur, D. - Feireisl, Eduard - Nečasová, Šárka,  On the asymptotic limit of flows pas a ribbed boundary,  Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 2008, Vol.10, no.4, pp. 554-568.
  • Bucur, D. - Feireisl, Eduard - Nečasová, Šárka,  Influence of wall roughness on the slip behavior of viscous fluids,  Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. A - Mathematics, 2008, 138A, no.5, pp. 957-973.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Málek, J. - Novotný, A.,  Navier´s slip and incompressible limits in domains with variable bottoms,  Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems, 2008, Vol.1, no.3, pp. 427-460.
  • Evans, W. D. - Gogatishvili, Amiran - Opic, Bohumír,  The reverse Hardy inequality with measures,  Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 2008, Vol.11, no.1, pp. 43-74.
  • Caetano, A.M. - Gogatishvili, Amiran - Opic, Bohumír,  Sharp embeddings of Besov spaces involving only logarithmic smoothness,  Journal of Approximation Theory, 2008, Vol.152, no.2, pp. 188-214.
  • Gogatishvili, Amiran - Kuliev, K. - Kulieva, G.,  Some conditions characterizing the reverse Hardy inequality,  Real Analysis Exchange, 2008, Vol.33, no.1, pp. 249-258.
  • Carro, M. - Gogatishvili, Amiran - Pick, L. - Martin, J.,  Weighted inequalities involving two Hardy operators with applications to embeddings of function spaces,  Journal of Operator Theory, 2008, Vol.59, no.2, pp. 309-332.
  • Bačák, M. - Hájek, Petr Pavel,  Mazur intersection property for Asplund spaces,  Journal of Functional Analysis, 2008, Vol.255, no.8, pp. 2090-2094.
  • Hájek, Petr Pavel - Johanis, M.,  Polyhedrality in Orlicz spaces,  Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2008, Vol.168, no.1, pp. 167-188.
  • Hájek, Petr Pavel - Johanis, M.,  Bump functions locally dependent on finitely many coordinates,  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2008, Vol.338, no.2, pp. 1131-1139.
  • Hakl, Robert,  Periodic boundary-value problem for third order linear functional differential equations,  Ukrainskii Matematichnii Zhurnal, 2008, Vol.60, no.3, pp. 413-425.
  • Chleboun, Jan,  An approach to the Sandia workshop static frame challange problem: A combination of elementary probabilistic, fuzzy set, and worst scenario tools,  Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2008, Vol.197, no.32, pp. 2500-2516.
  • Ilucová, Lucia,  O prawdopodobieństwie geometrycznym,  Studia ad Calculum Probabilitatis Eisque Didacticam Pertinentia II, 2008, Vol.59, N, pp. 17-29.
  • Jarušek, Jiří - Sofonea, M.,  On the solvability of dynamic elastic-visco-plastic contact problems,  ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2008, Vol.88, no.1, pp. 3-22.
  • Bock, I. - Jarušek, Jiří,  On nonstationary von Kármán variational inequalities,  Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, 2008, Vol.38, -, pp. 11-28.
  • Eck, C. - Jarušek, Jiří,  Solvability of Static Contact Problems with Coulomb Friction for Orthotropic Material,  Journal of Elasticity, 2008, Vol.93, no.1, pp. 93-104.
  • Jeřábek, Emil,  Independent Bases of Admissible Rules,  Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics. Logic Journal, 2008, Vol.16, no.3, pp. 249-267.
  • Komenda, Jan - van Schuppen, J. H. - Gaudin, B. - Marchand, H.,  Supervisory Control of Modular Systems with Global Specification Languages,  Automatica, 2008, Vol.44, no.4, pp. 1127-1134.
  • Komenda, Jan - van Schuppen, J. H.,  Modular Control of Discrete-Event Systems with Coalgebra,  IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2008, Vol.53, no.2, pp. 447-460.
  • Kopecká, Eva,  Spokes, mirros and alternating projections,  Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2008, Vol.68, no.6, pp. 1759-1764.
  • Gál, A. - Koucký, Michal - McKenzie, P.,  Incremental Branching Programs,  Theory of Computing Systems, 2008, Vol.43, no.2, pp. 159-184.
