David Herčík
work | Astronomical Institute, ASCR and Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR |
address | Boční II/1401, 14131 Prague 4, Czech Republic |
tel | +420 267 103 389 |
dh{at}ig.cas.cz | |
david.hercik{at}ufa.cas.cz |
- 2007-present: Ph.D. degree studies in Applied Physics at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Electronics, Czech Technical University in Prague. Thesis advisors: Dr. Ing Pavel Trávníček and Prof. Ing. Jiří Limpouch. Thesis title: Planetary investigation by global simulations
- 2002-2007: Masters degree in Applied Physics from the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Electronics, Czech Technical University in Prague. Thesis advisors: Dr. Ing Pavel Trávníček and Ing. Jaroslav Pavel. Thesis title: Development of the Magnetic Field Sensor.
Job experiences
- 2010-present: Employed as the graduate student at the Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
- 2007-present: Employed as the graduate student at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
- 2004-2007: Employed as the undergraduate student at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Extracurricular activities
- 2010, 1.1.-31.3.: Internship at TU-Braunschweig, Germany. Magnetometer sensor development.
- 2009 September: ROSETTA peer review (ESA) for a PSA data archive for a Steins flyby for instruments RPC-IES,RPC-LAP.
- 2009, 14.-18.4.: Short term stay at TU-Braunschweig, Germany
- 2008, 7-22.7.: Short term stay in Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA,LA,USA) asa JPL affiliatee.
- 2007, September: Short term stay in LESIA laboratory, Paris-Meudon, France.
- Travnicek, P. M., P. Hellinger, D. Schriver, D. Hercik, J. A. Slavin, and B. J. Anderson (2009), Kinetic instabilities in Mercury's magnetosphere: three-dimensional simulation results, Geophys. Res. Lett. 36, L07104, doi:10.1029/2008GL036630.
- P.M. Travnicek D. Schriver P. Hellinger D. Hercik B.J. Anderson, M. Sarantos J.A. Slavin. Mercury's magnetosphere-solar wind interaction for northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field: Hybrid simulation results. Icarus, 2010.
- Pavel M. Travnicek, Stepan Stverak, David Hercik, Petr Hellinger, Jean-Pierre Lebreton, ZdenÄk Kozacek, Jan Brinek, DSLP instrument on board ROBA 2 Instrument overview and first observations, PROBA 2 workshop, 22/06/2010, ESTEC, Netherlands, oral
- Travnicek, P. M., P. Hellinger, D. Schriver, D. Hercik, B. J. Andreson, M. Sarantos, J. A. Slavin, EGU2010-7202: Mercury's magnetosphere-solar wind interaction for northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field: Hybrid simulation results, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, May 2010.
- Hercik, D., P. M. Travnicek, D. Schriver, P. Hellinger, SM31B-1876: Ion foreshock and magnetosheath properties in global hybrid simulations, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 2010.
- Hercik D., P. M. Travnicek, S. Stverak, P. Hellinger, J.-P. Lebreton,.Z. Kozacek, J. Brinek, EGU2010-10648: The DSLP Langmuir Probe experiment on-board Proba2: instrument design and rst in-ight operations, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, May 2010.
- Travnicek, P., D. Hercik, S. Stverak, P. Hellinger, J.-P. Lebreton, Z. Kozacek, and J. Brinek, EGU2009-11967: The DSLP Langmuir Probe experiment on-board Proba2: scientic objectives and description, EGU Vienna, April 2009.
- Travnicek, P., S. Stverak, D. Hercik, P. Hellinger, J.-P. Lebreton, Z. Kozacek, and J. Brinek (2008), The DSLP Langmuir Probe experiment on-board Proba2: scientic objectives and description, AGU Fall General Assembly, San Francisco, 15. 12. - 19. 12. 2008.