  • Krajíček, Jan,  An exponential lower bound for a constraint propagation proof system based on ordered binary decision diagrams,  Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2008, Vol.73, no.1, pp. 227-237.
  • Farwig, R. - Krbec, Miroslav - Nečasová, Šárka,  A weighted L.q - approach to Oseen flow around a rotating body,  Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2008, Vol.31, no.2, pp. 551-574.
  • Farwig, R. - Krbec, Miroslav - Nečasová, Šárka,  A weighted Lq-approach to Stokes flow around a rotating body,  Annali dell´Universitá di Ferrara, 2008, Vol.54, no.1, pp. 61-84.
  • Abels, H. - Schumacher, K. - Krbec, Miroslav,  On the Trace Space of a Sobolev Space with a Radial Weight,  Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, 2008, Vol.6, no.3, pp. 259-276.
  • Guenther, R. - Krejčí, Pavel - Sprekels, J.,  Small strain oscillations of an elestoplastic Kirchhoff plate,  ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2008, Vol.88, no.3, pp. 199-217.
  • Krejčí, Pavel - Sprekels, J.,  Clamped elastic-ideally plastic beams and Prandtl-Ishlinskii hysteresis operators,  Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems, 2008, Vol.1, no.2, pp. 283-292.
  • Brokate, M. - Eleuteri, M. - Krejčí, Pavel,  On a model for electromagnetic processes inside and outside a ferromagnetic body,  Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2008, Vol.31, no.13, pp. 1545-1567.
  • Krejčí, Pavel - Kuhnen, K.,  Existence, Uniqueness and L- infinity-stability of the Prandtl-Ishlinskii Hysteresis and Creep Compensator,  European Journal of Control, 2008, Vol.14, no.5, pp. 409-417.
  • Krejčí, Pavel,  Hysteresis rarefaction in the Riemann problem,  Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2008, Vol.138, -, pp. 1-10.
  • Brandts, J. - Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal,  On the equivalence of regularity criteria for triangular and tetrahedral finite element partitions,  Computers & Mathematics With Applications, 2008, Vol.55, no.10, pp. 2227-2233.
  • Křížek, Michal,  The rôle of the protractor in understanding the universe,  Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, 2008, Vol.37, no.1, pp. 36-47.
  • Brandts, J. - Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal,  The discrete maximum principle for linear simplicial finite element approximations of a reaction-diffusion problem,  Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2008, Vol.429, -, pp. 2344-2357.
  • Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal - Kropáč, Aleš,  Strong Regularity of a Family of Face-to-Face Partitions Generated by the Longest-Edge Bisection Algorithm,  Computational mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2008, Vol.48, no.9, pp. 1687-1698.
  • Křížek, Michal - Somer, L.,  Euclidean Primes Have the Minimum Number of Primitive Roots,  JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, 2008, Vol.12, no.1, pp. 121-127.
  • Baltaev, J.I. - Kučera, Milan,  Global bifurcation for quasivariational inequalities of reaction-diffusion type,  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2008, Vol.345, no.6, pp. 917-928.
  • Kufner, Alois - Kuliev, K. - Kulieva, G.,  The transformation method for parabolic equations and variational inequalities in non-cylidrical domains,  Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2008, Vol.28, no.1, pp. 17-36.
  • Le, Hong Van - Panák, Martin - Vanžura, Jiří,  Manifolds admitting stable forms,  Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 2008, Vol.49, no.1, pp. 101-117.
  • Le, Hong Van,  Weak equivalence classes of complex vector bundles,  Acta Mathematica Universitas Comenianae, 2008, LXXVII, no.1, pp. 23-30.
  • Lomtatidze, Alexander - Mukhigulashvili, Sulkhan - Šremr, Jiří,  Nonnegative solutions of the characteristic initial value problem for linear partial functional-differential equations of hyperbolic type,  Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2008, Vol.47, no.12, pp. 1292-1313.
  • Markl, Martin,  6Ln-invariant tensors and graphs,  Archivum mathematicum, 2008, Vol.44, no.5, pp. 449-463.
  • Maslowski, Bohdan - Pospíšil, J.,  Ergodicity and parameter estimates for infinite-dimensional fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process,  Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 2008, Vol.57, no.3, pp. 401-429.
  • Goldys, B. - Maslowski, Bohdan,  Orstein-Uhlenbeck bridge and applications to Markov semigroups,  Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2008, Vol.118, no.10, pp. 1738-1767.
  • Medková, Dagmar,  The successive approximation method for the Dirichlet problem in a planar domain,  Applications of Mathematics, 2008, Vol.35, no.2, pp. 177-192.
  • Medková, Dagmar - Varnhorn, W.,  Boundary value problems for the Stokes equations with jumps in open sets,  Applicable Analysis, 2008, Vol.87, no.7, pp. 829-849.
  • Müller, Vladimír - Neumann, M.M.,  Localizable spectrum and bounded local resolvent functions,  Archiv der Mathematik, 2008, Vol.91, no.2, pp. 155-165.
  • Miller, T.L. - Müller, Vladimír,  The closed range property Banach space operators,  Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 2008, Vol.50, no.1, pp. 17-26.
  • Kliš-Garlicka, K. - Müller, Vladimír,  Non-Operator Reflexive Subspace Lattices,  Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 2008, Vol.62, no.4, pp. 595-599.
  • Amrouche, Ch. - Nečasová, Šárka - Raudin, Y.,  Very weak, generalized and strong solutions to the Stokes system in the half-space,  Journal of Differential Equations, 2008, Vol.244, no.4, pp. 887-915.
  • Nečasová, Šárka,  Stokes and Oseen flow with Coriolis force in the exterior domain,  Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems, 2008, Vol.1, no.2, pp. 339-352.
  • Amrouche, Ch. - Nečasová, Šárka - Sokolowski, J.,  Shape differentiability of the Neumann problem of the Laplace equation in the half-space,  Control and Cybernetics, 2008, Vol.37, no.4, pp. 748-769.
  • Neuman, František,  Structure of solution spaces via transformation,  Applied Mathematics Letters, 2008, Vol.21, no.4, pp. 529-533.
  • Farwig, R. - Neustupa, Jiří,  On the spectrum of an Oseen-type operator arising from flow past a rotating body,  Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 2008, Vol.62, no.2, pp. 169-189.
  • Bellout, H. - Neustupa, Jiří,  A Navier-Stokes Approximation of the 3D Euler Equation with the Zero Flux on the Boundary,  Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 2008, Vol.10, no.4, pp. 531-553.
  • Gurka, P. - Opic, Bohumír,  Hardy inequality of fractional order,  Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2008, Vol.2, no.2, pp. 9-15.
  • Edmunds, D. E. - Opic, Bohumír,  Alternative characterisations of Lorentz-Karamata spaces,  Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2008, Vol.58, no.2, pp. 517-540.
  • Pravdová, Alena - Pravda, Vojtěch,  The Newman-Penrose formalism in higher dimensions: vacuum spacetimes with a non-twisting geodetic multiple Weyl aligned null direction,  Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2008, Vol.25, no.23, pp. 1-27.
  • Pudlák, Pavel,  Fragments of bounded arithmetic and the lengths of proofs,  Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2008, Vol.73, no.4, pp. 1389-1406.
  • Pylypenko, V. - Rontó, András,  On singular solutions of linear functional differential equations with negative coefficients,  Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2008, Vol.2008, N, pp. 1-16.
  • Rontó, Andrei - Pylypenko, V. - Dilna, N.,  On the unique solvability of a non-local boundary value problem for linear functional differential equations,  Mathematical Modeling and Analysis, 2008, Vol.13, no.2, pp. 241-250.
  • Rontó, Andrei - Pylypenko, V. - Dilna, N.,  Dejaki umovy odnoznáčnoji rozvjaznosti nelokálnoji krajovoji zadači dlja linijnych funkcioálno-diferenciálnych rivnjan,  Dopovidi Nacional´noj Akademii Nauk Ukrainy, 2008, Vol.2008, no.6, pp. 18-22.
  • Matucci, S. - Řehák, Pavel,  Regularly varying sequences and second order difference equations,  Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 2008, Vol.14, no.1, pp. 17-30.
  • Řehák, Pavel,  A Riccati technique for proving oscillation of a half-linear equation,  Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2008, Vol.2008, no.105, pp. 1-8.
  • Řehák, Pavel,  Regular variation on time scales and dynamic equations,  Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2008, Vol.5, no.2, pp. 1-10.
  • Řehák, Pavel - Vitovec, J.,  q-regular variation and q-difference equations,  Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 2008, Vol.41, no.49, pp. 1-10.
  • Řehák, Pavel,  Comparison of nonlinearities in oscillation theory of half-linear differential equations,  Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2008, Vol.121, no.2, pp. 93-105.
  • Matucci, S. - Řehák, Pavel,  Secon Order Linear Difference Equations and Karamata Sequences,  International Journal of Difference Equations, 2008, Vol.3, no.2, pp. 277-288.
  • Betekhtin, V.I. - Kadomtsev, A.G. - Král, Petr - Dvořák, Jiří - Svoboda, Milan - Saxl, Ivan - Sklenička, Václav,  Significance of Microdefects Induced by ECAP in Aluminium, Al-0,2%Sc Alloy and Copper,  Materials Science Forum, 2008, Vol.567-568, -, pp. 93-96.
  • Saxl, Ivan - Ilucová, Lucia - Svoboda, Milan - Sklenička, Václav - Betekhtin, V. I. - Kadomtsev, A. G. - Král, Petr,  Structural non-homogenity and thermal instability of ECAP aluminium,  Materials Science Forum, 2008, Vol.567-568, -, pp. 193-196.
  • Saxl, Ivan - Ilucová, Lucia - Svoboda, Milan - Sklenička, Václav - Betekhtin, V. I. - Kadomtsev, A. G. - Král, Petr,  Structural Non-homogeneity and Thermal Instability of ECAP Aluminium,  Materials Science Forum, 2008, Vol.568, no.1, pp. 193-196.
  • Saxl, Ivan - Ilucová, Lucia - Kalousová, A.,  Stereology of ultra-finegrained materials,  Inženieria Materialowa, 2008, XXIX, N, pp. 172-175.
  • Ponížil, P. - Saxl, Ivan - Procházka, J.,  Classification and computer simulations of 2D tessellations,  Materials Science Forum, 2008, Vol.568, no.2, pp. 281-284.
  • Procházka, J. - Ponížil, P. - Saxl, Ivan,  Grain Size Estimation in Anisotropic Materials,  Materials Science Forum, 2008, Vol.568, no.2, pp. 285-288.
  • Bruhn, H. - Černý, J. - Hall, A. - Kolman, P. - Sgall, Jiří,  Single source multiroute flows and cuts on uniform capacity networks,  Theory of Computing, 2008, Vol.4, no.1, pp. 1-20.
  • Král´, D. - Tichý, T. - Sgall, Jiří,  Randomized Strategies for the Plurality Problem,  Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2008, Vol.156, no.17, pp. 3155-3338.
  • Slavík, A. - Schwabik, Štefan,  Henstock-Kurzweil and McShane product integration; Descriptive definitions,  Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2008, Vol.58, no.1, pp. 241-269.
  • Federson, M. - Schwabik, Štefan,  Stability for retarded functional differential equations,  Ukrainskii Matematichnii Zhurnal, 2008, Vol.60, no.1, pp. 107-126.
  • Djordjevič, D.S. - Koliha, J. - Straškraba, Ivan,  On EP elements in a C*-algebra,  Linear & Multilinear Algebra, 2008, Vol.56, no.6, pp. 1-8.
  • Lucchesi, M. - Šilhavý, Miroslav - Zani, N.,  On the balance equation for stresses concentrated on curves,  Journal of Elasticity, 2008, Vol.90, no.2, pp. 209-223.
  • Lucchesi, M. - Šilhavý, Miroslav - Zani, N.,  Integration of measures and admissible stress fields for masonry bodies,  Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2008, Vol.3, no.4, pp. 675-696.
  • Šilhavý, Miroslav,  Cauchy´s stress theorem for stresses represented by measures,  Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2008, Vol.20, no.2, pp. 75-96.
  • Šilhavý, Miroslav,  Normal currents: structure, duality pairings and div-curl lemmas,  Milan Journal of Mathematics, 2008, Vol.76, no.1, pp. 275-306.
  • Padovani, C. - Pasquinelli, G. - Šilhavý, Miroslav,  Processes in masonry bodies and the dynamical significance of collapse,  Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2008, Vol.13, no.7, pp. 573-610.
  • Šremr, Jiří,  Weak theorems on differential inequalities for two-dimensional functional differential systems,  Portugaliae Mathematica, 2008, Vol.65, no.2, pp. 157-189.
  • Šremr, Jiří,  Nekotorye zamechaniya o linejnykh funkcional´no-differencial´nykh neravenstvakh giperbolicheskogo tipa,  Ukrainskii Matematichnii Zhurnal, 2008, Vol.60, no.2, pp. 283-292.
  • Kolodziejczyk, L. A. - Thapen, Neil,  The polynomial and linear hierarchies in models where the weak pigeonhole principle fails,  Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2008, Vol.73, no.2, pp. 578-592.
  • Halas, Z. - Tvrdý, Milan,  Singular Periodic Impulse Problems,  Nonlinear Oscillations, 2008, Vol.11, no.1, pp. 32-44.
  • Panák, M. - Vanžura, Jiří,  Three-Forms and Almost Complex Structures on Six-Dimensional Manifolds,  Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2008, Vol.84, no.2, pp. 247-263.
  • Čadek, M. - Crabb, M. - Vanžura, Jiří,  Obstruction theory on 8-manifolds,  Manuscripta mathematica, 2008, Vol.127, no.2, pp. 167-186.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš - Šolín, Pavel,  Static condensation, partial orthogonalization of basis functions, and ILU preconditioning in the hp-FEM,  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008, Vol.218, -, pp. 192-200.
  • Šolín, Pavel - Vejchodský, Tomáš,  Higher-order finite elements based on generalized eigenfunctions of the Laplacian,  International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2008, Vol.73, no.10, pp. 1374-1394.

Contributions to International Proceedings

  • Ebenlendr, Tomáš - Krčál, Marek - Sgall, Jiří,  Graph balancing: A special case of scheduling unrelated parallel machines,  In Proceedings of the 10th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA). San Francisco: ACM-SIAM, 2008, pp. 483-490.
  • Feireisl, Eduard,  Asymptotic Properties of a Class of Weak Solutions to the Navier-Stokes-Fourier System,  In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems held in Ecole Normale Supérieure. Berlin: Springer, 2008, pp. 511-522.
  • Evans, W. D. - Gogatishvili, Amiran - Opic, Bohumír,  The .rho.-quasiconcave Functions and Weighted Inequalities,  In Inequalities and Applications. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2008, pp. 121-132.
  • Gogatishvili, Amiran - Kufner, Alois - Persson, L. E.,  An Equivalence Theorem with Application to Hardy´s Inequality,  In Trudy 3-j Meždunarodnoj konferencii Funkcional´nyje prostranstva. Differencial´nyje operatory. Obščaja topologija. Problemy matematičeskogo obrazovanija , posv. 85-letiju L. D. Kudrjavceva. Moskva: MFTI, 2008, pp. 278-298.
  • Chleboun, Jan,  The Worst Scenario Method a Red Thread Running Through Various Approaches to Problems with Uncertain Input Data,  In Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Proceedings of ENUMATH 2007. Berlin: Springer, 2008. pp. 3-14.
  • Bock, I. - Jarušek, Jiří,  On the dynamic contact problem for a von Kármán plate,  In Proceedings of the 9th ASME Engineering Systems Design and Analysis Conference ESDA 2008. Haifa: ASME, 2008, pp. 1-8.
  • Bock, I. - Jarušek, Jiří,  On the hyperbolic contact problem for a von Kármán plate,  In Proc. International Conference on Mathematics and Continuum Mechanics. Coimbra: Centro Internacional de Matemática Morada, 2008. s. 85-91.
  • Komenda, Jan - van Schuppen, J. H.,  Coordination Control of Discrete Event Systems,  In Proceedings of WODES 2008: 9th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. Göteborg: Ihe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2008, pp. 9-15.
  • Komenda, Jan - Lahaye, S. - Boimond, J.-L.,  Control of (max,+) automata: logical and timing aspects,  In Proceedings of WODES 2008: 9th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. Göteborg: Ihe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2008, pp. 55-60.
  • Avin, Ch. - Koucký, Michal - Lotker, Z.,  How to Explore a Fast-Changing World (Cover Time of a Simple Random Walk on Evolving Graphs),  In Proceedings of 35th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, ICALP 2008. Berlin: Springer, 2008, pp. 121-132.
  • Allender, E. - Koucký, Michal,  Amplifying Lower Bounds by Means of Self-Reducibility,  In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2008. Maryland: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008, pp. 31-40.
  • Buhrman, H. - Koucký, Michal - Vereshchagin, N.K.,  Randomised Individual Communication Complexity,  In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2008. Maryland: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008, pp. 321-331.
  • Alon, N. - Avin, Ch. - Koucký, Michal - Kozma, G. - Lotker, Z. - Tuttle, M.R.,  Many random walks are faster than one,  In Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, SPAA 2008. Mnichov: ACM, 2008, pp. 119-128.
  • Hannukainen, A. - Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal,  On a Bisection Algorithm that Produces Conforming Locally Refined Simplicial Meshes,  In Large-Scale Scientific Computing. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. pp. 574-582.
  • Macháčková, Jana,  Is it possible to teach joint reflection? Investigation, missunderstanding, guestions,  In 4th Yerme Summer School. Trabzon: Karadeniz Technical University, 2008, pp. 120-125.
  • Kračmar, S. - Nečasová, Šárka - Penel, P.,  Remarks on the nonhomogeneous Oseen problem arising from modeling of the fluid around a rotating body,  In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems held in Ecole Normale Supérieure. Berlin: Springer, 2008, pp. 775-782.
  • Kračmar, S. - Nečasová, Šárka - Penel, P.,  L.q-approach to weak solutions of the Oseen flow around a rotating body,  In Parabolic and Navier-Stokes Equations. Warszawa: Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2008. pp. 259-276.
  • Neuman, František,  On efficiency of the criterion for equivalence of linear differential equations,  In XXVI International Colloquium, Proceedings CD-ROM. Brno: University of Defence, 2008, pp. 1-7.
  • Pravda, Vojtěch,  Classification of the Weyl tensor in higher dimensions and its applications,  In Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. Singapore: World Scientific, 2008, pp. 1323-1325.
  • Pravda, Vojtěch - Zaslavskii, O.B.,  Distorted Killing Horizons and Algebraic Classification of Curvature Tensors,  In Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. Singapore: World Scientific, 2008, pp. 2231-2233.
  • Pravdová, Alena,  VSI & VSli spacetimes in Higher Dimensions,  In Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. Singapore: World Scientific, 2008, pp. 1305-1307.
  • Pudlák, Pavel,  Twelve Problems in Proof Complexity,  In Computer Science - Theory and Applications. Berlin: Springer, 2008. pp. 11-27.
  • Gavinsky, D. - Pudlák, Pavel,  Exponential Separation of Quantum and Classical Non-Interactive Multi-Party Communication Complexity,  In 23rd Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity. Maryland: IEEE Computer Society, 2008. pp. 332-339.
  • Bartošek, M. - Lhoták, Martin - Rákosník, Jiří - Sojka, P. - Šárfy, M.,  The DML-CZ project: Objectives and first steps,  In Communicating mathematics in the digital era. Wellesley, Massachusetts: A. K. Peters, 2008, pp. 75-86.
  • Rákosník, Jiří - Sojka, P.,  From Pixels and Minds to the Mathematical Knowledge in a Digital Library,  In DML 2008. Towards Digital Mathematics Library. Brno: Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 2008. pp. 17-27.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Conventional and inventional representations in pupil´s communication,  In ICME 11 (11th International Congress on Mathematical Education). Monterrey: UANL, 2008, pp. 1-8.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Geometry teaching from the viewpoint of various representational environments,  In ICME 11 (11th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Poster Presentations and Round Tables. Monterrey: UANL, 2008, pp. 88-88.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Convention and invention in pupils´ mathematical communication,  In International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME 32 and PME-NA XXX. Morelia: Cinvestav-UMSNH, 2008, pp. 302-302.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  The pupils' interpretation of mathematics writings,  In Supporting Independent Thinking Through Mathematical Education. Rzeszów: WUR, 2008, pp. 181-187.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Language structures of pupils within problem posing and problem solving,  In Supporting Independent Thinking Through Mathematical Education. Rzeszów: WUR, 2008, pp. 243-243.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Vzorování,  In Učitelský nápadník pro 2. stupeň ZŠ a víceletá gymnázia. Praha: Raabe, 2008, pp. 1-14.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Representační prostředí pro shodná zobrazení v rovině,  In Dva dny s didaktikou matematiky 2008. Praha: PedF UK, 2008. pp. 115-120.
  • Hošpesová, A. - Tichá, Marie,  K problematice oborově didaktických kompetencí učitelů matematiky a jejich zkoumání,  In Metodologické problémy výzkumu didaktických znalostí obsahu (kolektivní monografie). Brno: Paido, 2008, pp. 77-88.
  • Benke, G. - Hošpesová, A. - Tichá, Marie,  The Use of Action Research in Teacher Education,  In Participants in Mathematics Teacher Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2008, pp. 283-308.
  • Tichá, Marie,  Wir lernen die Missverständnisse und Fehlvorstellungen der Studenten zu beheben,  In 42. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik. Münster: WTM-Verlag, 2008, pp. 761-764.
  • Tichá, Marie,  Developing teachers´subject didactic competence: case of problem posing,  In Supporting Indipendent Thinking Through Mathematical Education. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2008, pp. 154-155.
  • Vanžura, Jiří,  Special n-forms on a 2n-dimensional vector space,  In Differential Geometry and its Applications. Singapore: World Scientific, 2008, pp. 353-370.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš,  On Efficient Solution of Linear Systems Arising in hp-FEM,  In Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications. Proceedings of ENUMATH 2007, the 7th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Graz, Austria, September 2007. Berlin: Springer, 2008, pp. 199-206.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš - Erban, R.,  Deterministic and Stochastic Models of Dynamics of Chemical Systems,  In Proceedings of Seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 14. Praha: Institute of Mathematics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2008, pp. 220-225.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš,  Computational Comparison of the Discretization and Iteration Errors,  In SNA´08 Modelling and Simulation of Challenging Engineering Problems. Liberec: Technical Universiity of Liberec, 2008, pp. 131-134.

Contributions to Regional Proceedings

  • Roubíček, Filip,  Geometrické modelování,  In Dva dny s didaktikou matematiky 2007. Praha: Univerzita Karlova PedF, 2008, pp. 70-73.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Pět námětů pro výuku algebry,  In Dva dny s didaktikou matematiky 2007. Praha: Univerzita Karlova PedF, 2008, pp. 152-157.
  • Saxl, Ivan,  Alfred Binet a počátky testování inteligence,  Informační bulletin České statistické společnosti, 2008, Vol.19, N, pp. 10-25.
  • Šolín, P. - Segeth, Karel - Doležel, I.,  Space-time adaptive hp-FEM: Methodology overview,  In Proceedings of Seminar, Dolní Maxov 2008. Praha: Matematický ústav AV ČR,v.v.i, 2008. pp. 185-200.
  • Segeth, Karel,  A posteriori error estimates for adaptive finite element methods,  In ICPM´08. Liberec: Technical University of Liberec, 2008. pp. 73-80.
  • Tichá, Marie,  Tvoření úloh jako jedna z cest rozvíjení profesionality učitelů,  In Matematické vzdělávání z pohledu žáka a učitele primární školy. Olomouc: UPOL, 2008, pp. 264-268.
  • Tichá, Marie,  Tvoření úloh v přípravě učitelů matematiky,  In 11. setkání učitelů matematiky všech typů a stupňů škol. Plzeň: Vydavatelský servis, 2008, pp. 309-314.

Research Reports

  • Ebenlendr, Tomáš - Sgall, Jiří,  A lower bound for scheduling of unit jobs with immediate decision on parallel machines,  KAM-DIMATIA Series 2008-896 and ITI Series 2008-417.
  • Ebenlendr, Tomáš - Sgall, Jiří,  Semi-online preemptive scheduling: One algorithm for all variants,  KAM-DIMATIA Series 2008-895 and ITI Series 2008-416.
  • Rákosník, Jiří,  Launching the DML-CZ. Czech Digital Mathematics Library.
  • Zajíček, Ondřej,  A Note on Scheduling Parallel Unit Jobs on Hypercubes,  ITI Series 2008-418.

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